Old Guys Rage About a Kids Show - And why SBAF is bad for you

Discussion in 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' started by Rockwell, Jun 17, 2022.

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  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    Personally, I think 90% of you guys should get the hell out of SBAF. This is not because I am being mean-spirited. It's because this hobby, the Internet, SBAF is EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY FOR YOU. Of course I would miss all of you guys. Of course, of course!

    f**k dudes, get out and join a hiking group, biking group, kayak group, car racing group, rock band, or if you are not athletically or musically inclined, do some volunteer work, community work, religious work (even if you are not religous). Charity work means lots of hot chicks (or dudes or whatever you are into). That most of you guys are smart and probably have good jobs (how the f**k do you guys afford this shit) means that girls will be attracted to you. Trust me.

    God dammit, stop watching Jordan Peterson, and do something, something with your own hands to better the world, whether that means building homes or passing out food to less fortunate, wheeling patients out of recovery rooms, or protesting a cause that you strongly believe in. Self-pity related mental illness is because of turning inward, not outward. Helping other people in shittier circumstances than you makes you realize that your problems are nothing, nil, zip.

    Out! Out of your caves! No more toobs. No more digital doofus converters. No more transformers. No more passive pots. No more hemming and hawing over the latest NOS DAC or upsampling algorithms.

    A few have already left SBAF and succeeded with their lives. These are the guys who may just pop in now and then as readers, or on occasion to offer interesting gear for me to review. These are the guys who won.

    P.S. @zerodeefex is calling as it is. Radical candor hurts. The Romulans in Picard didn't invent it first. And it's not Peterson he's talking about. It's about something much more.
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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  2. murphythecat

    murphythecat GRU-powered uniformed trumpkin

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    Apr 4, 2016
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    wtf is this shit

    nah seriously, how low do you have to go to defend that asshole zerofeeler?

    im actully amazed by this.

    SBAF self destroy due to one stupid asshole mod.

  3. murphythecat

    murphythecat GRU-powered uniformed trumpkin

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    so superbestaudiofriends will ask 90% of people to leave just to defend one asshole mod

    this mod actually destroyed my desire to continue on this website.

    farewell assholes and f**k you zerofeeler. your a real POS
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  4. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Serious Post

    I love reading comics. It's a medium that even today gets a lot of bad rap. It's different since it isn't in video motion with sound. You have to think about the sound in your head when reading them.

    I been very disappointed with the American Comic Industry for years. I was never really into superheros, and it seems DC/Marvel will whore out their IPs forever. Too many reboots, and as of late too many people who write comics to reflect their political viewpoint.

    For most people, people read comics to take a break of their everyday life. They do not need to be reminded of real world crap when reading.

    I was laughing super hard with this newer Superman comic. DC was doing this "gimmick" that Superman son (I think) is bi-sexual (that will be forgotten in a few months), but what was really stupid was this:


    So let me get this straight: You are saying that Superman is going to hold a sign and protest about Global Warming when he is f'ing Superman. Are the writers really that f'ing stupid!!!????

    No wonder more people like me say f**k this crap. Then again, when DC/Marvel are owned by WB/Disney then their comic books are most like a side thought than anything else.

    I really agree with what Stan Lee said years back:

    And he was true to his word. People forget that one reason why Magneto was the way he is was he was a German Jew who survived the Nazis, and wanted the Mutants to not be killed. It is done nicely without being ham-fisted down my asshole.

    I don't even care if the American Comic Book Industry goes away, they haven't been in my radar for years. Most of us dorks just went into manga and been in manga for decades (like I am). Go to your local Barnes and Noble and see how big the manga section is over the American Comic Book section. At least with manga there is something for everyone of all ages and interest. Most importantly: The story telling quality is great.
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    LOL, another one bites the dust.
  6. haywood

    haywood Friend

    Oct 22, 2015
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    You’re railing against a societal shift. Arguing (rightly) that people should spend less time online and more time doing anything else is like arguing against a hurricane. If you think it’s bad now wait until vr/ar really takes off and 90% of people you interact with face to face are constantly jacked in.

    Drake? Cool role model. He’s known for being a predator with a thing for underage girls. Then again a lot of people turned a blind eye towards R. Kelly too.

  7. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Can someone tell me what is supposedly so woke about Obi-Wan Kenobi? Especially something that’s woke about Obi-Wan Kenobi that you could not say the same about the OT or PT. @Rockwell I’d like to know what is so woke about Kenobi that you found it nauseating.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Oh my. Did you think I was serious?

    I was merely pointing out the ridiculousness of attributing anyone with xM subs on YouTube as some sort of holy person (hated by 1 out of 8, but loved by the rest) who helps people get back on their feet in society. Also I also thought that by mentioning Drake, it would be pretty darn obvious I was not serious. Tony Robbins would have been a closer call though.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  9. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    Not trying to play the schadenfreude card and hoping I keep my head down low enough to not induce the ban-hammer, and I don't really give much attention to JP's "philosophical" constructs, but there's this. I hope he finds some solace to his physical troubles, and can return to a healthy life, despite any disagreement i may have with his advice on how to understand our complex social interactions.
  10. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend

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    nowhere and everywhere
    I'm fine with harem... but musically that was the strangest, most bewildering "song" I've listened to in a long time. 4M views in one day... wow

    Highlight was definitely the white guy singing during the credits... "I'm the best... you've f'ing ever had... YEAH... line up here ladies..."

    Someone in WWE should make that his walkout song :D

    I cant sphel
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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    It's pretty hilarious. I also think it's hilarious that it's been lost on some folk of the import of his latest album - how it was dropped. 4M is genius. It's HUGE among young people. I mean I'm pretty old and out of touch, but I'm not that old. Muhahahahaha.

    I figure he's trying a bit to do what Kanye did with his "experimental" Donda album. I mean, SBAF didn't even talk about Donda, even in passing. That's kinda of embarrassing for an audio site. In the end, Drake's still Drake.
  12. zerodeefex

    zerodeefex SBAF's Imelda Marcos

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    Wish we had a :rofl: reaction for this one
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  13. Gazny

    Gazny MOT: ETA Audio

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    I love Donda, and yes even the Deluxe, and Donda 2, and I've seen them live on a iPhone to a Bose speaker next to my partner who entertained the whole thing as I toughly enjoyed it.
    yes I said Bose Bluetooth and enjoyed in the same sentence.

    Sure it all has this "Ima fix wolves" vibe to it, but to me that makes it art. It isn't perfect and immutable like some tracks. One week I think it is great, and it gives me a different sense of what it means to be Kanye to Ye. All the money in the world and he still feels pain.

    As for Drake, CLB was a miss for me.

    Honestly, Nevermind...
  14. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Kids, their mommy, and I listened to Donda one evening on the bed straight from an iPhone. All of us made funny faces at times, but we listened to it through. Kanye brought us a fleeting moment of joy in our lives and I'm grateful for that. A lot of the fun is just talking about these albums with family and friends. C'mon, which one of us wasn't going Donda Donda Donda... :D
  15. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    This guy is so full of shit. Now it's not like I don't believe that Affirmative Action is worthy of debate. It's just that he makes things out to be so much worse not as they really are.

    Yes, of course we want a competent brain surgeon if our dads get a brain tumor. But that fact is, what Affirmative Action does is simply give certain people an opportunity. Ultimately, if people can't hack it, they can't hack it, regardless of skin color. This is how real life works. Are they taking anyone's seat? Not at all, not the in long term. I know that UC Bezerkly intentionally limited Asians when I applied. It was a common joke in the late 80s, oh you're white so you got it. I missed Bezerkly by a bit, but got accepted by UCLA and Davis. Oh no, the horrors of affirmative action (for white people since UCs were getting too many Asians)!

    One of the best information security people I've had the luxury of working with had a bachelor's degree in psychology from I don't know where. Shonda Rhimes is sought after because she produces shows that people love to watch. If shows suck because they suck, then they won't be renewed, eventually. Affirmative action doesn't result in incompetent black brain surgeons.

    The cream always, always rises to the top. Affirmative action is but a very very minor inconvenience on the way there if you are even "negatively" affected at all. Sometimes we need to shake that bottle a bit - mix things up to loosen up the cream stuck at the bottom.

    Peterson is a f'ing piece of shit. He's just making fallacious excuses for losers who would have never been able to hack it anyway.
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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  16. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    We see it burbling in academia, which many would argue is the 'worst' place for wokeness and affirmative action. People have got it into their heads that it is impossible for a white male to get hired, and it simply isn't true.

    The way it works is very simple..... You have an external auditor make sure the job ad isn't biased in any way. You sometimes have a third party blind any identifying information in an application package, hiding anything that might identify race or gender. You create a shortlist, then you get to see identities. Everyone is interviewed, and then you rank candidates.

    If you have two equally ranked top candidates, then - and only then - do you make a decision about making a diversity hire. Essentially, if one of the equally ranked candidates is from an under-represented group, it gives them a leg up in the coin toss.

    It pretty much never happens that a second ranked candidate get offered a position just because of EDI concerns.
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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  17. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    What's missing is any discussion of old-school organizations with rigid structures, pretending as if they don't exist. We're talking about organizations that could have and would have benefited if they had diversity programs. I worked for one of them (all white people in management positions) and was frustrated for years. I was working with paper pushers, people promoted above me because they were not only white, but also part of the club. I only succeeded somewhat because I was sponsored by an external patron of this organization who was sick of the gridlock. A wise experienced business person who saw my frustrations cryptically assured me: the cream always rises to the top.

    I found success later. Just not that that place, but at a different place that appreciated what I could bring.

    And the losing candidate, who is just as qualified, still gets the job, just at another place. Peterson's argument is a false argument because he posits to the audience that this losing candidate, who presumably lost out to a person of color, is forever fucked. It's rhetorical device designed to appeal his audience of losers. It's utter nonsense.

    The cream always rises to the top. Sometimes, it doesn't take the most direct path. Meritocracy is a bitch Porker. This is why Drake and Ye have more YT subs. Maybe I should have mentioned Aerosmith, because those guys, being white, certainly didn't f**k around with underage groupies.
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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  18. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    Everything Disney does is intentionally woke, and they explicitly will tell you that this is so and why they are doing it, from the very top on down. They're even willing to put aside their primary profit motive and go to war with the state of Florida (and a comfortable majority of actual parents everywhere) for their woke ideology.

    As to why Peterson is relevant, it's because he is one of the few popular cultural critics out there with the personal qualities, training, and philosophical commitments to take on this ideology and refute it in an intelligent and relevant way... Not that he does not make mistakes and steps in it like everyone else.

    As far as getting away from dysfunctional social media world and doing something constructive, that's an essential principal he entirely agrees with. He recommends starting with 'setting your house in order' (simplified to easily understood prescriptions like "clean your room"), because that's in fact where a lot of people are at - step .05

    In the last 10 years, but particularly since COVID, we've had a serious uptick in the number of disaffected and dysfunctional young men (< 30) who wonder into our Orthodox Church with all sorts of crazy ideas about how it is an expression of "Holy Russia" or some similar puritanical nonsense. On more than one occasion I have recommended (not that they listen to me, or are even really capable of listening) that they pick up Peterson's book, and leave the Bible and the liturgy and the "Fathers" and theology and cultural/political controversy and social media to one side and work on the basics. Most of them don't come back and for good reason.

    Anyhoo, it's aparent to me @zerodeefex does not know what hell he's talking about when it comes to Peterson, and/or is a true believer in transhumanism and was triggered that I and others don't believe and think it related to the bad art coming out of Disney. I thought a rational defense of what the man actually says/does was needed.

    Wrong, and my wife could name names if she had to - and this was of a class 20 years ago. True these affirmative action hacks aren't brain surgeons - they're mostly practicing family medicine in a horrifyingly bad way, but misdiagnosing at that level causes on aggregate more death and suffering than all the brains surgeons stacked up. True not taking anybody else's seat, but but the seat they have made for themselves should not be occupied at all. The only mitigating factor is that they're more likely than average to be sued out of practicing, so I suppose that's a win for our otherwise broken litigious system...:p
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  19. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    I did not watch this video, but I wonder if you're missing something. I admit I've mostly just watched his stuff on Genesis and symbolic interpretation, but in the stuff I have watched he's always very upfront that life is not a zero-sum game.
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  20. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    This is where I stand: don't watch it if it sucks.

    I've seen two episodes of Kenobi. Where is the wokeness?

    As for new Star Wars, I'm not sure it's woke. I mean making sure the black dude can't have sex with the white girl or Asian girl, but only with another black girl? That's some miscegenation shit there.
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