Merv's Politically Incorrect Audio Blog

Discussion in 'SBAF Blogs' started by purr1n, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson) Pyrate Contributor

    Jul 31, 2016
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    @YMO , I won't argue with your experience but...

    Sorry, that's about all the energy I have left tonight.

  2. JK47

    JK47 Friend Pyrate

    Oct 31, 2022
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    Done publicly and televised for all
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  3. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    Pay per view. Proceeds to go rehab addicts, training prisoners, addressing homelessness.

    I'm telling you guys, we need enlightened dictatorship. Fast decisions, quick implementation. No polarized Congress being unable to decide, ceding more and more decisions to the Executive and Judicial branches.
  4. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer Pyrate Contributor

    Feb 25, 2017
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    All I'll say is that trauma elicits hypervigilance.

    People who've grown up in very conservative places are then privy to all the reasons that such systems are inherently harmful and deeply flawed; conversely, people who grew up or had formative experiences around relatively modern overly-permissive and lacking-accountability will be less charitable towards THAT.
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  5. mediumroast

    mediumroast Facebook Friend

    Dec 8, 2021
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    First of the mentality.

    For us, the 30 year olds. It's a myth that Nato defended its borders with good will, or that there was some kind of a pacifist only attitude that worked. For us the Cold War history is more important & relevant and not enough people know what it was actually about. This is the context. Maybe the civilization can continue on a more civil route in decades. Who knows.

    Conscription can be Ok good with high quality training. For example, test exercise show that well trained conscripts can have at least as good outcomes in the range. Of course, I agree. Ones that stay in the service for longer have exp + more skills.

    Sweden picked conscription. The arguments are probably. You need good basic training + add some profession to it and its Ok. + You don't need to upkeep loads of people by paying salaries. If you spend your x billion budget you can choose where the money is spent.

    National Guard in the USA and similar are a good idea. These are people who are willing to put their time into it and are motivated. They likely develop in-depth skills and have more experience that conscripts.

    Similar branches like NG can be paid or unpaid.

    I think, some kind of service is Good for young people, in general.

    Example. I had the alarm at 5:55 and was running ~3km every morning, -10deg C + sea breeze. No easy jogging either. We were given a rating based on performance.

    If the society want young people to be cupcakes who can't pick up a tool, or do anything remotely useful - so be it!
    Since the school teaches some "liberal arts" classes that have very little daily relevance, people needs some kind of teachings and lessons from somewhere. Be it a job or some kind of service to the country.

    I think these services should be gender equal, though. Women can choose to do some civil service / support / or something else useful or join the regular service.

    That's when I am being asked the question. How and what?
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
  6. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made" Contributor

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Whilst your remedies (in some minor cases) might be a tad harsh, your sentiment is spot-on - @purr1n to FIX community, first one has to be a part of an actual, in real life, community of like-minded folks doing things for OTHERS.

    Oh, and add to the “failure to comply: Remove their eligibility to both VOTE and to receive any form of “public assistance”…
  7. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made" Contributor

    Jun 28, 2023
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    And I’ve “grown up/come of age” and lived for decades in deep BLUE, deep RED, and MIDDLE states. Over decades (13 years Michigan, 8 years Arizona, 2+years California, 2+ years Colorado, 37+ years Massachusetts, 4 years Texas, and now 2+ years in NH.

    I’ve seen it ALL in terms of government competence and incompetence, at Local, State and Federal levels. Let’s just say the r-value between “competent” and “degree (or not) of conservative/leftists” approaches unity (varying only by plus or minus depending on how you calculate it). ALL governments are evil and totalitarian, the only question is to what degree. I want to be left alone, not stolen from, and generally allowed to do my thing to benefit family, friends and society. But, at least, in my experience across the country, conservative places have their shit together getting the things everyone agrees government MUST do… done properly: roads, infrastructure, etc.

    Example: What takes days to weeks in Texas, or New Hampshire (fixing roads, fixing bridges, general road maintenance) literally takes YEARS in Massachusetts. In California, they are now at the stage where NOTHING useful BY government is getting done, infrastructure-wise. We had a flood wash out the main road to our neighborhood in Wimberley, Texas about 3 years ago, it was fixed in under two days - complete rebuild. There are still bridges on STATE highways in Massachusetts that haven’t been fixed now for 10 years, and I'm not talking rural boonies, I'm talking well INSIDE I495 loop around Boston - specifically State Route 62 in Stow. Better to give free housing, healthcare, education and voting to illegal immigrants apparently, people can just wait for that replacement bridge.

    Anyone who has driven from MA to NH on any backroad or state highway notices the difference IMMEDIATELY. My leftist, Mass-hole friends (yes we call ourselves that and "them" that; it's complicated) and colleagues often comment on it. They get my “here’s why” lecture. Some of them took 20 or more years to finally swallow the pill and see reality. Some still havent. MA has at least 10X the funds, yet the roads are scheit, have been ever since I first lived there in 1980. NH is just COMPETENT at government (state and, in my experience so far, town level) and, because there’s no income tax, and we’ve only 1.5M people in the entire state, there’s just not a lot of MONEY they can get. Yet, government works across the board and is competence. Major government funding source here is LOCAL property taxes; which means the citizenry PAYS ATTENTION. Hell, even the State Liquor Stores (yeah, I know), are at least COMPETENT; they have the best prices just about anywhere, and yet it's a huge source of funding at the STATE level (no income, no sales taxes).

    it works because it is very close to the Founders model: keep government small, and keep it as local as possible, and never, ever, create a powerful central government.

    It’s not a political thing, it’s a world-view thing: MOAR government worshippers, and LESS government worshippers. As I've said before, one either gets it, or doesn't, or won't. The "doesn't" usually gets fixed (eventually) by reality.

    The "won't"? - hopeless. Willful ignorance is a thing, unfortunately.

    In reality: competence is a THING.

    PS: Now the Mayor of Boston just got called out for sending a “Whites not welcome to our Holiday party” email. She’s only apologizing for accidentally INCLUDING whites on the email invite. you can't make this stuff up!

    Unfortunately, most Mass voters likely won’t have a problem with it… (i.e. they're in the "won't" cohort)
  8. mediumroast

    mediumroast Facebook Friend

    Dec 8, 2021
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    Social media is good for sales and advertising.

    Very likely affects people adversely in the socio psychological terms.

    Guys reding this - remember. FB got popular due to taking advantage of the human psyche. Of figuring people out, wanting to know more trivia about others. Looking at chicks / boys online and "rating them" ( even if its in your head).

    What this causes, IMO, is an utter lack of regard for people in the real world. I think It creates a barrier of ignorance around people. Like, ok.. Do I need to speak with this person.. or maybe there is something better out there? ; 90% of people did not give a crap about orkut or myspace, therefore there was no modern social media in that sense. Fb preyed on the psychological short comings of people and got mainstream ( weakness, vain - wanting to check people out or waste time online reading random trivial crap - "seems interesting")

    Only thing FB is good at is martketing + creating some events.

    Everyone has said - online dating is useless. Fraud or just waiting for feedback on looks and status. Its crap. There is no such thing as online dating.

    So the Social media is crap everyway I look at it. Add to that Advertisment + " get rich" + " mindset crap" and you have got an insane society.

    Litterally all connections , knowledge I got from real world and real experience. The cyber space is over rate in majority of cases unless its a focused high quality service or some pro tools.

    I think this is about it for in-depth online debates for me in 23"

    Going to get into that holiday spirit.. soon.
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  9. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you Pyrate

    Jun 16, 2016
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  10. mediumroast

    mediumroast Facebook Friend

    Dec 8, 2021
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    The definition of "arrogant .…"


    " I dont have an account on it myself. I live in a 200million villa. So ... I dont need to be on it." " I need a special account cuz its leaky as f**k, the way we created it"

    This guy one upped the competiting tech startup crowd. Had a sense of humor.
    " How to Uninstall Mcafee " by John Mcafee. Go watch it on your own terms.

    Reminds me what a goofy video this is.. General level of mild sarcasm is appreciated.

    No but honestly! You sell crap to people you dont want your kids to use and probably would not use it yourself? What a crappy visionary.. Setting people up? Figure it out as you go?

    I am sick of these experimental nerds who actually lack any proper leadership skills and pragmatic value based long term vision.

    Never going back to these services , ever. Time wasters.

    Final thought. The less you use social media + smartphone crap the better. Meh.

    Build a life and real relationships. Enjoy time outdoors.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2023
  11. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear Pyrate

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Y’all are talking like we’re in Starship Troopers. “Service grants citizenship”.
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  12. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer Pyrate Contributor

    Apr 1, 2018
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    @Merrick, just drop the subject. Stop bombarding @purr1n profile posts like an autist. It's Friday.
  13. gaspasser

    gaspasser Flatulence Maestro Pyrate Contributor

    Jan 16, 2016
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    I gave up, so I will cease responding to him and I will end my posting in Marv’s profile posts. Yes, you’re right, it’s Friday, time to chill and get back to geeking out about music and gear.
  14. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy Pyrate Contributor

    Feb 23, 2016
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    So, you're closer to the anarchist end of things, eh? I've got some friends in northern Spain that'd love to bend your ear.

    Also, being that I swore an oath to serve my country and am employed in its service, I'll take your statement that "ALL governments are evil" with no animosity implied or directed at me, personally, as an evil person with totalitarian tendencies. Because you stated as much.

    Offer still stands for a drink or seven. let's share something other than ALL CAPS emphasis.
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    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
  15. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear Pyrate

    Jan 6, 2016
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    I guarantee he’s no anarchist.
  16. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer Pyrate Contributor

    Apr 1, 2018
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    NH is home to the Free State Project you guys.
  17. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    LOL. I have a weird take on @penguins and @mediumroast's discussion on conscription.

    Conscripts can be effective if they are properly trained and the mission is proper. Most US soldiers in WWII were conscripts. I think it's fair to say that US troops did well in WWII.

    Vietnam not so much. Drug use, fragging (of senior officers), this was because the mission was stupid (getting involved in someone else's civil war, not just anyone, but people who made the UK and the French say F this shit, we outta here). Another example of stupid mission is Russia sending its conscripts to be canon fodder. Naturally conscripts used in this way will never be an effective fighting force.

    The US volunteer force can likely be just as effective if they are augmented by a small percentage of conscripts. This can be helpful during times when the military has a hard time recruiting.

    What I propose is bringing back the draft. Hear me out, because it's not as draconian as it seems.

    I propose that the we implement a draft which selects children of the top X percenters. Draw it like a line sloping upward with respect to population. The higher X percenters, having benefited so much from our democratic capitalistic system relative to others, must understand that citizenship (and their success) has a cost.

    The top X percenter parents, knowing that they have kids that could be blown up, maimed, disfigured, will now have skin in the game. The means if we go to war, or decide to do extremely stupid things like have "forever wars", it will have to be for an extremely good reason, truly a good cause.

    The reason we had this colossally stupid recent forever war (and I bet many of you readers were born after this war started in 2001) is because we ordinary Americans never felt it, unless we knew people in the military, lived in a military town, etc. We never heard from veterans who served, asked them about their experience, heard about the kids who died, much less the kids who were inconvenienced because they were deployed.

    Finally, we should have a war tax. Any time Congress or the President wants to go to war, there must be a tax.

    Skin in the game: Taxes and risk to lives (next door). War is necessary sometimes, but let's make sure that they are truly necessary.
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    Last edited: Dec 15, 2023
  18. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    And then something suddenly surprises the heck outta me.

    Special agent from the Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Service knocks on the front door at the headquarters of an American company. Presents intelligence presumably gathered from the Dark Web that criminal elements have scoped out the company's computer infrastructure. "I'm just here to let you be aware, it's up to you to do what you want with it."

    This gives us a heads up, an edge, for what is about to happen next. I tear up, thankful for the special agent's service, thankful that our government is looking out for us, the businesses, the jobs, its people.

    Wow. It's hard to be a cynic when stuff like this happens. People like this special agent, who I know isn't being paid that much, have special place in my heart.
  19. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer Pyrate Contributor

    Apr 1, 2018
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    Take three more shots @purr1n, I want you go all out.
  20. Bowmoreman

    Bowmoreman Almost "Made" Contributor

    Jun 28, 2023
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    Not remotely an anarchist, just someone who got a decent history education, and read a LOT of classic Liberal literature. I stand by my statement. Now, the *degree* of evil is the subject to be focused upon.

    Example, for those who yell “Democracy, uber alles” (as it were): there is nothing more terrifying that pure, unadulterated, democracy. It’s mob-rule. It looks like the BLM riots, the Portland/Seattle “autonomous zones”, etc… And, of course, NO government whatsoever (anarchy) always devolves to “whose violence wins over everyone else’s” in a downward spiral into ever smaller groups “battling” and destroying one another. To wit, CHAD.

    I repeat, the question of the age is more versus less, not none versus unsustainable (and we have most assuredly have unsustainable in the here and now). And, one “side” of that divide is the American Left, whom have always been then “more government is always better” crown (since early 1900’s in fact). That the more recent flavors of the American Right (from Nixon era and on), have trumpeted “less government” and then didn’t (intentionally) deliver it, doesn’t change the argument for less, it merely proves the cynicism of virtually all current national office holders; they’re in it for themselves.

    So, call me an observationist, perhaps?

    Glad the distinction between government (Caps) and government’s employees was clear… <wink> And, yeah, replacing all caps with rounds is always a much better way of communication! <grin>
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