SCHIIT JOTUNHEIM WORLD PREMIERE: Schiit Show 2 - August 27, 2016 So Cal

Discussion in 'The Meeting Place' started by insidious meme, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Madaboutaudio

    Madaboutaudio Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Looks like only GUTB's Bustard is TOTL material.
  2. GUTB

    GUTB Reddit rejected: Audiophile; SBAF rejected: Poseur

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I said most posters had mid-fi systems. Obviously some of you don't fall into that category.

    A "Moby" (Modi Multibit?) is definitely a mid-fi product -- at best. The HD650 are mid-fi headphones. It may be the Jotunheim is a good match, and if you are stuck at a $1000 budget then sure I suppose it could be your endgame. Did Marvey really call this an endgame system though?

    I have two TotL products -- the X20 and the Ragnarok. There are many claims that the X20 is superior to the Yggdrasil other DACs in that price range -- I can't confirm these claims but the improvement it brought over my other DACs was very large, to the point I couldn't see it getting much better. The Ragnarok is praised by most, but I think any serious review its noted that it falls short compared to the more boutique TotL models on the market. Regardless -- I'm not bragging about my entry-level hi-fi system.

    How does a balanced signal go through a SE output if not via summing? The Ragnarok uses summing.
  3. Madaboutaudio

    Madaboutaudio Friend

    Sep 28, 2015
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  4. sphinxvc

    sphinxvc Gear Master (retired)

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    Sep 28, 2015
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    @fraggler - I don't know where your post went, but it was on point. This is another thread about to be derailed by GUTB bullshit. Otherwise normal opinions appended with (intentionally) provoking statements. This guy is a self-admitted troll (source), so stop giving him the one and only thing he's looking for: attention.

    To bring us back on topic, having the Jotun loaner for 5 days cemented my opinion of it: it's the best Schiit amp I've heard yet. I was never really thrilled with the first generation products, nor the Ragnarok. Only the Valhalla 2 made an impression on me, but only because it was so good for the price. I also didn't like it as a preamp. No qualifiers on the Jotunheim, hands down the best tonality I've heard out of a Schiit amp. I also thought it had excellent play on the volume with IEMs, which is a nice bonus. This has me very excited to hear Pivot Point in the Vidas.
  5. Gravity

    Gravity Friend

    Nov 20, 2015
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    You're repeating yourself. It was funny in the beginning but now it's just getting boring. At least try if you gotta continue doing this.
  6. insidious meme

    insidious meme Ambivalent Kumquat

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    Sep 26, 2015
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    Sector 8023 of the Third Quadrant
    1. GUTB posts shitastic views
    2. Hate parade corrects everything about post
    3. Thread derails with maximum force
    4. Nothing really learned by anyone
    5. GUTB posts elsewhere
    6. Repeat 1. through 5.
    I'm disappointed in SBAF that this is still continuing.
  7. Gravity

    Gravity Friend

    Nov 20, 2015
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    There's alot of derailing in alot of threads. This is not a special case.
  8. KurtSvensson

    KurtSvensson Friend

    Sep 30, 2015
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    There is (somewhat) useful derailing where something of substance is being discussed (albeit not the main topic of the thread) and derailing where shit is thrown towards random for the sake of throwing shit. I think this is a case of the latter while most derails are a case of the first.
  9. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

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    Jul 31, 2016
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    Ohio, USA. Home of the eclipse
    Yes! Let's stop wasting time. It's beneath us.
  10. GUTB

    GUTB Reddit rejected: Audiophile; SBAF rejected: Poseur

    Mar 21, 2016
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    Has anyone tried the Jotunheim with hi-fi headphones? Source chain? Refrence amp?

    The TH900 was virtually identical out of both amps -- or close enough that the differences couldn't overcome the audio memory effect. This disappointed me greatly because I was hoping based on its specs that the Jotunheim would be a great match with it.

    I actually did try a "giant killer" Superlux HD668B -- but it was so bad I couldn't stand listening to it for more than a minute.

    Somone mentioned he preferred the Asgard 2. I tried one out over a year ago so I couldn't remember enough about it to make a judgement call. The Mjolnir 2 with quality NOS tubes however was a very nice amp, and from what I recall a significant step up from the Jotunheim.
  11. Eric_C

    Eric_C Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Sure, just follow the links on the first page of this thread, and flip through the other Jotun impressions thread:
    Abyss, HD 800, HE 1K, HE 6.
    (Not that it's always been considered a good match--HD 800 is a case in point--but the technical abilities of the amp have been consistently praised)

    It's not for lack of evidence, though. You won't agree on a definition of hifi other than your own, otherwise you'd say the HD 650 is good despite not being a kilobuck headphone. (TOTL =/= hifi, TOTL is subset of hifi)
    And you won't agree that others' impressions can be right in contradiction of your own.
  12. ButtUglyJeff

    ButtUglyJeff Stunningly beautiful IRL

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Rochester, NY
    Saber in... Saber out...

    And the TH900 is the worst example as it needs dick to drive it...

    I promised myself I wouldn't, and I did.

    FYI, the Jot rocks the HD650 and the MDR-Z7. At least one sentence is on point.
  13. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

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    Jul 31, 2016
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    Ohio, USA. Home of the eclipse
  14. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    I said "game over", with the implication that with most people, who don't want to spend more than $1000 for their entire systems, it's going to be game over.

    No one here has ever considered the Superlux a giant killer? Are you sure you have the right forum?

    We don't care what you have. It's not relevant.

    @GUTB: Having heard ALL of this stuff myself, I actually don't necessarily disagree with you. I am going to ban you, not for your views, which I don't believe are incorrect, but because of the following:
    1. You are unable to articulate the specific sonic qualities that you prefer (clear tight articulate bass, incisive and sharp treble).
    2. You are unable to recognize that other people may have different sonic preferences. While we have no problem with people downright trashing gear, the specific reasons are usually be qualified, positive attributes noted, and personal tastes made clear.
    3. This is in opposition with your personal style, which is downright dismissive or at best simplistic. If you haven't figured it out yet, we don't label gear hi-fi or mid-fi here, or neatly compartmentalize gear as a step-up or step-down. If gear or a system brings enjoyment (provided there are no glaring issues) to someone's specific preferences, then it transcends simple labels.
    4. Here is an example: I would actually take an HD650 (modded) from an EC ZD Super and VPI table over your HE6 + Rag + X20 combination. I know about 85% of people here would agree with me. Yet at the same time, I totally understand why you would prefer your system - and this without some perverted urge to assign simplistic labels such as that your X20 is "mid-fi" or Rag "merely approaching hi-fi" or that the HE-6 (stock) has horrible etch as seen from impulse response overshoot. I can acknowledge that the HD650 has slower transient response and less clarity, but scales with better dynamics, micro-stuff, and much smoother treble (which I know sounds boring to you). The problem is that you can't do this. You can't learn to see things from another person's point of view.
    5. As a result, you are perceived as overly self-important. That you and your own personal universe is the only one that matters. We look for people here who have strong opinions, but are also able to recommend gear to other people who may different sonic preferences. We don't want people who rush to swift judgment. I am not sure if you truly understand or can internalize this, which leads to the next point.
    6. You might be slightly autistic, have a personality defect (narcissism, lack of interpersonal skills, lack of caring or empathy), or simply be trolling us. I think it's telling that you illicit certain reactions from people here (and still don't get it), or plainly make false assumptions (all skewed to favor yourself) about gear, power supply design, DAC design, or about us without first trying to understand us.
    7. You have an annoying tendency to repeat yourself. This gets really old after two posts. I hope that you do realize that no one here cares what you have to say, even if they agree with you. Maybe in some way do you realize this, and this is why you keep repeating yourself. You might have an un-diagnosed condition. If I were you, I'd seek some professional help.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2016
  15. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

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    Jul 31, 2016
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    Ohio, USA. Home of the eclipse
  16. Koth Ganesh

    Koth Ganesh Friend

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    Sep 26, 2015
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    Chennai, India
    Whew...that was clean...back on track, I finally had the nerve to try the HD800SBAF with the Jotunheim... contrary to my assumptions, I ended up liking it quite a bit (a priori nervousness about the sharp, @Psalmanazar treble :) proved to be mostly unfounded). On the more positive side, I thought I had a bit more detail at the bottom end.

    Add: I use the Jotunheim only through the balanced out with all my headphones, FWIW
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2016
  17. cskippy

    cskippy Creamy warmpoo

    Pyrate MZR
    Oct 14, 2015
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    When I tried a stock HD800 I too was surprised by the bass both quantity and quality. I really feel that the best way to describe the Jotunheim is that it grabs the headphones by the balls and pushes and pulls them into submission. It's lightning fast so transients hit harder, things move quicker and that can get fatiguing depending on the headphone used. This is either good or bad depending on your preferences.
  18. sheldaze

    sheldaze Friend

    May 28, 2016
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    Land of Merriment
    I'm going to try to convince @Psalmanazar at a meet this coming weekend (try #2) regarding the treble and the Jot. This time though with my balanced cables connected to my HD650 through the Jot. However, I will be using Yggdrasil as source. So you know - hiss :oops:
  19. HoodedHoodlum

    HoodedHoodlum New

    Jun 10, 2016
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    This is making me want to sell my current tube amp and get a Jotunheim. Don't get me wrong, I love my tube amp, but would love to see how the Jot performs.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
  20. bixby

    bixby Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Northern Colorado
    yea, great intro to sbaf, you read, buy the hype and want to dump your tube amp because you believe what you read before you ever hear it.

    try introducing yourself in the new members thread.

    don't get me wrong lots of folks luv the 650 and jot combo, but be sure you know the posters likes, dislikes, etc. and maybe even hear it to confirm before jumping on the train. :D

    oh, and Welcome \/

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