Golden Schlong Awards 2020

Discussion in 'Leaderboard, Overboard, and Deals' started by purr1n, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. jnak00

    jnak00 Friend Pyrate

    Feb 9, 2017
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    If it's any consolation, it looks like the BHA-1 is $2.350 CDN and $2,300 USD, That's as close to parity pricing as you'll get these days. But still, that's a lot of coin.

  2. ksat90

    ksat90 Acquaintance Contributor

    Jun 23, 2016
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    Agree with a mention for wireless buds like the AirPods Pro - they get the most use apart of my 6xx and Clear. Sometimes also to cut out noise while working. Really unobtrusive in ease of use and sound.
  3. ductrung3993

    ductrung3993 Facebook Friend Contributor

    Sep 28, 2017
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    2nd this, like @M3NTAL said APP improves my quality of life more than any other headphones to date, especially in this video call era. Got a mid-fi system (Liquid Plat + 580) that I no longer used just because of the extra hassles.
    EDIT: might be placebo, but I do vaguely remember that APP sounded better to me with a smaller ear tip and some hours in
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
  4. Michael Kelly

    Michael Kelly MOT: Pi 2 Design Pyrate

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I was really hoping for a Silver Dong to do along with the Golden Schlong from last year. Maybe Shweddy Balls are in my future? Me so sad! :(

  5. Azteca

    Azteca Friend Pyrate

    Sep 26, 2015
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    I was looking for this as well. It was late in the year but it does seem like a critical mass of people really like it. I hope it stays that way. Schiit gear was starting to get a hype cycle upon release that would fade and reveal shortcoming after a few months. That seems to have lessened but time will tell. So I'm cool with seeing it next year.
  6. MuppetFace

    MuppetFace Sultana of Seafoam Green - Moderator Staff Member Pyrate

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Also wanted to add my voice of support for the Ada from Campfire.

    I always thought the Andromeda was impressive, but it wasn’t something that ended up in my ears a lot. The Ada is basically my workhorse IEM now, and I always have it with me when I travel. One of the best IEMs I’ve used since the old UERM days.

    Otherwise, just off the top of my head, I’d say the RAAL Requisite really impressed me. Which is nice since I’ve been waiting for this thing since 2012, and I more or less gave up on it. This was mostly for curiosity’s sake since I’m increasingly over headphones (nerve problems in my neck and jaw). Also I have a feeling I’d still end up using the Campfire Ada or the Audio Zenith PMx2 due to convenience.

    On the subject of turntable equipment, I was sad to see the tonearm manufacturer Jelco fold this year. They were an industry standard and one of the cheapest ways to get a good 12” arm on your table. Still too early to tell, but it seems like the Sorane TA-1L could be a good replacement.
  7. songmic

    songmic Gear cycler East Asia edition Pyrate

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I'm rather surprised the Jotunheim 2 didn't even get an honorable mention, when it was described as Schiit's magnum opus.
  8. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer Pyrate Contributor

    Apr 1, 2018
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    Wait for 2022 GS.
  9. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio Pyrate

    Apr 15, 2020
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    Really good to hear from you MF. You are missed. Salute to an og pirate.

  10. joch

    joch Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Oct 8, 2015
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    the other side of the big ocean
    Probably the wrong thread for this, but I'd like to express appreciation to @MuppetFace especially for cutting through all the noise during my early estat exploration. I still go back to the old posts now and then.
  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    The SW51+ will be added as one of my reference amps for future reviews. I dislike using my custom EC amp because only I know how it sounds. The Jot 2 may be my SS reference amp in the near future. Reference gear should have high performance with enough people on SBAF knowing how it sounds. Price has nothing to do with it.
  12. Degru

    Degru Facebook Friend

    Jul 22, 2017
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    I feel like the HD560S hate is undeserved. It's much cleaner and better-extended than prior 5-series of that style, and has much nicer imaging and stage than 6x0.

    Older 6x0 can scale higher with nice gear in front of it, but I'd say 560S is a much better newbie recommendation compared to the modern 6x0 with beginner gear.
  13. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 27, 2015
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    No, the HD560S sounds like absolute dog shit. It's way too bright and sharp sounding. Far north of neutral in that regard. The collective good traits of the headphone do not make up for this.

    I think it images and stages worse than the HD6X0 line, if nothing else because the frequency response (a key player in these factors), is fucked. It also lacks the technical capabilities, nuance, and refinement of the HD6X0 line, hindering it further.

    In no world would I rather listen to the HD560S over the HD6X0 line, even if all I had was beginner gear.
  14. MisterRogers

    MisterRogers Ethernet Nervosa Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Tell us how you really feel Hands? :)
  15. M3NTAL

    M3NTAL Friend Pyrate

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I really think there is merit to the HD560S in some ways and don't 100% agree with you that it is bright (I think there is an odd timbre balance between the top and bottom that is more inherit to the driver rather than tuning) - but I digress and agree that the HD600 is a better choice all-around. It is one of the few "reference' pieces that will stay around for a while (as it has)

    I wish the HD560S existed when I got into the hobby though. What could we get for $200 in 1999 ? Now with inflation and still $200.... We are spoiled with sub $500 HD6X0. I remember seeing the HD650 on a pedestal inside the Circuit City and seeing the crazy price. That was absolute consumer high-end. *sigh* memories

    EDIT : The FR of the HD560S is as close to the Orpheus 2 as Sennheiser has gotten IIRC - I guess if the FR of the HD560S is as borked as Hands believes, than the Orpheus 2 follows that. I personally thought the Orpheus 2 was quite good. Probably the best over ear open back I've heard. I unfortunately haven't heard HE90/60
  16. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator Staff Member Pyrate MZR

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Looking at Oratory's measurements for the Orpheus 2/HE1, you can see that the HD560S is noticeably brighter in the upper-mids/lower treble. Mid-to-upper treble is harder to capture and will vary quite a bit. For me, mid-to-upper treble is pretty bad on HD560S subjectively, and we've seen measurement rigs that show it as having an elevated response from 4KHz and up, not just isolated to upper-mids/lower-treble.

    The HE1 has a smoother response, more in line with the HD600/650 or PMx2 tuning, but with more bass and slightly more treble. It also depends on where you match your frequencies in the graphs, or if you do an averaging match over a frequency range.

    For example, if you compare the HE1, HD650, and HD560S on this tool:,157,221

    Set to a custom range of 50Hz-200Hz, which I think is more representative of the HD650's fairly "robust" upper-bass/lower-mids and balanced, smooth mids-through-treble, we can see the HE1 might be slightly hot at 6KHz, and perhaps slightly relaxed in the upper-mids, but is otherwise smooth. Neither have the hot spot like the HD560S, which is quite nasty.

    Now, imagine a very real scenario where the HD560S's upper-mid/treble spike isn't isolated, but rather continues on just as elevated up until at least 10KHz. Because that's how it sounds to me, how it measures on a rig I'm kinda-sorta working on in the background, and how I've seen it measured in some other cases. Not all. Again, it varies.
  17. limesoft

    limesoft Friend Pyrate

    Oct 4, 2016
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    oh that BHA1 pricing is killing me - I've been eyeing that amp for years I can't stomach 2500$ when few years ago it was half that!

    I wonder if the Phonitor SE can get me close to BHA1 sensibilities - the price does seem reasonable in comparison. To be used with HD800s
  18. MuppetFace

    MuppetFace Sultana of Seafoam Green - Moderator Staff Member Pyrate

    Oct 3, 2015
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    I used the Phonitor with the old version HD800 for a few years. Is Donald North Audio an option you’ve considered? I think you’ll get a lot more bang for your buck.
  19. limesoft

    limesoft Friend Pyrate

    Oct 4, 2016
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    I'm looking for an SS amp for the HD800s - already have a Woo WA8 (which sounds great with them) to satisfy my tube needs.

    The SS amp obviously needs to have plenty of power/current reserves and be as smooth as possible, whilst retaining high performance (measurements etc). BHA1 would have been my prime candidate just that price is crazy
  20. tranq

    tranq Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Im suprised the Focal Clears haven't ever made a GS or SD list.

    I bought a refurbished pair for 900 in early Jan. They are quite nice, and im coming directly from HD600s and HD6XXs. Considering both those Senns have made the list, me thinks the Clears are worth a look..

    Overall though, i like this yearly bit... Keep it up.

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