Easy. Urban vs Rural. Being generalized of course because I suspect a few here would be Trump voters. I don't see Trump being anyone's #1 choice here, except a few. Last election was pretty much "anyone but Hillary" for a lot of people. This election could be "anyone but a socialist".
People vote for their own reasons. My parents are 200% pro-Trump because they hate China commies. They are pro Taiwan independence - single issue voters. It would seem that Trump with his unpredictable ways and peculiarities has a China B.S. immunity field, at least to past POTUS. My parents think Americans, being honorable and ethics bound, are too easily fooled by evil commies.
As a weirdo 3rd party voter, I don't personally approve of Trump, but for the same reasons I didn't approve of Obama and Bush, not for the orangemanbad reasons you see in the US news and with most people playing echo chamber. On top of that, yes, some of the orangemanbad reasons are completely true, but if the media and political opponents were as hard on any other politician (both sides), IMO it'd be almost as bad.
I can also say I don't approve of any of the remaining Dem candidates as much as I don't approve of Trump, for many reasons. Yang was marginally OK, but he dropped out, so...
However, I know many quiet Trump supporters, many being people I wouldn't ever expect. I think Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner said it best (paraphrased) 2/3 years ago - It was harder to come out as a Republican than as a transexual.
I disagree that most other candidates could be made to look almost as bad as Trump. Nobody makes themselves out to be an amoral buffoon to anywhere the degree that he does (covfefe, not knowing what state the Chiefs play in, MAGA hats made in China, hiring how many eventual convicts, still waiting on those taxes,
10-15 flushes(wtf?) tax break to himself offset with cuts to medicare/medicade, social security etc etc etc etc...) Trump does it to himself. Just on twitter alone he's an idiot. Listening to him speak is even more of a joke.
Inflated idiot who probably did too much cocaine in the 80s - absolutely. But the actual bad part to me is beyond the daily stupid. And looking around a little, I see it everywhere.
I will say one thing though - yes, he is pretty bad, but not as bad as I expected, mostly b/c he doesn't show up. Roll safe meme level logic - can't mess up if you don't show up - but sadly works here.
Trump makes diarrhoea on the carpet look good. I guess there are deeply unpleasant people in all areas of politics. So unpleasant that it is not even necessary to ask about their politics: they are simply something one wouldn't want to step in. Me: ignorant foreigner with two countries' politics closer to home than America. Trouble is, America matters to the rest of us, whether we like it or not.
Has the impeachment thing actually strengthened some of Trump's support? Even I don't think that a bit of wheeling/dealing is enough to shock sufficiently. They should have waited until he was caught red-handed eating a baby ("It was a very perfect meal" lol)
From my perspective it seems that the impeachment strengthened support for Republicans, not necessarily Trump. But it depends on who you ask. I live in Indiana, so most people I interact with are conservative and feel the impeachment was just partisan BS. That said, a lot of people I know here who voted Trump openly agree he is a dumbass most of the time. They just really didn't want Hilary.
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