I had quit caffeine. But then I had a dream in which an abuela character told me that I should drink coffee because it's good for me. So I figured out precisely how much (or, rather, how little) caffeine I can tolerate, and I drink precisely that every morning.
In the past, people drank coffee prodigiously. The average Union soldier drank eight cups a day. And when there wasn't time to boil water, they crushed the beans with their rifle butts and chewed on the grinds. Each of my grandmothers drank six cups of black coffee over the course of the day.
I was told by a psychic lady that coffee was bad for me. It took me a couple of years to realise that she was right. I cut down, went decaff, then gave it up.
NB: this was personal advice and not meant to say that coffee is bad for everybody.
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