Comments on Profile Post by GoldfishX

  1. internethandle
    RAMDisk is fun to play around with, both for OS and file playback. Probably something to do with the latencies. Unstable/inconvenient, though, obviously. The ORFAS dudes seemed to enjoy Optane drives, ethos for why was similar ('latency'). None of this holds up to much scrutiny, but at least RAMDisk is free.
    Jan 29, 2023
    GoldfishX likes this.
  2. GoldfishX
    Thanks, I may play around with it. I had been using the same sound pairing for a month and thought it sounded gimped/harsh/less than its capabilities, so any change, I'll notice a difference. I have 32 GB of RAM installed, so using some of it for music storage wouldn't have a performance hit.
    Jan 29, 2023
    internethandle likes this.
  3. GoldfishX
    I downloaded and set up the trial 1GB version and it's comparable to the SSD result, when playing local files off it. Probably a tad more detailed/focused, but clearly better than the external HD. Thanks for the tip!
    Jan 29, 2023
    internethandle likes this.
  4. internethandle
    Unsure which software you're using, but ImDisk should be freeware, lots of guides for that available with a simple Google search. There are a lot of third party options, though, sure, some with supposedly better latency figures than others as a selling point (usually at cost). Microsoft has some native solutions to implementing a Ramdisk, also, but they require some finesse to implement.
    Jan 29, 2023
  5. internethandle
    You can also play around with stuff like Foobar's "Ram Disk" plugin, which will sort of on the fly load tracks to RAM for playback and flush them when new tracks are sent to it. Fairly similar principles. There's other playback software that plays with loading tracks to RAM too, though, if you poke around.
    Jan 29, 2023
  6. Biodegraded
    PlayPcmWin is another RAM player (free).
    Jan 30, 2023
  7. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    Unapologetically copy/pasting from a few minutes ago. It seems to be the day for this...

    You can play music off a CD, which must be slowest storage device on any computer that doesn't still have an antique floppy drive.

    Importance of storage device? Hmmm... maybe punched cards wouldn't work too well.
    Jan 30, 2023