Comments on Profile Post by gaspasser

  1. YMO
    I will get hate for this but my rule of thumb is if you put a sub in a two-channel setup, you goofed.
    Jul 2, 2023
  2. zerodeefex
    @YMO i agree except for at my desk
    Jul 2, 2023
    Cspirou, YMO and Lyander like this.
  3. Riotvan
    You need at least two, also you can't half ass it and expect good results. A proper crossover is crucial ime. Makes setup 10x easier as well.
    Jul 2, 2023
    Cryptowolf and Cspirou like this.
  4. Cspirou
    I feel like a viable upgrade path is bookshelf -> add a sub -> towers
    Jul 2, 2023