Comments on Profile Post by Tchoupitoulas

  1. Tchoupitoulas
  2. Cellist88
    I’m just not convinced of a tangible improvement in the iem space. Just seem like rehashes
    Mar 4, 2024
    crenca, Lyander and JK47 like this.
  3. Lyander
    MEMS is new tech so that could be fun, but current prices are offensive. I feel like stuff in IEM space peaked a few years ago and now it's just a matter of bringing costs down. I'm much less familiar with portable audio but the CA Solaris remains my fave IEM of all time (just that the DD keeps fricking dying on me, agh). On the Andro 2020 now, I'm just done.
    Mar 4, 2024
  4. M3NTAL
    I'm super cautious of another all BA design. I'm assuming the driver tech has improved since Ara/Gold or just another variant.
    Mar 4, 2024
    Cryptowolf, Lyander and crenca like this.