it will eventually make a great listening space. Slanted walls might be an acoustic issue. And nothing is anything more than modestly sized here. But I'm semi-psyched to eventually have a semi-insulated listening room in such a dense metro.
I looked down around Forest Gate a bit. Seems nice. The Lizzie line sometimes a bit unreliable? I'll be close to the Overground, the soon to be Lioness line, I think.
I haven't set foot on Britain since 2019. And it's some years since I had the London tube network embroidered in my head. Now I stand with the other tourists, looking, puzzled, at the map
Slanted walls should actually be great as the waves are reflected into different directions and cannot as easily build up resonances. I think. :) Anyway, my attic is the best room I have, acoustically, by far. Rather too dry than prone to resonance.
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