Campfire Audio Astrolith S+ Tier IEM Review

Discussion in 'IEMs and Portable Gear' started by purr1n, Dec 9, 2024.

  1. Johnston98

    Johnston98 Facebook Friend

    Jun 16, 2019
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    I agree with the tips, but I didn't find the sound signature changed as much between tip brands as how deep or where the astrolith sits in the ear. I have to insert them by pushing them directly into my ear so the top of the iem is touching just outside the canal as opposed to deep insertion of the tip. So, more shallow insertion than I normally would do for an IEM. They are incredibly comfortable to me with this insertion method.

    With the Z1R I have to insert the tip fairly deeply into the canal and the body of the bud fits nicely. Doing this same method with the astrolith doesn't work for me.
  2. YMO

    YMO John Bomber

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    * Mac Mini M1 > OF BF2 > Big PeePee (Pietus Maximus) or somethings ESS Card inside Big PeePee
    * Mac Mini M1 > iBasso DC07 Pro
    * iBasso DX180 DAP

    I am not a fan of its sound tuning, TL DR.

    When I got the brand new unit from the start of the loaner, the packaging is nice with tons of words on the box (inside and out), you get both stock 3.5mm and 4.4mm cables if you want to swap out the cables (the loaner also comes with a higher end 4.4mm cable, the Time Stream: Ultra by Campfire Audio), and this manpurse with magnets that is clever to hold the Astrolith and a protector bag that is common with the Campfire stuff. Of course when my Dad saw the “manpurse” when I was taking out the loaner from the kitchen, he asked me if I was turning gay. I say this product was from Portland, OR, which my Dad said that’s the norm from that city, making a bunch of weird and gay stuff. Thanks Dad! Astrolith also comes with the standard tips, the form tips and the silicone tips.

    Build quality is good, I expect nothing less from Campfire, but not 100% sure if these feel like $2200 IEMs. At least these fit quite well in my ears, a lot better than the OG Solaris and the Ara that I previously had.

    Straight to the sound, for starters these are super tip and fit dependent. These are super bassy to my ears from the start, so the foam tips are a no good. The stock silicone tips were better but still a tad bassy for my liking. I also used the TRI Clarion wide-bore tips and while the bass was mostly under controlled, it sounded too bright for my liking and sibilant was off the chain to the point that this was a hell nah from me (perfect example is Prefab Sprout – Two Wheels Good/Steve McQueen). If you can tell right off the bat, I have a problem with the bass tuning. On almost all recordings that I was playing it was a tad too much to the point I had to take off the Astrolith off my ears (tried my first CD Press of Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon from the early 80s pressed in Japan, too much bass where I had to stop the recording). Highs were also semi-problematic for me since I didn’t get that much of the sparkle that some people were talking about here. It felt the highs were muted, regardless of what equipment I was using. Just wasn’t impressed. What I was impressed with the Astrolith was the mid-range being very detailed with some of the best soundtage of an IEM that I ever heard on top of excellent Resolution.

    Going to be honest, with trying the Astrolith on my different setups I just can’t get rid of the extra bass to my liking without using EQ. On top of the $2200 price, I just gotten lazy and stop using them for the most part. Went back to my 7th Acoustics Supernova for my daily use. Yes the Supernovas are a BA IEM with the usual BA IEM weaknesses, but the tuning on these are so much closer to my liking than the Astrolith that honestly I wasn’t missing the improvements that the Astrolith did brought to the table.

    Honestly if I had more tips and time, I would tip roll the shit out of the Astrolith to see if I can get something that isn’t bass heavy, not tilted too much towards brightness, and sibilant under controlled. However, for $2200 IEMs I don’t want to try to do a lot more work to justify that purchase. You can say that the Astrolith didn’t click with me at all.

    Going to mess around with these a little more to see if I can get them closer to my liking, but with my time with them already my feeling is a strong nah dawg.

    I think the bigger question is what the hell I am missing that is causing other people to be jerking off to the Astrolith, creaming them on top of their pairs?
  3. Ishcabible

    Ishcabible Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I actually agree with YMO. I was surprised to see such positive impressions here because my impression when using it with my WM1Z and tips that nerf treble was that it still sounded like one of the most V-shaped IEMs I’ve heard, next to the Fir Audio XE6. The bass was fairly overwhelming even as someone that loves bassy IEMs like the Nightjar Singularity and the Fir RN6, because the bass lift seems to end too high into the upper bass to the point where it masks some fundamentals and lacked texture there.

    As a former disappointed Trifecta owner but also someone that loved the Andromeda, I was hoping that the Astrolith would be a win but it honestly sounded pretty cheap chi-fi-y to me. I actually liked the Letshuoer S12 a bit more…

    But I did really like the Campfire Clara. It’s a more W-shaped tuning that’s both fun and balanced. I’ve been waffling on whether or not I want to buy a pair because not only do I like the sound, they fit me almost as well as my FitEar CIEMs. I think the Clara is not only the my favorite CFA IEM, but probably in the top 5 IEMs I’ve heard, beating out overpriced crap like the PMG APX SE and whatever Unique Melody is doing.
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  4. RestoredSparda

    RestoredSparda Friend

    Jan 7, 2021
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    Appreciate these impressions. I'm not a neutral-head, hell I love more than neutral bass tunings, but Astrolith was getting close to OG Vega levels of bass for me (clearly a bit of an exaggeration). Tips make a huge difference though, so we need to experiment.

    I felt it sounded very V shaped as well. I returned it to Bloom after a week and only was able to try a handful of tips however. Hence, interest in the loaner tour to try more tips and see if my initial impressions stand.

    However I do love most everything else it can do.

    @YMO, if you want to get into CFA it might be worth trying out the Darkstar. I have a Darkstar and it is a way more neutral tuning (slightly warm-neutral) with tastefully elevated sub bass. However it doesn't have much air up top. Also not nearly as resolving as Astrolith.

    I'll be getting a used Clara soon and hope to share some impressions of that as well.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2025
  5. YMO

    YMO John Bomber

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    Had a few CFA IEMs over the years. Only really liked the OG Andro, 2020 Andro was also cool as well, and OG Solaris (best Hybrid IEM that I heard but fit was trash on my ears).

    I have no need for the Darkstar, since I have a strong feeling the bass on that will be too overpowered for my liking with muted highs, no thanks.
  6. Clemmaster

    Clemmaster Friend

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    Did you try the Moon Rover? I felt it was nicely balanced overall and very coherent all the way through.
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  7. Cellist88

    Cellist88 Friend

    Nov 11, 2015
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    @YMO I think you’ll really like the fathoms. Everyone’s woes seem to echo my initial worries. @RestoredSparda , really looking forward to your Clara impressions, although some people say it has even more bass quantity than the Astrolith because of the double dd . If I can get the fathom tuning but with Dd bass, that would be my ideal.
  8. Ishcabible

    Ishcabible Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Not to focus on measurements too much, but the Elise Audio in the UK actually took measurements of both the Astrolith and the Clara with their 711 rig:

    Added the Supernova as a point of reference and 55dB scale isn’t something I can change. This is compensated to a -1dB per octave tilt to diffuse field so the actual compensated curve may or may not be that relevant to anyone depending on how much you prefer diffuse field.

    I can definitely see how the Clara can be perceived to have more bass because there’s a bigger delta between sub and mid bass versus the Astrolith, which is pretty thick throughout the entirety of the bass. For example, 808s on the Clara might sound more forceful to someone than on the Astrolith because the elevation of those will be greater compared anything higher pitched. I did also feel like the Clara was more dynamic but that could be related to me being allergic to upper bass lifts. I even think the stock HD800 can be a bit much there, for example, because of how dipped the upper midrange is when combined with that tiny bit of warmth in the upper bass/low midrange area.
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  9. Arun Kumar

    Arun Kumar Friend

    Jul 14, 2017
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    I think our relative preferences are different. You seem to prefer a more neutral and balanced sound, which is understandable. While the Astrolith doesn’t really have that astrolith does at least the following really well:
    Bass texture
    Timbre particularly of mids
    3d-ness of sound
    Highs are bright but not pesky (to my ears)

    I am using an effect audio code23 cable which is a pretty thick copper cable, that reduces the overall highs by a decent amount. Added to that foam tips plus playing around with insertion depth all make it a very pleasant listen
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  10. Cellist88

    Cellist88 Friend

    Nov 11, 2015
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    Thanks SBAF for the loaner! Just listened to these and they are back in the box ready to be sent to the next loaner.

    I really don't like these at all, and I think the tuning of the astrolith is very poor.
    It reminds of the sony z1r's but in the different way.

    The bass is simply too much and simply too high. I makes me feel the sound is stuffy, like when your nose is stuck.

    The mids remind of hd800 mids....aka thin(also like the z1r), except instead of being forward on the z1r, it is also distant.

    The treble is simply a different animal. Yes the extension is there, but there is this glassy quality to it(like too much 3rd harmonic on a tube amp) with a metallic sheen. Its simply too crisp vs the rest of the sound spectrum.

    Glassy highs, Mids being thin and withdrawn, Bass being overblown and pillowy.
    Its disturbing and distracting to a point that I don't even care about the resolution it offers. Some songs feel the bass is pillowy and stuffy lacking air, sometimes mids feel thin, sometimes the treble is too zingy. Or its just a combination of 2 or even all these problems.

    Imaging is good, but the staging is very flat like on a 2d plane.

    I don't like the timbre. It feels very "clean" but the decays are short, making it feel analytical which they tried to solve with a pillowy overblown bass.

    No amount of tip rolling can fix two of the frequency issues. You get an eartip that gives you more clarity and less bass....your mids and highs are gonna be too crispy.

    A good eartip for me was an old eartip, which I think may be similar to the penon audio normal silicon eartips. It cuts some bass and treble, while bringing some clarity, while adding some mids. They still don't change the problems listed above.

    Another good option, which sounds the most balanced, but the bass still being too high is the DUNU S&S eartips. Tones down the hash in the siblance region and crispy highs, but again the bass elevation is too high, making it feel like an L shaped earphone.

    I'm usually willing to tinker to get what I want, but as per @YMO .... I don't think you can solve the tuning, no matter what tips you use and one shouldn't jump through all the hoops on a $2200 iem. If the tuning of the Clara is indeed better, I can see why people prefer it greatly over the astrolith.

    Thank you SBAF again for saving me money and not falling for the FOMO.
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    Last edited: Jan 24, 2025
  11. Cellist88

    Cellist88 Friend

    Nov 11, 2015
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    Update on the astrolith. Some new eartips arrived. Of them these actually only sound good with the Divinus Wide Bore. These tips dampen and tighten the sound without reducing technicalities, though I feel they reduce the bass and smooth the treble out. These tips increase the soundstage and imaging by a considerable margin which help the Astrolith shine with detail resolution. Also tightens and reduces the bass so its not pillowy and giving great delineation. Although I still feel the bass is too much for me and I have trouble with sustained bass, the quality is top notch, with great impact. Mids feel a bit more foward with a bit more body. The treble isn't reduced but glass and hash has been smoothed, but it can still present itself slightly when you get a lot of energy on the top end. I think it passes considering I made it through some hot Ellie Goulding songs. The timbre rather than feeling analytical from the disjointedness and crisp with that 3rd harmonic sheen, these sound tubey in a good way. Every recording has a sense that its in a live venue.

    Never experienced such a swing in experience, based off an eartip swap. I think Campfire need to provide better tips instead of users like me spending near $100 on tips to find a solution. The bass is still a tad much but I'm done trying tips.

    I'll include a pair of divinus tips, though they will be MS. I'll include also a set of penon black lacquer tips(M), and TRI Clarions that @Merrick recommended.
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    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025 at 5:14 PM
  12. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I know this account's been dormant for a long while but @KenBall maybe some new stock tips could be workshopped with some known IEM-savvy folks on here? Specifically folks who've been critical like @YMO and @Cellist88 cuz that's more useful. I trust @purr1n saying that the Ara would have been good with specific tips (I found it much too glarey and painful in stock form) but the fact that a then-$1300 IEM, nevermind now a $2200 one, needs extensive tinkering to sound accessible kinda messes with the fun of things.

    The Andromeda 2020s I am very much content with (mainly cuz nicer things are too damned expensive lately, lmao), but inasmuch as I really like them with the Spiral Dot++ and so use those by default, I found them pretty damned good with the stock Campfire foams and silicons. That's not the same out-of-box-experience folks seem to be getting with the Ara/Trifecta/Astrolith etc.
  13. Cellist88

    Cellist88 Friend

    Nov 11, 2015
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    @Lyander I think tips can only ameliorate/smooth some issues, but I don't think it can be a means to solve the whole tuning, esp since everyone's hearing varies as Marvey said with Pinna gain....etc. With some tip swapping, I just can see why people could really like the Astrolith as a U-shaped tuning and people who like the audeze with the mid suck out tuning would like it. Its an extreme Hifi basshead tuning, that can be very wow for certain genres...aka perfect for electronic music like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Audiomachine soundtrack with crazy bass slam, fast moving image panning, percussion, shit happening everywhere with artificial sounds. Or like the "The Ferries" Dark Knight soundtrack at about 1:10, where its literally just subbass shifiting all around the place. But not as good for some other genres. You listen to like beethoven piano sonatas, and some natural uncompressed stuff and certain mid ranges still feel dull with some muffling. While I like aspects of it, I'll probably hold off until a version with the improved tuning or tuning of the fathom comes out. When it's in its home ground and everything is lined up, it excels harder than anything I've heard.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025 at 5:13 PM
  14. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Just a reminder from a few posts ago. Tips will only do so much. Didn't want anyone to say that I didn't tell them so.
  15. Johnston98

    Johnston98 Facebook Friend

    Jun 16, 2019
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    I settled on the Divinus as well. The Campfire is the only IEM I've spent more than $1K that came with a relatively paltry amount of tips. Maybe they thought it was a waste since most people who spend $2K likely have other IEMs. It's too bad because your experience is likely going to be the experience for many.
  16. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    Feb 23, 2016
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    First off, huge thanks to SBAF, @julie and @purr1n for making this loaner happen.

    BLUF: Astrolith's tuning is not for me at all. @Cellist88's impressions track almost exactly with mine.

    Honestly, I was expecting an improvement to Moon Rover, given the new CFA planar drivers, but at this point, even with it's slightly rolled lowest bass, I'd take Moon Rover over Astrolith all day everyday.

    Fight me: Fathoms are head and shoulders better than either Astro/Moon Rover when it comes to even response, bass extension without bloat, and the best treble resolve and air I've heard in an IEM.

    Put it another way: While listening to Astrolith, I was actively trying/struggling to find music to listen to without bass just so I could get a grip on what should have been strengths of the planar drivers, given my experience with Moon Rovers.

    Rambling list of shit I plugged Astrolith into, with brief notes:
    • Yggdrasil LIM + MJ3 = 6kHz ice pick + distracting bass
    • Yggdrasil LIM + Vali3 = tamer 6kHz ice pick + slightly woolier but still distracting bass
    • iPhone 15 + Apple dongle = serviceable, but in no way does this combo sound like $3,000+ worth of portable personal audio. MDPlus sounds more fun plugged into this rig.
    • iPhone 15 + DCE = treble is finally not glassy + bass emphasis seems to shift down 30 or 40 Hz lower, so it's a little less distracting
    • Shanling M6U 4.4mm out = finally! something useable!! Too bad this combo sounds pretty lifeless
    • Yggdrasil A2 + EC Af = sorta okay? some of the midrange majik is there, and the spaciousness starts to come through
    And yes, I rolled tips: Divinus velvet wide bore, TRI Clarion, SpinFits, Spiral Dots, Comply foams, AZLA Xelastecs and Crystals. Spiral Dots were the only tips that kinda unf*cked the treble, but did nothing for the bass.
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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2025 at 4:52 PM
  17. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Well you got me curious to hear the Fathoms.
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  18. Cellist88

    Cellist88 Friend

    Nov 11, 2015
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    @Merrick they are def a surprise for me too. I thank @yotacowboy for his post. Now every iem graphic gets compared to it as I love the tuning Most recently saw some Dunu glacier love, but then I see the upper mid Harmon tuning and I’m like nope.
  19. Merrick

    Merrick A lidless ear

    Jan 6, 2016
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    I still need to set up an audition at CFA, I'll add Fathom to the pile.
  20. willc

    willc Friend

    Pyrate Slaytanic Cliff Clavin
    Nov 10, 2015
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    purr1n: Astrolith be like lots of boobs in face at sweaty boom boom club with soul music
    SBAF: Wah, Astrolith too bassy and V and I tried tips but still too bassy and V

    bruh, why people sign up for loaner they won't like?
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