NAD M33 - 'like a well-made watch' - the marketing is strong with this one!

Discussion in 'Headphone Amplifiers and Combo (DAC/Amp) Units' started by Ruined, Aug 15, 2020.

  1. Ruined

    Ruined HD700 ruined my ear holes

    Jul 22, 2020
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    "Precision-timed audio: that’s what the M33’s state-of-the-art amplification technology is all about. The M33 employs Eigentakt™, or self-clocking, amplification technology to achieve a measured result of ultra-low distortion and noise levels. It nears the limits of even the most sensitive and sophisticated test equipment available. The audible result has to be heard to believe. The M33 is completely relaxed and natural sounding, with astounding detail and transparency. There is simply a smooth flow of music with amazing spatial delineation and natural ambiance recovery. Like a well-made watch, timing is everything for the M33. NAD has masterfully combined high-quality components to effortlessly deliver a soundstage like no other. Tied in with many decades of amplifier innovation, the M33 is without equal for accurate and involving sound quality.


    Furthermore, headphone enthusiasts, will delight at the sound of the discrete headphone amplifier, which is able to drive even planar and high impedance studio headphones. With high voltage and low output impedance, headphones will sound their best. For those who wish to enjoy their headphones but not be tethered to a cable, the integrated Bluetooth aptX HD module makes it simple to also enjoy wireless headphones"

    Looks like a rip-off of to me. But hey, those are some impressive claims NAD are making eh? I would love to hear this, just to see WTF NAD thinks is so special to deserve this type of jump-the-shark marketing. I guess it does look quite eigentakt.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  2. skywideopen

    skywideopen New

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Can you explain what makes it a rip-off of the M6 Encore 225? The design language on the M33 looks quite distinct, the front screen has touch functionality, has a phono stage etc etc. The marketing language is full of guff, but that's hardly a novelty.

    To me this just looks like NAD made a bigger, more expensive version of the M10.
  3. Ruined

    Ruined HD700 ruined my ear holes

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Just the same concept of "artful high end" all in one streamer + integrated amp/HPA with LCD screen and similar form factor. NAD has one knob instead of two and a larger LCD screen but otherwise pretty similar setup.

    That MF product is over 3yr old now, NAD makes it seem like this is some huge concept never done before: "The M33 employs a completely modern and fresh take on the traditional stereo amplifier, with features and performance from the future"

    edit: i guess i should have been more clear as there are so many LITERAL ripoffs these days :)
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  4. rlow

    rlow A happy woofer

    Pyrate Contributor
    Jul 18, 2017
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    The M33 is using the new Purifi Class D module, which I believe they are first to go to market with it. This is the supposed new/improved evolution of Class D from Bruno Putzeys, the guy who invented UcD and the Hypex Ncore Class D modules, and was heavily involved in the development of the Kii Three (maybe the lead, not sure). Nad probably paid a good chunk of change to get exclusive licensing rights to launch this in the M33 (though I’m sure many others will follow), so they’re likely spending a big chunk of change on marketing the hell out of it as well (and a price to match).

    I recently listened to a podcast interview with Bruno that John Darko did where they talked about a ton of things, including that new Purifi module and the M33, in case anyone’s interested
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  5. Ruined

    Ruined HD700 ruined my ear holes

    Jul 22, 2020
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    I will check it out. I figured there had to be something unique they were trying to communicate with the crazy hyperbole in the marketing.
  6. AdvanTech

    AdvanTech Friend

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    May 13, 2016
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    I was following the implementations of Bruno's new Eiigentakt class D module until I realized that some companies that offer the new module as well as the older Hypex NCore modules stlil tout the NCore's as flagship. One designer that only offers NCore told me he'd heard both and didn't care for the Purifi module, and still sells only NCore. It looks like it's better measuring at the expense of engagement-factor.
  7. Maximillion

    Maximillion Acquaintance

    Dec 15, 2018
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    I 'upgraded' to this from a Gungnir Multibit + Rega Elicit-R last year.
    I convinced myself it sounded great and to be fair I listened to a LOT of amps as I wanted to upgrade the Elicit-R because the hum from it was annoying me. The NAD was initially dead silent (unit and speakers)
    So anyway, the NAD developed a hum/whine from the box too (which is actually a lot worse... I though the Purify amps were supposed to be dead silent but no) so I took it to the shop for a repair/service and whilst I am waiting for it back I put my Gungnir Multibit/Elicit-R back to work and was immediately surprised at how much better the Gungnir Multibit/Rega sounded - particularly with the bass and top end :mad:
    Back to square one on upgrading the Elicit-R. The NAD is getting sold. It's not bad and the shiny box and 'one box' solution is appealing. But seriously the DAC and Purify combo doesn't match the Gungnir Multibit/Rega. I feel a bit of an idiot given I paid over £4k for the NAD. :(
  8. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    NAD used to be one of the most respected of the modestly-priced-gear companies. You really couldn't go wrong with a NAD amp. They didn't need bullshit to get to that position.

    Looks like they've changed :(
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  9. Inoculator

    Inoculator Friend

    Dec 5, 2018
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    To offer a contrary viewpoint, I have had a NAD M33 running my living room system for 18 months and I love it. A true seamless one-box solution and mine has been rock solid and noise free. Even hooked up to efficient speakers such as Zu Dirty Weekends or Klipsch Forte IVs it is completely noise-free, ear to the tweeter dead silent. Is it as good as my reference Holo Audio May DAC + Line Magnetic LM805ia? No. But it is a whole lot easier to use, no noise, fuss-free, HDMI works great, phono stage is surprisingly excellent (funny enough better with MC than MM cartridges). DIRAC integration is great even if after some light experimenting I prefer no DIRAC for pure music listening. I would says its weakness is the headphone output, not bad, just nothing to write home about.

    I would certainly not throw out all my separates in a dedicated listening space for the M33,but for a workhorse, family/living room amp where a TV is in the mix, it is incredible and never leaves me wanting. I have hooked up half a dozen different speakers to it, and it has played nice with all of them. Good stuff for high WAF setups, and functionality wise BluOS is streamlined and easy to use for the whole family and guests.


    I never got around to writing extended impressions of this amp, but since the thread was revived I wanted to chime in. I did share a bit about the M33 when I used it to compare to the LSA Warp 1 amp. Can find those full impressions here:

    LSA "Discovery Warp One" Class D Power Amp Impressions

    High level takeaway at the top of that review is:
    "Sweet is the one word I would choose to describe the sound, it has tons of nuance and sweetness. Where it lacks lushness or organicness it fills in the void with realism, air, and finesse but in a really natural fatigue-free way. Its bass is not the star of the show, and the stage could be deeper/better (I am sure the built-in ESS DAC is doing no favors here), but I just find it to be a joy to listen to and every speaker I have hooked up to it has been enhanced by the pairing. So while it is not perfect, it is a class D chameleon at least based on my biases about class D, it is good for all-day listening, preserves great detail for background listening, and is just a seamless joy to use. Everything you could ask for in a living/family room sort of amp."
  10. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I'm glad to hear it! Always better to listen to the gear rather than the marketing.
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  11. Entropy

    Entropy Facebook Friend

    Dec 3, 2022
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    LOL, I mixed up the m6 and m33, and was just thinking "Looks pretty nice, probably has a 10lbs toroidal transformer and pretty heavy class a bias," and then I saw your message and did a double take :D

    I've always wanted to try these higher-end class d amps, and compare them to the slew of lower-end CDs, as well as some similarly priced linear amps. Feels kind of funky these days when tons of people are transitioning to integrated class-d amps while I'm going to linear separates.
  12. Maximillion

    Maximillion Acquaintance

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Generally agree
    The NAD sounds really good to my ears and it would still be in my listening space had it not developed a whine/buzz from the unit itself.
    The neatness of the one box solution is excellent and it's no all show, it has genuinely nice sound.
    It just isn't better for me than my old set up, which was my mistake in buying it initially. It was replacing my main listening gear, not a secondary room.
  13. Inoculator

    Inoculator Friend

    Dec 5, 2018
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    For sure, I am actually pretty partial to the Rega amps and Brit-fi gear generally, I bet the Gungnir Multibit/Elicit-R combo has a pretty dynamic presentation. While the NAD is a solid Class D offering, it is still class D. Tubes/class A all the way baby, now I am itching to get ears on one of Regas higher-end offerings...
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  14. Maximillion

    Maximillion Acquaintance

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Gungnir MB and Elicit-R sounds terrific. I have them paired with SF speakers (4Ohm). I am not really very good at describing sound but can only say the low end has an extremely solid/tight sound to it and the high end has less shrill to it than the NAD. Shrill is too extreme a word I guess, but to be a bit more real, if I play a song like Birdy's 'Little Blue' on the NAD it does sound a little off, where with the Gungnir Multibit / Rega it sounds much cleaner. The mid range also really hits the spot for the kind of music I listen to.

    I too am looking at the higher end Rega's because the original fault that led to me wanted to change the Elicit is still there. So, I am kind of back to square one in replacing the Elicit-R and am looking at the Atheos and maybe a used Osiris. Or I may even get Rega to try and fix the Elicit (its very old)
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
  15. Maximillion

    Maximillion Acquaintance

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Well the NAD M33 is boxed and being sold.

    My journey has taken me right back to when I was a teenager, haha.

    I bought a tube pre amp, PL Evo 400, a Rega Aethos (which I am using in direct mode , I can also by pass the PL too as an option) , and a bunch of new LPs along with a load of £2 LPs from the charity shop. I already had a TT and Pro-Ject DS2 phono stage. I am in audio heaven. :)

    I will still use a digital front end too via Roon and the Gungnir MB but I can see my future upgrades being TT and carts. Don’t really know why I haven’t been listening to vinyl. I love it. Call it a rediscovery.

    I see there are a few TT experts here too … I have so many questions, but will dig into the threads first ;)
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2023

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