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Portland OR

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Eric Alexander of Tekton audio has seemingly gone feral. Amir is doing some great work for the community. Tekton's now on my blacklist... Apr 11, 2024

Entropy was last seen:
Apr 19, 2024
    1. Entropy
      Eric Alexander of Tekton audio has seemingly gone feral. Amir is doing some great work for the community. Tekton's now on my blacklist...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Entropy
        More news on Eric. In a recent, deleted youtube comment he blamed the whole ordeal on a recently fired employee (and called her out by name using first name, last initial).. 2015 on his business's blog: "Wife kidnapped my kids [custody battle] FBI and police are ignoring me." Recent excuse for late shipment on products: "My wife kidnapped my kids and I'm going through divorce" (years after divorce proceedings)
        Apr 12, 2024
        crenca likes this.
      3. Merrick
        Must have been the same elusive abusive employee that was working at Verum…
        Apr 12, 2024
        Case, SoupRKnowva and Entropy like this.
      4. shotgunshane
        Apr 12, 2024
        Biodegraded likes this.
    2. Entropy
      Hot take? Describing sound is a translation. Translations should be as simple as humanly possible while effectively conveying basic meaning.
      1. Tchoupitoulas and crenca like this.
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      3. Tchoupitoulas
        Apr 2, 2024
      4. Claritas
        You should be able to tell people what you’re hearing without using technical terms, except for the most rudimentary (such as “mid-bass,” “decay”). Macro-this, micro-that—I don’t buy it.
        Apr 3, 2024
      5. ChaChaRealSmooth
        Disagreements and differing opinions are not bad. The point of having a forum at all is to have these discussions, not to have a hive mind that only thinks a certain way (which is totally not what happens in reality, I get it). Ultimately, describing sound is a lot like describing food.
        Apr 3, 2024
    3. Entropy
      Is it just me, or did the valentine’s day update drop a little late?
    4. Entropy
      Apos ghosted me. Looking into them, it’s a one-man operation with expired business filings. F-tier BBB, 2.6* trustpilot. I’d stay away.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        @YMO read down Entropy's profile posts.

        Looks like he really was dealing with A POS here.

        (Tangentially... My brain gets well confused when this abbreviation means "point of sale," usually applied to hardware/software)
        Mar 25, 2023
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      3. Josh83
        Are you “sejarzo” on ASR, @Entropy? I just saw their thread about the BBB complaints and APOS’s current location. I think I bought from APOS in 2020, so perhaps before this move. IIRC, back then someone posted convincing evidence that APOS was a U.S. outpost of ShenzenAudio.
        Mar 26, 2023
      4. Entropy
        Josh, I'm Another guy (Anander). That's an interesting theory, but a while back I contacted both of them asking about the pa5, and they have different answers, so maybe not. Of course, that isn't definitive evidence, though.
        Mar 26, 2023
    5. Entropy
      Gugnir finally capitulated to business realities :/
      1. HotRatSalad likes this.
    6. Entropy
      How long is too long to wait for a Retailer to reply? Today is the start of week 4... (They've taken over 2 in the past)
      1. bixby likes this.
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      3. Entropy
        @bixby, They're very responsive when you buy something, But not so much when it's time to hold their end of the bargain.
        Mar 13, 2023
        JayC and bixby like this.
      4. bixby
        One thing I have learned after 4 decades of buying stuff is the response time and the response is part of what you are buying. I had to go to the AG of Oregon to get one person to almost deliver after 8 months of BS. And he was the S of PS audio. I have no money or time for the quacks of audio.
        Mar 14, 2023
        Entropy and roshambo123 like this.
      5. roshambo123
        @bixby Support. It matters. The thing that sucks is when you pay extra fees for support and still don't get it. Or the people who you're dealing with are so green as to be useless.
        Mar 14, 2023
        zottel, Thad E Ginathom and Entropy like this.
    7. Entropy
      Apos is offering me $300 of store credit for a defective $350 product... haaah....
      1. Senorx12562
        Good to know. Another crossed off the list. Lol
        Feb 14, 2023
        Entropy likes this.
      2. Entropy
        That’s probably for the best. They are not a joy to work with. As a side note, they only offered this after 4 months and 3 prior requests for a refund
        Feb 14, 2023
    8. Entropy
      Audiophilia summarized in seven words: "...I bet this can play super loud!"
      1. Deep Funk, Cryptowolf and Vansen like this.
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      3. caute
        Never sounded better! Now, I wonder what would happen, if...
        Jan 25, 2023
      4. Boops
        Confirmed @caute can't count to 7 ;-)
        Jan 25, 2023
        Philimon, Entropy and caute like this.
      5. caute
        Jan 25, 2023
        Entropy likes this.
    9. Entropy
      Spent today listening to AS801. I once said I didn't think different amps would change the sound of my speakers much. Mistakes were made.
      1. Cryptowolf, rlow and Philimon like this.
      2. rlow
        Yeah the Yammies have a different flavour for sure.
        Jan 17, 2023
    10. Entropy
      Ended up purchasing an As-801 from a local dealer. $450 in like-new condition... a bit of a steal imo.
      1. Vansen likes this.
      2. Vansen
        That’s a really good amp for the money. It’s the best value I’ve found for driving philharmonic BMR.
        Jan 14, 2023
        Claritas and Entropy like this.
    11. Entropy
      Looking at a DIY rack to mount the huge As301 by the side of my desk. My speaker cables aren't gonna make it by 6 inches.. Argh.
      1. Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    12. Entropy
      I oftentimes have strong feelings of 'inadequacy' here... so much I can't start to comment on. I've got plenty to learn and see, I suppose.
      1. Tchoupitoulas likes this.
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      3. JK47
        Read and study the content here, it truly is an encyclopedia/warehouse of top notch information. Keeping clutter down in threads is appreciated, no need for 50 updates on what you are doing in a 24hr period.
        Jan 4, 2023
        Lyander, Joshvar and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      4. Joshvar
        You recognized in the thread what the local customs were, that's worth a "hey, you're getting it" :) Welcome aboard.
        Jan 6, 2023
        Entropy likes this.
      5. Entropy
        Thanks! Happy to be here.
        Jan 6, 2023
        Thad E Ginathom and Lyander like this.
    13. Entropy
      Dreams are messages from the deep.
      1. Qildail, joch and Merrick like this.
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      3. Claritas
        I've had nightmares almost every night for 6-10 years, and I felt wretched in the mornings. I still have nightmares fairly often, but they don't affect me at all, and each one has a distinctive message that I understand immediately upon awakening. I was praying during those years, but I was praying for the wrong thing: I was praying for better dreams, not for whatever God wants for me.
        Dec 5, 2022
        Entropy likes this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        @Claritas I'm glad you've found some relief, even if we walk different faith paths. Best regards
        Dec 5, 2022
      5. Entropy
        @Claritas , Oof. One bad nightmare sucks, a few have shaken me up for several hours during the day. One nightly for years on end? Pretty dang awful. Glad to hear that you're doing better now.
        Dec 5, 2022
        Philimon, Cryptowolf and Claritas like this.
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    Portland OR
    Gear List:
    Hifman ananda
    JBL studio 530
    Schiit Gjallarhorn
    RSL speedwoofer 10s mkii
    Ifi zendac
    Moondrop Blessing 3 dusk and no fewer than three others
    Koss Kph40 utility, Ksc75
    Rode Nt1 g5


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