The $2 Fuse Fixer

Discussion in 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' started by DietKokaine, May 5, 2021.

  1. DietKokaine

    DietKokaine New

    May 5, 2021
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    If you have problems with the treble, swap out the internal Glass fuse. It is a distortion magnet.
    I just got the wavelight, and it has the sweetest Treble after going to a ceramic silver Alloy fuse. No hint of harshness...
    Put the Glass fuse back in, and it's a completely different story :)

    FYI: The Holo May KTE comes with an aftermarket Audiophile fuse from the factory. Any comparisons without using an equivalent fuse for the wavelight are.....not really an apples to apples comparison.
  2. DietKokaine

    DietKokaine New

    May 5, 2021
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    Here is a fuse for $2.69 from aliexpress. Just an incredible match for the Rockna.
    Fantastic timbre, great resolution, gets rids of any and all distortion in the treble.
    At least as I hear it. I am using the 4amp version.
    I also have a more expensive HIFI Supreme3 Silver Gold fuse, and it does something completely different to the sound of the Rockna, both fuses have their strengths. I would be happy with either one.
    Both fuses are directional, if you flip them, sound changes.
    Last edited: May 7, 2021
  3. m17xr2b

    m17xr2b Friend

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    I'd say keep things simple and lay off fuse rolling or keep such impressions to one's self as it leads to nervosa. Gear transformation of this kind is often in the mystical imagination land and should be double blinded just to be sure there are no gremlins involved.
  4. DietKokaine

    DietKokaine New

    May 5, 2021
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    I have the wavelight, I have the fuses, and I have A/B tested with friends who all agree with my observations.
    For me this DAC was a return or sell on the used market with the Stock Glass fuse.
    I am reading people's impressions on how the treble can be hot, and grainy, and I 100% agree.
    I am posting for them, that my experience may help them, so if you are not interested.....
    just disregard my posts and move on.
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  5. Azteca

    Azteca Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    It’s a shame the Rockna team didn’t have access to Ali express specials when they designed this piece of gear. To think they could’ve made it acceptable if they just swapped out the fuse.
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  6. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    You join two days ago, go right into audiophoolery of directional fuses fundamentally changing the sound of a DAC, and your now dishing out advice as to how others should choke down your steaming pile of $%^&?

    Gave you a respectfully disagree but that's too subtle for you I think - changing to shitposter...
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  7. DietKokaine

    DietKokaine New

    May 5, 2021
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    Like I said. This post is obviously not for you. Disregard it, and move ON....
    No need to get hostile.
  8. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    This forum is obviously not for you. Also, f**k you.
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  9. DietKokaine

    DietKokaine New

    May 5, 2021
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    You need to relax bud. I don't know, maybe listen to some music for a change, instead of trolling boards of gear you can't afford. Jesus Christ
  10. DietKokaine

    DietKokaine New

    May 5, 2021
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    Funny how this guy is being verbally abusive towards me, telling me to F off, and people are downgrading my posts. I have kept my responses PG and civil. People on this site deserve each other.
    I am sorry I started an account on this dumpster fire.
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  11. GoodEnoughGear

    GoodEnoughGear Evil Dr. Shultz‎

    Oct 25, 2015
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    This is going to move into the dumpster fire thread, but while you're still here, you're missing the point that you are wading in without understanding the culture and repeatedly pushing a position that sits well within the questionable realm of confirmation and other biases. No-one flamed you for your initial observation, and in the interest of lowering the noise level you should have left it at that. The information is there for others to find. Instead you kept trotting out your personal epiphany at every opportunity, like an evangelical ejaculation. THAT is what you're getting blasted for. That is better suited to other circle-jerk fora.
  12. m17xr2b

    m17xr2b Friend

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    Look, malaka, I hate the fuse prospect because it has nothing to do with the Wavelight or any gear such fuse is put in. OK it makes a difference to you but don't shout it as the cure and solution to all the imaginary problems. I'd take you more seriously if:
    - you introduced yourself here
    - you test more than one fuse so check the boundaries of improvements.
    - have the different fuses installed without knowing it's even in. Suggestion is a powerful thing and significant upgrades when I saw them installed were reduced to something may be slight off when I didn't know they were missing.
    - give more impressions on how your system reacts to IC, power cables, power, vibration isolation, day vs night, winter vs summer etc. at this hyper tuning level everything needs to be considered.
    - what's your amp, and headphones, are they potatoes? What else have you had and auditioned? Dacs of this calibre need serious gear or a golden ear.
    - had the gear in question for more than 2 seconds.
    - consider the brief possibility the dac reveals the rest of your system is crap and shows flaws which are ironed out by a warm fuse
    - consider the change is a sidegrade where sounding different is not the same as a straight up upgrade.
    - not looking for an echo chamber
    - are you a quantum sticker believer?

    You need to find the special place on the internet to discuss fuses and other extremely niche things and leave the gear itself alone if you must express. I've been bitten more than once at the beginning of my audio journey by such random statements leading to expensive purchases thinking I could fix gear I didn't like which in the end was just a waste and funds could have been put to better use. Then again I saw first hand just how useless a fuse upgrade is.
    I still haven't touched the fuse on the Wavedream Sig, maybe I will but I'm not there yet and there's much to be done before that becomes a priority or even a necessity. I'd welcome a fuse debate and impressions thread but it has to be done right.
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    Last edited: May 8, 2021
  13. bixby

    bixby Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Pretty brutal reception to a rando. Yea, he did not follow the "intro rules" (most don't), but it is no wonder a number of folks who have tried to post here get turned off pretty quick, calling it a Shiit shill site, lemming club, etc.

    Let the guy rave about his fuse, if you don't agree then just move on, what is the point of trying to educate based on one's personal beliefs as to the hierarchy of good when it comes to audio stuff. The holier than thou list of what you should do or believe in is boorish. If a post or subsequent posts get no response, the sound of crickets will usually send the message.

    Seems like there might be some more missing member messages, perhaps second thoughts by the posters.;)
    Or not, It seems I may not be seeing folks I have already put on ignore ages ago.
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    Last edited: May 8, 2021
  14. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    It was pretty civil, before he dug himself in. Seeing the thread title, I couldn't resist looking, and was quite surprised at how civil initial replies were.
    I don't think this is where people come to sing the praises of a fuse, especially a specific, imported from China, fuse. That had been pointed out gently.

    Might I suggest Guy with a short fuse as thread title?
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  15. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    Hey that's what he said! ;) Honestly, do you have any evidence that this actually works? Look at HF, CA ("AudiophileStyle" now), and the like - the vast majority of threads and thus the whole culture are low signal to noise free for all's where anything and everything is "tolerated", in the name of choice, individualism, kindness, and the like. His and most Rando's expectations are no doubt shaped by these (and social media's general) low expectation cultures, so an essentially passive aggressive (and, again, normative in social media) "just move on - leave me alone while I stream-of-conscious my idiosyncratic beliefs while you find your own little corner of social media to spew in..." gets trotted out when they drop in here and get questioned/pushback.

    I suppose if SBAF want's to be yet-another "normal" audio forum/social media site just moving on can become the new normal. I admit if was not for the beer and cranky crenca mood I was in I probably would have spent another post or two explaining "hey buddy, SBAF is like..." but I suspect it would not have made a difference anyways because you know, nobody here can afford the Wavelights, Holo Mays, etc. :D
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  16. dematted

    dematted Friend

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    Yeah, though @crenca and I are on pretty much polar opposite spectrums of politics, sometimes he just gets things so "right" about contemporary culture (at least for me) that I'm not quite sure what to say. There's something to be said for spaces and cultures that demand some level of general competence of their members, and where you can't go around posting nonsense and then defend yourself merely by opining that "everyone is deserving of their own opinion...".

    You are entitled to your opinion, perhaps, but you are not entitled to assert an opinion without being challenged. And there's certainly good reason to think that spaces that have a wanton tolerance for any sort of opinion will quickly degenerate into spaces where it's impossible to have reasoned, thoughtful debates about any opinion.

    Anyways, I can't imagine Rockna didn't have access to $2 fuses...
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  17. Erroneous

    Erroneous Friend

    May 15, 2016
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    If we let randos just diarrhea bullshit all over the site without reproach (and without following the rules), the site will go downhill quickly. They're like cockroaches, and spread accordingly.
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  18. m17xr2b

    m17xr2b Friend

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    @bixby Why would the reception be better for someone proclaiming a component designed and overseen by a super senior engineer who worked for MSB, PS Audio etc. and establishing his own world class company have his intelligence insulted by a fuse believer who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground(unless valid reason are brought forth). It's brutal but that's how one learns to be more grounded in assertions. I've been called out in other places when I stepped over the line and it's hard but made me realise the error of my ways. Cuddling doesn't do anyone any good.
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    Last edited: May 8, 2021
  19. bixby

    bixby Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    There is the rub. Who gets to define bullshit? The hive?

    If so, so be it. And while it is pretty much stated as such in the numerous posts about how to get the lay of the land and fit in at SBAF, I suppose when you make it easy for a rando to register, you get some of this. I suppose you could wall off registrations again. Probably the best thing for keeping liquid excrement like this from spreading.

    Apply your same thought process to dozens of things in audio and a good amount of subjective stuff is now "cockroach fodder". I think I am starting to smell some Hydrogen or is it AP fumes.
  20. Azteca

    Azteca Friend

    Sep 26, 2015
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    Exceptions: Big D and that California dude that was super into metallurgy. This guy gave off a very similar vibe. Not just discussing, evangelizing.

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