Videogame Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Geek Cave: Computers, Tablets, HT, Phones, Games' started by sphinxvc, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. Walderstorn

    Walderstorn Friend

    Mar 20, 2016
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    Dying Light 2 is getting all my attention. How much I've missed this...
  2. Gazny

    Gazny MOT: ETA Audio

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    May 11, 2020
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    open sky
  3. Jerry

    Jerry Friend

    Apr 8, 2017
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    Played FF7 Remake finally in PC. Goodness, the nostalgia. Like I was back in 1997. Full of memories.

    Anyway, this is probably the best remake I have seen in a game.
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  4. Jerseysam

    Jerseysam New

    Aug 9, 2021
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    I'm glad they finally released a sequel.....the first was one of my favorite "hidden gems" of the last console generation. The gameplay is close enough.....but holy smokes, is the writing/world-lore plotting awful :(. Not even regular video game bad, but like three accounting interns wrote a replacement script in an hour because their dog ate the original. The core gameplay is still fun and worth a go for fans of the original.
  5. Walderstorn

    Walderstorn Friend

    Mar 20, 2016
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    For me is as poor as the first. I did enjoy the first one more BUT I also played in co-op and that is always much more fun so until I do that (2nd run) with this one I am feeling like it's a few steps backwards from the first one.
    I think that it has a lot to do with the city itself first and foremost, the fact that you can't use traps in the same way as before and that they focused too much on bulshit like Ray-tracing instead of more important elements.

    This said, still having a blast.
  6. dubiousmike

    dubiousmike Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Anyone else trying out Lost Ark? Setting server resets and ordinary mmo startup headaches aside, the isometric diablo meets wow concept, free to play through steam, is pretty great. The story is no Disco Elysium, but the combat, instanced dungeons, fast group finder etc. are all pretty damn entertaining and satisfying when the game is functioning as I imagine it consistently will one day. Fair warning, I hear the EU servers are an absolute shit show at present, but the game seems to run pretty well in NA at this point except for the nightly shutdowns while they try to fix the EU regions.
  7. LetMeBeFrank

    LetMeBeFrank Won't tell anyone my name is actually Francis

    Aug 4, 2017
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    I've been playing dark souls 3 for the last 2 weeks or so. I'm in the Grand archives now, heading towards the final Lord of cinder. I've been playing a "Knight" with heavy armor, 100% shield and a straight sword. Right now I've got full Lothric Knight set, shield and sword fully upgraded. I respeced and moved some points from strength into endurance for more blocking and rolling. This made dragon slayer armor a breeze, especially with the high lightning absorb on the Lothric shield.

    Anyway, the game has been awesome so far. I'm crazy hyped for Elden Ring.

    This looks fake but it's not lol
  8. Skyline

    Skyline Double-blindly done with this hobby

    Sep 28, 2015
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    But, as a teacher, I think I have to wait for the summer so I can give it the time it deserves.

    I'm playing Horizon Forbidden West right now, which is also amazing and is long enough to fill the gap.

    Can't wait, though, and I'm jealous of everyone getting it this week. My students are already rubbing in the fact that they'll be playing it and I won't :p
  9. Boops

    Boops Friend

    Nov 8, 2015
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    New York
    I finished Last of Us 2 last night to clear the decks for Elden Ring. Going away with the family this weekend so will have to wait until next week to play it.

    Final random thoughts on Last of Us 2:
    • It is a technical marvel in every way
    • It is much too long
    • The general structure of the game – jumping in time, playing from two perspectives – worked for me narratively.
    • I was emotionally out-of-step with the story in the last act of the game. It's not good to play through these scenes and have no options other than acting out the pre-determined story beats. It breaks the spell. I did not have this experience with the first game, where I was in complete lockstep with Joel and the things the game was asking me to do.
    • I don't really get the design choice to allow you to play as two opposing characters, but force you into "resolving" the conflict in only one, predetermined way from one perspective. Other than being overlong, this is the key problem for me with the second game and why it doesn't end up working anywhere near as well as LoU1.
    • Score was outstanding. Did not reach the level of LoU1, but right up there.
    There's a scene at the end where Ellie agrees to try to forgive Joel for lying to her at the end of LoU1. This is the key event in the game that is the foundation of the tragedy that follows. The problem was that the game was so f'ing long, and the narrative so jump-in-time-y, that I couldn't remember when in the sequence of events this was supposed to happen, which kind of undermines the emotional impact of it.
  10. StandUp713

    StandUp713 Friend

    Mar 24, 2016
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    I bought into the hype.

    The reviews are saying exploration is super good. That was my favorite part of Zelda, BOTW. So I need my next fix.

    I will be playing this on PC. Any controller recommendations? I have a XBOX 360 controller I can dust off.
  11. LetMeBeFrank

    LetMeBeFrank Won't tell anyone my name is actually Francis

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Jackson, Mi
    I've been using an Xbox One controller with the latest firmware update that gives it Bluetooth low latency and higher efficiency. I used to get 10 hours on a charge, now I get 30. I'm going through my Nvidia shield to my PC with it. Compared to my 360 controller it's significantly better.
  12. obsiCO

    obsiCO Thai Fish Experiment Gone Wrong

    Sep 18, 2017
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    I'm having so much fun with SIFU lately, which is surprising to me because I'm not particularly fond of Souls-like games. Anyone who enjoys Sekiro should try this little gem out. It's short and sweet with good replay value and interesting art direction.

    I agree! I really like the game but even then I think it's a missed opportunity to not at least have multiple endings. The overall length undermines the story pacing, too, like most of the missions could be cut down by 20% (fewer filler fight/puzzle sequences) and nothing of importance would be lost. That said, even if they fix pacing issues, I wouldn't be super thrilled to start this game up again and face one misery after another with no end in sight. "Best game I'll never replay" is what I like to call it.
  13. Boops

    Boops Friend

    Nov 8, 2015
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    After a bit of a rocky start, Elden Ring has gotten the hooks in me. I am loving the game. I have mostly been doing side stuff after bouncing off the first main boss.

    I was meh on Torrent at first, thinking that I usually just prefer traveling in open world games on foot. But the mounted combat clicked for me a couple days ago and I am really enjoying it now. This game is not like Sekiro where you can take out mounted dudes on foot. Gotta jump on the horse to even the odds.

    I'd been using the rapier as my main weapon since I liked it from the other games, but I've switched the the flail, which is very satisfying and fun, especially mounted.

    The art direction is really fantastic. Someone else made this point, but it's an interesting mix of DS1 and DS2. Graphics are not on the level of Demon's Souls which looked truly next gen. ER looks like late last-gen at best to me, but I don't have a 4K TV so I'm not seeing it in the highest resolution. Probably makes sense since it's a cross-gen title. Sound and music are great.

    I wish the open world was darker at night. Maybe not Dragon's Dogma level, but there's not too much of a difference between night and day from a visability point of view.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2022
  14. Alondite

    Alondite Facebook Friend

    Jun 10, 2018
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    Anyone had a chance to check out Cyberpunk as of version 1.5? It still has its issues (largely design related), but it's finally at a stable point and is safe to jump in on if you've been holding out based on its terrible launch status. No sure how it's running on last gen platforms, but on Series X (and presumably PS5) at least, it's been a rather enjoyable experience in its current state. Lots of different ways to approach its challenges based on how you choose to spec your character.

    And I really love what Square has been doing with their HD 2D engine; Triangle Strategy is strategically interesting and equal parts beautiful and nostalgic with it's SNES-inspired visuals, and the Dragon Quest 3 remake looks promising as well, especially given how strong an entry Dragon Quest XI is in the classical JRPG style. Its still available on Game Pass as far as I know, and is definitely worth a look if you're into those types of games.
  15. BenjaminBore

    BenjaminBore Friend

    May 23, 2016
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    I'm hooked on this betch at the moment. It's like Diablo meets a slower paced Geometry Wars, with a Castlevania theme. It's one of the very few run based games I enjoy. Each run is 30m, if you can survive that long. It really hooks you in to try out new combinations, test out unlocked items, and do just one more run. It's addictive, super rewarding, and only $2.99. Get your fix here:

    Some beginner tips
    1. First priority is to choose the garlic when leveling up, and upgrade it a few times.
    2. Don't pickup the roast chickens unless you need it
    3. As you unlock more items select combinations of weapons and passive items during runs to get evolved weapons once the weapon level is maxxed:
    4. ...
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2022
  16. netforce

    netforce MOT:

    Aug 1, 2016
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    Been playing a ton of Elden Ring, love it so far and been having a ton of fun with it.

    It is such a massive game with so much to do. Can probably go through the same area a dozen times and discover something else I missed. Going back to find some early dungeons with bosses I hadn't killed yet but then just killing them in oneshot or a few swings or spells is kinda hilarious.

    Tried to go Dex build initially and then respec'd when I got the Moonveil and went kinda all in on Int with it. Already kind of planning when I beat the game, maybe I make a second Str/Faith character and going down that rabbit hole. But at the same time with how generous the game is about respec, could just swap to a str/faith character whenever I feel like it.

    Playing a lot of Souls games in the past, nothing was kinda more infuriating than getting stuck on a boss and having to spend a while grinding them down until I get it down. But with Elden Ring, can always dip on the dungeon and then come back later to deal with them when better prepared.

    Also been really using the unlimited Comet Azur/flask to melt some bosses. Int in Elden Ring just constantly feels so strong with all the options it gives you to utterly find broken combos.
  17. LetMeBeFrank

    LetMeBeFrank Won't tell anyone my name is actually Francis

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Jackson, Mi
    Yeah, Elden Ring is amazing. I'm about 80 hours in. I've been killing most bosses in 2-3 attempts as a strength sword and board build, plus mimic tear +10. I have hoarfrost stomp on my +25 Lordsworn's straight sword, +24 brass shield with barricade shield, my mimic just spams hoarfrost constantly and melts bosses while I tank them. My strategy is pretty much keep barrier up all the time, spam block counter until stagger, critical them, repeat, win. Also wearing Veterans set, which is insanely good for it's weight. 79 poise for 45 weight.
  18. Boops

    Boops Friend

    Nov 8, 2015
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    New York
    I'm at about lvl 50. Dex build. I typically try to beat bosses on my own, but if I just want to move on, I summon my skeletal warrior buddies who spear things to distraction while I rain down flail bleed damage. I'm currently stuck on the dual boss battle in the castle in Caelid. These guys suck so bad. I'm about to pack it in and come back in 20 levels and try to crush them.
  19. StandUp713

    StandUp713 Friend

    Mar 24, 2016
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    San Pedro CA
    Level 19 right now. Just going around fighting things that I think I can win. And come back to the "no chance in hell" bosses later. Half the fun is figuring out how to use new weapons, spells and crafting.

    My first souls game, starting to get used to figuring out the weakness of each enemy .

    Efffff that tree sentinel.
  20. fraggler

    fraggler A Happy & Busy Life

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Chicago, IL
    I know this isn't hardcore like Elden Ring, but the second Mario Party for Switch is excellent. Remastered maps from old Mario Partys with both the option for less RNG BS and fast forwardable animations. Not as innovative, but more fun to play than the first one for Switch.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2022

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