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Jun 2, 2024 at 6:02 PM
Oct 1, 2015
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A Happy & Busy Life, Male, from Chicago, IL


Giving Tidal another chance now that they dropped prices. Literally the second album I wanted to test is unavailable for streaming... Apr 13, 2024

fraggler was last seen:
Jun 2, 2024 at 6:02 PM
    1. fraggler
      Listening to a stock HD800 for the first time in a few years. Really surprised I am not noticing any real treble issues. Magic of ECP L2?
      1. dubharmonic likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. gaspasser
        I didn’t think the stock was that bad either, but then again I’m old
        Jun 16, 2019
        fraggler likes this.
      4. fraggler
        Well, at 40, I am neither old nor young. I am still sensitive to the treble of my HE-560, so I am not all deaf yet. I am not actually sure which tubes I have. Whatever Ogodei included with the amp. Probably older tubes, as I definitely hear the L2 as fairly laid back.
        Jun 16, 2019
        gaspasser likes this.
      5. Zed Bopp
        Zed Bopp
        Just wait til you get to a thin mix with loud cymbals.
        Jun 17, 2019
    2. fraggler
      1. View previous comments...
      2. fraggler
        The shrines were fine, but there wasn't a memorable payoff to almost anything. I want to earn cool gear that helps me advance the story, not pick up scrap along the way.
        Jun 11, 2019
        Bill-P and LetMeBeFrank like this.
      3. gepardcv
        Maybe this BOTW sequel will have a less-empty world to explore, and less grunting and chuckling in talking to NPCs. A better plot wouldn't hurt, either. This, OTOH, will be a hell of a game to have a Switch port for, especially for frequent air travelers:
        Jun 11, 2019
        LetMeBeFrank and Bill-P like this.
      4. Bill-P
        Yeah, (s)witcher 3 (sorry, bad pun) is definitely day 1 purchase for me. Still need to finish Skyrim for the umphteenth time.

        I love BOTW, still struggling in Master Mode because Link is so friggin' weak at the beginning, but the game itself is entertaining enough without a story. But then more of that is just... too repetitive. I also think a better story would be better.
        Jun 12, 2019
        LetMeBeFrank likes this.
    3. fraggler
      Home theater setup basically done. Time to start work on the bartop arcade system.
    4. fraggler
      Bought an ECP L2 on a whim to try and then resell. It is so good, going to sell everything else and now spend more to upgrade DAC...
      1. atomicbob, Ash1412, Syzygy and 13 others like this.
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      3. fraggler
        Modded HD650 for the moment. Acquisition of the amp has complicated fun money allocation for the moment.
        Apr 29, 2019
        dubharmonic likes this.
      4. atomicbob
        ECP Audio certainly rocked my world - both DSHA-3F and T4
        May 1, 2019
        Luckbad likes this.
      5. Luckbad
        I got to compare my L-2 w/ CineMag output transformers to a Cavalli Liquid Fire. The guy who sold me the Liquid Fire had seller's remorse. I honestly felt the L-2 was the better amp and trucked it right back to him. Even tried some 6n23p-EV and Philips E88CC tubes in the Liquid Fire. Liquid Fire is probably better than Liquid Platinum, definitely not as good as the Liquid Crimson.
        Jun 16, 2019
    5. fraggler
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mdkaler
        The reviews though
        Apr 1, 2019
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      3. netforce
        Say "Monolith, eat tape" and that mix tape you made for your significant other will immediately become entangled in the gears and mechanisms of your player. Revenge is always sweet.
        Apr 1, 2019
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      4. ufospls2
        "shoulder cushion"
        Apr 1, 2019
    6. fraggler
      Wow PBT keycaps are nice. $13 Aliexpress set is way nicer than what Logitech uses. Now to find a 5.5u spacebar and 2/3rd size capslock...
      1. Cspirou
        Are you opposed to 3D printing?
        Mar 27, 2019
      2. fraggler
        Not really, though I am likely opposed to how much a custom keycap would cost.
        Mar 27, 2019
      3. Cspirou
        Mar 27, 2019
        fraggler likes this.
    7. fraggler
      Anyone know of a custom furniture maker/woodworker with reasonable rates in the Chicagoland area?
      1. Cspirou
        Mar 12, 2019
        fraggler likes this.
      2. Cspirou
        Mar 12, 2019
        fraggler likes this.
      3. fraggler
        Thanks! I am actually trying to get some help building a goliath/transformer table: I have the skills and tools to build a rough version, but no way to plane and finish to a furniture grade finish.
        Mar 12, 2019
    8. fraggler
      I'm just a little sad that we are in the year of Bladerunner and we don't even have crappy androids walking around, much less replicants.
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      2. jowls
        Don’t even get me started on hover boards...
        Feb 11, 2019
        fraggler likes this.
      3. Syzygy
        On the bright side, it's not a techno- or a dystopian-wasteland yet. Cherry 2000 might be a movie for the latter, as far as sexbots go.
        Feb 11, 2019
      4. gixxerwimp
        Sorry for necropost, but I only just realized your avatar is from my favourite movie evah!
        Aug 7, 2019
        fraggler likes this.
    9. fraggler
      Pass Whammy board stuffed! Casework to be decided next.
      1. monacelli, JK47 and LetMeBeFrank like this.
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      3. fraggler
        I have a couple on hand to try if I get bored, but probably the OPA2134.
        Jan 31, 2019
      4. JK47
        Which ones? I have the AD823, RC4580, TL072, LM833. For now I've settled on the 4580. I gave each roughly 20 hrs of listening time before deciding. Great DIY-Fi amp, enjoy!!!
        Jan 31, 2019
        fraggler likes this.
      5. fraggler
        I also have the RC4580 since it was a recommended pairing with the mosfets (I basically built the kit, but sourced everything on my own). Also have an OPA227 I can pull from an old CMOY.
        Jan 31, 2019
    10. fraggler
      Refurb Riva Turbo X for $96 (no battery) or new Audioengine A2+ for $125 (50% off) for bedroom TV watching?
    11. fraggler
      Happy Holidays, everyone! Thanks for another great year here.
      1. Cryptowolf, Jinxy245, obsiCO and 10 others like this.
    12. fraggler
      Rythmik L12 for $520 or SVS SB12-NSD for $399? 20hz and servo, or 23hz and $120 in my account? Decisions of a poor audio enthusiast.
      1. pedalhead
        Well, that servo is meant to be peachy for music.
        Nov 20, 2018
    13. fraggler
      Just finished watching the replay of Duke-Kentucky MBB. Wow! Going to be a fun season.
      1. GanGreinke likes this.
    14. fraggler
      1. kixx, Sqveak, Cspirou and 1 other person like this.
      2. spwath
        That amp/energiser is so tiny. Actually portable, if you are the kind of person that uses open backs around..
        Nov 6, 2018
        kixx likes this.
      3. Cspirou
        I hope it's not like Kingsound
        Nov 6, 2018
      4. Lyander
        @spwath I remember someone else losing their crap about the energiser, not to mention the possibility that there might be electrets in there and the box is just a transformer... it was hilarious.

        @Cspirou How bad were the Kingsounds? I keep seeing people ripping into those whenever talk of the Monoprice comes up.
        Nov 6, 2018
    15. fraggler
      1. Pyruvate, jexby and DigMe like this.
    16. fraggler
      Decided to try Chuck since Zach Levi was cast in Shazam. Mind keeps repeatedly getting blown seeing Miranda Lawson in real life.
      1. Schopenhauer likes this.
      2. Cspirou
        As goofy as Chuck is I loved the show. The way the show goes gives me an interesting look on how shows get produced. Don't want to spoil it though.
        Aug 9, 2018
    17. fraggler
      Anyone ever play with the Mirage Omnisats? I am thinking about using them as rear surrounds and hooked up to Echo Dots.
      1. ultrabike likes this.
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      3. fraggler
        Thanks guys. The Omnisats are a little bit bigger and go a bit lower (70hz ish). I have front and center speakers already (with a decent sub coming in the future) and was just trying to find something that might give me a little more ambiance than the normal small speakers used for surrounds.
        Jul 27, 2018
        JustAnotherRando and ultrabike like this.
      4. fraggler
        I can get a 5 pack for a reasonable price so was thinking of using them in the bedroom as well for background music.
        Jul 27, 2018
      5. ultrabike
        70 Hz is very sweet. I would go for it. Congratz!
        Jul 27, 2018
        fraggler likes this.
    18. fraggler
      Is Rythmik servo tech worth premium over Ultimax kit? $900 vs $650 for DIY options for 15" sub capable of sub 17hz performance.
    19. fraggler
      Huge shout out to @Boops for his generosity! My laptop headphone jack is borked and his free Dacport HD has saved me many dollars.
    20. fraggler
      Any recommendations for reliable, but quiet PSUs? 650W range, fully modular, and preferably under $100 (as far under as I can get :))
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BenjaminBore
        @fraggler Yeah they seem to have rebranded their models. I was refering to the class of efficiency, by which they used to solely differentiate them. Gold may be sufficient too, have a look on (?).

        Dunno if it’s still the case but Seasonic used to build the Corsair PSUs, the one I tried was good but the fan had an unpleasant noise characteristic. That was a long time ago, though.
        Jul 7, 2018
      3. fraggler
        Thanks, all. I used to have a Saeasonic way back in the day when I spent too much time on SPCR. My current Silverstone has been fantastic these last 10 years (!) With the exception of the fan failing twice. I kind of want to go back to Seasonic again.
        Jul 7, 2018
        famish99 likes this.
      4. fraggler
        How much overhead do you need? Using an online calculator, my current rig could max out around 450 and my potential upgrade system would hit 550. Would a Gold or Platinum rated 650 work?
        Jul 7, 2018
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  • About

    Chicago, IL
    Gear List:

    Audeze LCD2 Classic
    Bose QC15 modded
    Carmody S2000
    Fostex T50RP modded
    Sennheiser HD650M
    Sennheiser x JAR HD650
    Sennheiser HD800 SBAFSDR
    Shure SE215
    Sony WF-1000XM4
    Sony WH-1000XM5
    ZMF Verite Closed African Blackwood


    iFi Micro iDSD Black
    iFi Zen DAC v1
    Motu M2
    Schiit Bifrost 2 OG
    Schiit Modi Multibit 1 (2156)


    Adcom GFA-5200
    iFi Micro iDSD Black
    Schiit x Nitsch Piety
    Schiit Jotunheim 2 (+ESS)
    Schiit Vali 2+
    Zampotech Shortest Way 51+

    RPi3 + 502DACPRO
    RPi4 + PI2AES
    Schiit Loki+
    Schiit Lokius


    Main: RPi4+PI2AES > SPDIF > Bifrost 2 OG > Mjolnir 3 > HD800SDRSBAF, VC Blackwood
    Office: PC > USB > Pietus Maximus+ESS Card > JAR650 OG