The All Purpose Advice Thread

Discussion in 'Advice Threads' started by purr1n, Sep 26, 2015.

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  1. sacredgates

    sacredgates Audio-Technica's high priest Contributor

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Asking for THE BEST is always a bit of a funny thing...
    Anyway, Forza Audioworks is always worth a recommendation, especially when you are in Europe.

  2. loki993

    loki993 Facebook Friend Contributor

    Aug 4, 2017
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    So a bit more looking it seems Elears go for around 550 used so considering the Elex went for about 300 less I should definitely be able to find some but is there any reason Elears should be avoided?

    Also I saw an Atticus go for 650...they sold within minutes..but it happened. So I dont know maybe just keep an eye out and see what I see.
  3. Gruss Gott

    Gruss Gott Almost "Made"

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Hey all, hoping for some 2018 advice as I get deeper into the hobby:

    Current noob setup is: tidal hi-fi macbook pro > Eitr > Modi Multibit > Jot > bal HD600 or Th-x00, both of which I like quite a bit with an overall preference for the TH-X00, but I switch back and forth, usually using the HD600 for jazz
    I'm definitely a basshead, yet I do like the HD 600 vs HD650, at least on the jot. I may like "warm" but too dumb to know yet. I listen to a lot of EDM / Deep House, but also getting into Jazz and I like female vocals

    To get more sound experience, I think my current weak link are headphones, so I'm trying to decide if I'd be better off with:

    (a.) An Atticus and an Eikon (I need closed, and these are 2 different flavors so I'd get experience with their profiles)
    (b.) An Atticus and a Lyr 3 (gets some tube experience in at a reasonable price)
    (c.) An Atticus and a good OTL like woo wa6se or decware CSP (but this is likely a budget buster and was thinking of using 2019 for a nice tube amp)

    My thought is by investing in some great closed-backs this year, next year I could invest in a Mogwai or other great tube amp, after that get a great DAC. (only interested in new equip or maybe something from a friend)

    Thoughts? Thanks!!
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
  4. BillOhio

    BillOhio Friend Pyrate

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I'm wondering what a fair sale price would be on a used year old and in good shape Gungnir Multibit without any upgrades? Am probably going to unload that and a Mjolnir 2 with a couple sets of tubes at the same time.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
  5. Vtory

    Vtory Audiophile™ Pyrate MZR

    Sep 12, 2016
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    Your plan sounds solid.

    But, If I were you,
    1. Buy Lyr 3 and sell Jot (no need to have both)
    2. Buy Atticus (not sure. Do you really need closed-back cans? Any environmental noise issue?), consider AFC too (cheaper, and WAY LESS lead time..).
    3. If not #2., sell Modi Multibit and buy more resolving r2r dac like Gungnir Multibit (you might find used usb-gen2 Gungnir Multibit at a good price)

    Lyr 3, depending on criteria and preference, can be a semi- end game amp. All you have to do is to get a good dac, then can call it a day. Or save up to super amazing SET amps such as DNA Stratus-Stellaris or EC Aficionado-Studio.
  6. luckybaer

    luckybaer Friend Pyrate Contributor

    Mar 19, 2018
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    My current desktop rig is PC -> Eitr -> Modi Multibit -> Vali 2
    I also have a Magni 3 that I drop in once in a while, but I prefer the laid-back nature of Vali 2.

    My favorite headphones are HD650, DT880, K601, and HE-4XX. I have an Elex on order.

    I listen to mostly rock and pop music.

    I want to step up to some better gear, and I like what I've read about Gungnir Multibit - Modi Multibit gave me a taste of that MB magic, and I don't think I'm brave enough to deviate. I also really like the Vali 2, but am looking for something that does what the Vali does - only better.

    I think a Gungnir Multibit + Lyr 3 would be a good combination. Gungnir Multibit, because I've heard the words "euphonic," "musical," "fun" associated with its presentation, and from what I've read about the Lyr 3, it sounds like an upgrade from the Vali 2 on all fronts.

    Is there anything other gear I should be considering, or given that I enjoy my Eitr-Modi Multibit-Vali 2 combo, it makes perfect sense to step up to Gungnir Multibit + Lyr 3?
  7. L'Orfeo

    L'Orfeo MoatsArt the Second Contributor Banned

    Mar 15, 2018
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    Can someone with experience please describe the difference between a "balanced armature sound" and "dynamic driver sound". Yes, these are broad categories, but often used as descriptive terms.

    New to the IEM world.
  8. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend Pyrate

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Trade my C-2C for a built Dynalo?

    I have an offer on the table.
  9. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend Pyrate

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Dynamics will sound warmer and usually have clear lows. Maybe sometimes boomy, depending on model. Mostly V or U shaped signature.

    BA's are typically drier and can sometimes sound thin. Fast quick bass, but lots of texture and detail before they roll off near 10 - 15k. More brighter signature.

    This is going off single driver BA's. Multi-driver BA's and all bets are off.

    The two signatures are also why hybrids make sense. Lows from the dynamic, details and top end from the BA.

    Of course there are very few examples of brighter dynamics and warmer BA's.
  10. songmic

    songmic Gear cycler East Asia edition Pyrate

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I don’t usually ask questions in the general advice thread, but I figured this would be the best place to ask since I couldn’t find a dedicated thread to it.

    I can see the recent release of Lyr 3 has sparked a surge of interest in the 6SN7/5692 family of tubes. While I’ve owned quite a handful of tube amps, the 6SN7 tube had always eluded me for some reason until I bought the Liquid Glass. The Liquid Glass can accept a wide variety of tubes, but the general consensus seems to be that 6SN7 (or its octal variants) tends to provide a better sound than the novals.

    The thing is, I don’t know where to begin. I’m sure I could do much better than the stock Electro-Harmonix tubes, and that my Shuguans aren’t doing justice to the LG. I read that the TS BGRP are regarded as the holy grail of 6SN7, but they seem to be unobtainium. I remember @purr1n mentioning that the advantage of 6SN7 is that one could grab decent sounding vintage tubes without paying a stupid amount of money.

    My preference leans toward a highly transparent and resolving sound, but with a slightly smooth and forgiving treble (NOT rolled off to shit). I hate treble etch and sibilance. I find my Code-X to be quite balanced, but ever so slightly brighter than absolutely neutral.

    Right now, I went ahead and bought a matched pair of vintage Sylvania 6SN7GTB chrome dome for $60 on eBay, which I thought was reasonable. It seemed like a good place to start. But I would like to hear what people with a lot of experience with 6SN7 have to say. I’m also interested in CV181/ECC32 tubes (higher gain version of 6SN7), but I don’t know where to look. Shuguang/Psvane’s CV181-Z or -T tubes are not actual CV181 (mu=32), but equivalent to 6SN7 (mu=20).

    1. something that is realistically obtainable
    2. not ridiculously overpriced
    3. matches well with headphones on the brighter side of the sonic spectrum (Code-X, Utopia, HD800, etc.)

    Anyone care to chime in?
  11. Garns

    Garns Friend Pyrate

    Jul 9, 2016
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    Have a look at my notes over in the Lyr 3 thread. My preferences are basically the same as you. Bottom line, outside the mega expensive tubes I didn't try, the Sylvania VT231 or early 6SN7GT are the most resolving and neutral but it's a crapshoot if they are a bit hard and etchy in the treble. I have a nice pair of Hytron early 50s 6SN7GT which are not etchy and about as resolving and fast. Don't see many of those around though.

    Overall I think Tung Sol 6SN7GT bottom getter Gray/black T plates (with or without "mouse ears") are the best bet. Decent amount around and reasonably cheap ($50 a pair maybe?). I think a small step down in resolution from the syl vt231 but still better than most everything else and not etchy or sibilant at all. Mainly neutral, slight but only slight roll at the top end, some colour in the mids. I think would work well with bright stuff.
  12. Biodegraded

    Biodegraded Friend Pyrate Contributor

    May 28, 2017
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    See the impressions/analogies in posts 949-955 on p. 48 of the IEM General Discussion Thread. Probably elsewhere in there too.
  13. gemmoglock

    gemmoglock New

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone has comments on the UE900/UE900s. Are they still decent choices today?

    I have liked the FR of the HD600, Pinnacle P1/PX and Brainwavz B100 so if these compare favourably that's more than enough for me. I've heard the MD+ and would ideally prefer an MD+ with a touch less bass and a touch more treble extension. Or is the Brainwavz B400 a better modern choice?

    Thank you!

    Edit: I added the Rose Mini2 to my shortlist but am likely to go for the UE900S.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2018
  14. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless. Staff Member Pyrate BWC

    Sep 24, 2015
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    7N7 on an adapter. Otherwise the 6SN7 black triangle plates (per 7N7 plate structure). CBS, Rogers, some off-brands and relabels.
  15. gurubhai

    gurubhai Friend Pyrate

    Sep 25, 2015
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    My main amp which I have been using for past few years uses 6sn7 as input and I have rolled them a fair bit. Some of my favorites are :
    RCA VT-231 ( early 40s)
    Ken RAD VT-231
    Sylvania Chrome dome (GT version)
    Sylvania 6sn7W
    Brimar 6sn7gt

    Any of these would be a good choice.

    P.S. If you are not looking for matched pairs then I do have a pair each of TS BGRP and Mullard CV181 spare...........
  16. songmic

    songmic Gear cycler East Asia edition Pyrate

    Sep 28, 2015
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    These are the Sylvania 6SN7GTB I purchased. I suppose these are the black triangle plates you mentioned?

  17. Jinxy245

    Jinxy245 Vegan Puss Pyrate

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Since I'm on the hunt for a new DAC, but I have 2 amps I like (MCTH & ifi Pro iCan), are RCA splitters (boxes or cables) a bad idea,/should I concentrate my search on DACS with multiple outputs, or are they alright?
    Obviously if the splitters are OK any suggestions would be appreciated.
  18. aamefford

    aamefford Nothing like chamberpot coffee Pyrate

    Nov 26, 2015
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    I’ve used splitters frequently. They work fine for me.
  19. drgumbybrain

    drgumbybrain Science Nut Pyrate

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Ford, did you ever notice a loss of gain or resolution with splinter?
  20. aamefford

    aamefford Nothing like chamberpot coffee Pyrate

    Nov 26, 2015
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    No. Only issue I recal was my Liquid carbon shorted the inputs when it was shut off. I had to turn the carbon on even when I was listening to the Crimson. Definite loss of gain and resolution. The Crimson sounded like quiet, distorted ass when the carbon was turned off.

    Not an issue with the Crimson and vali2. Both sound fine from the splitter, either one at a time or both together. I guess you need to know if one of your amps shorts the inputs when shut off.

    I since went overkill and got a Freya. I know everyone loves the saga and hates the Freya, but it stacks properly with the Gungnir Multibit. That should give you a little insight about my listening habits - if it sounds good, it’s good. I don’t generally split hairs any more. I know the Freya sounds good. The saga might be technically better (or not). I care more that the Freya looks better, as I know it’s sound is definitely good enough.
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