Merv's Politically Incorrect Audio Blog

Discussion in 'SBAF Blogs' started by purr1n, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. Tchoupitoulas

    Tchoupitoulas Friend

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    You're entirely right. Some of these folks should have become household names. I can only think of Sarah Gilbert, but that's because I'm British and I have elderly relatives in the UK whom I worry about, which means that I follow the news back home carefully. Beyond Gilbert, I can't remember the names of others. The names of the Turkish-German couple who founded BioNTech escape me, for shame, and I can't name anyone associated with the Moderna vaccine.

    I believe Sarah Gilbert is now a Dame. The honours system isn't fit for purpose any more - not that it ever was, necessarily - but there are many who deserve public recognition. It's too bad that 2021's Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients so far have included two politicians (eye roll) and three people who made their living by using sticks to whack white balls into little round holes across the countryside.
  2. Pancakes

    Pancakes Friend

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  3. bilboda

    bilboda Florida boomer

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  4. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    First of all, here's the report he references. The death numbers he calls out are on page 20. Vaccination data to the same timepoint as that report is here, with a nice graph on page 4 showing percent vaccination by age range.

    Let's focus on the over 50's, since that is your age bracket. Approximately 95% of people over 50 have been vaccinated. Or 19 vaccinated people to 1 unvaccinated person.

    Total deaths on the over 50 is 2336, total unvaccinated deaths over 50 is 590 (25%), total vaccinated deaths are 1746 (75%). Or approximately 3 vaccinated people to 1 unvaccinated person.

    Simple calculation of 19/3 means you are 6 times more likely to die if you are unvaccinated if you are over 50 in the UK.

    Additional factors to consider, this is the most vulnerable age group, where vaccines are known to be a little less effective. The over 50's will be getting Astra Zeneca, which is less effective against delta than Pfizer and Moderna.

    Ron Johnson is an idiot. Data without proper context is useless.
  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Now I feel bad. It must suck going from Gates being on your rolodex to Gates not returning your calls. Or as a VP at Microsoft to begging your website readers for money to buy spinney thing under the desk.

    Why do you mean? Musk, Bezos, Branson. Plenty of them.
  6. mitochondrium

    mitochondrium Friend

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    either that or he has an agenda or both.
  7. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    It's ignorance and arrogance to think you have the competency to parse statistical and epidemiological data when you barely got a "C" in college algebra. The agenda is the protection (does not matter in reality or just appearance) of individuality, "choice", of don't-tread-on-me liberalism. The left and the right are both all in on this, with the differences being objects and cultureal expression. Individuality $sells$ and gets you elected by stirring up energy and passion, which is why everyone in America is all in with it everywhere you look - from the corp. board room to government, even the strict hierarchical organizations like the army. Sometimes reality wins out over this liberalism which is in fact a religion, but not always.
  8. bilboda

    bilboda Florida boomer

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    The percent deaths increase dramatically with comorbidities which are not represented anywhere in these numbers.

    Over 50 has a 99+% survival rate, assuming no comorbidities. This data of course does not represent the unknowable.
    How would every one have done with early out patient treatment and NO vaccines. We don't even know what kind of treatment was received by any of the deceased.

    That there are any covid deaths after vaccination should be worrisome. That there are so many shows they are a failure.
    This is without factoring in vaccine injury. You do recall the FDA has shown that there is a 3x increased risk from the vaccine then there is from covid in the young. That's with current statistics and the underreported VAERS data.
    Reports are widespread that injuries are not reported either through ignorance or willful neglect.
    "Er, I don't think it's related so don't report it" when the whole purpose of VAERS is to report everything with cause to be determined at a later date.

    I am skeptical of your responses. You are in academia and academics always go with the narrative at risk of their careers and tenure. Their balls are on the line so they never include them with the the direction of their responses. They toe the line, which I understand and don't judge. I don't know how I would respond in the same situation. I know people in these circumstances and let them be. Unless they become unruly.

    You seem to demean someone in most of your posts on this subject. It makes you sound like the idiot. Try laying off. Condescension is another red flag.
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  9. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    Bilboda, I care about your welfare, and I hope you put aside your skepticism and get vaccinated despite your beliefs that there is some danger to your health. I won't try to convince you of the science that supports my wish that you receive the vaccine so that we can still share audio anecdotes, but I'm being sincere. Please just do it so that that we can share more posts on this forum at the very least.

    Cheers, bud.
  10. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    Absolute nonsense. "That there are thousands of deaths instead of hundreds of thousands (millions really) = failure" In what universe does this moral calculus add up in? To call such reasoning "conspiratorial" is an insult to conspiracists everywhere.

    Except you and your sources simply don't know what you are talking about. This vaccine (as most are) are as safe as it gets in modern medicine, yet you are a full participant in most other aspects of it - certainly anything significant. When your boomer heart goes out who you gonna call? 911 of course, you Big Fat Hypocrite.

    That's because your a village idiot, in a country full of village idiots, with an fat wad of them right in middle of your own boomer cohort. If this was a just society, the rest of us would put you in the covid leper colony where you belong. Instead of justice, we give you the same heroic medical care as everyone else. You won't understand this until your suffering, gasping, every breath feeling like the last you will ever have, and otherwise looking for any way out of your misery. Actually the sad fact is you might not very well understand it then...
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  11. Tchoupitoulas

    Tchoupitoulas Friend

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    That is utterly wrong. The first purpose of tenure for university professors was to protect free speech. The purpose of tenure has evolved, for good or ill, but tenure continues to protect the freedom of academics to speak their minds.

    I've spent more than two decades working in higher education and I know of one instance in which a professor was fired (for an internal political dispute with the administration of his university), and he successfully sued, and a vote of no confidence was passed against the administrator who tried to fire him.
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  12. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Yes, I literally can't be fired for my academic opinion. Tenure is for all practical purposes a guaranteed job for life, and achieving tenure is normally the signal to unleash the beast, not to be shackled. Not that any beast needs to be unleashed, the evidence for COVID that informs my opinion is crystal clear.

    Yes, about the only thing that can get me fired is plagiarism, falsifying data, and sexually assaulting my students. But pull in enough grant money, and even those might not be deal breakers.
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  13. bilboda

    bilboda Florida boomer

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    Now, that's what I call doubling down
  14. bilboda

    bilboda Florida boomer

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    • more vaers.JPG
    Yep, the epitome of safe.
    Yep, it just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021
  15. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Just wanted to follow up with some additional data from that UK report noted here. There was some question above about seemingly low mortality rates. Well, lets take a closer look at the unvaccinated data.....

    Total delta cases = 257,357
    Total delta deaths = 722
    Unvaccinated case fatality rate all ages = 0.28%

    OK, so that's not too bad, right? Well, let's stratify by age.
    Under 50 delta cases = 248,803
    Under 50 delta deaths = 132
    Unvaccinated case fatality rate under 50 = 0.05%

    Wow! That's really low! COVID not so bad, perhaps? Well, let's check the over 50's.
    Over 50 delta cases = 8551
    Over 50 delta deaths = 590
    Unvaccinated case fatality rate over 50 = 6.9%

    Holy FUCKBALLS. Those unvaccinated over 50's should still be REALLY worried about COVID.

    Just to close the loop with vaccinated data.
    Over 50 vaccinated delta cases = 87,036
    Over 50 vaccinated delta deaths = 1,746
    Vaccinated Case fatality rate over 50 = 2.0%

    So unvaccinated is about 3 times as likely to die if infected. Sits very nicely with the unvaccinated over 50's being twice as likely to get infected, to give an overall 6 times as likely to die from COVID, as I calculated above.
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  16. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    I could make a report to VAERS right now, saying it made me balls swell and my hair fall out, sending me to the ER, and it would be included in those negative consequence figures.
  17. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    @bilboda I don't recommend quadruple posting in a row.
  18. bilboda

    bilboda Florida boomer

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    So 1746 dead in the vaccinated. Well when you put it that way, 1746 dead people just don't matter to anyone but them, or their families and loved ones. Typical gov't justification of death counts. "Well, you see, when you look at the big picture.....yep, that's one heckuva effective vaccine" Let's give it to everyone!
  19. Beefy

    Beefy Friend

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Sorry bud, but you completely misunderstand the data. Any way you try and twist it, the inescapable fact is that if you are over 50 in the UK, and you are unvaccinated, you are six times more likely to die of COVID delta strain.

    And this is with Astra Zeneca, which is significantly less effective against delta than the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

    Vaccination works. It slashes COVID transmission, and it slashes COVID deaths.
  20. bilboda

    bilboda Florida boomer

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    Again, you simply can't know that. There is no way to know the natural response if people are not vaccinated. You are speculating.
    And that is how VAERS works. All reports made by medical professional receive a follow up contact for verification before being added to the results. I think it's safe to assume that no one is reporting their own deaths, myocarditis , or blood clots, which happen with pfizer and moderna and are not just limited to AZ, just first reported with AZ.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021

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