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Sep 4, 1992 (Age: 32)

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Insatiable bowels - Member, Male, 32

How can I be sure that my headphones are not damaged? My friend cranked them up to 100% on my amp which is a bit strong. Oct 1, 2022

Darsus was last seen:
May 27, 2023
    1. Darsus
      How can I be sure that my headphones are not damaged? My friend cranked them up to 100% on my amp which is a bit strong.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Darsus
        Sine sweeps sometimes sound good, sometimes start to crackle too.
        Oct 1, 2022
      3. Cspirou
        I had something similar with an HD 600. They were plugged into a TV and someone thought the sound was low so they turned it up with max. Not noticing the sound came from the headphones
        Oct 1, 2022
      4. Cspirou
        Ever since then I thought they sounded ‘off’. I need to take measurements to confirm though
        Oct 1, 2022
    2. Darsus
      Fostex T50RP mk3 has just arrived. HOLY f**k I'm impressed.
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
    3. Darsus
      Is there any site with Golden Ears measurements? I found their FR the most acurate. :(((( Such a shame they're gone.
    4. Darsus
      Needed help, quick! I can buy at bargain price either T50rp, T40rp or T20rp, which are the most neutral ones? Thank you!
      1. Biodegraded
        Presuming you're talking current production ones: 50, but you can easily mod all to be the same by changing the seal over the rear vents - the material used (or not) inside them is the only difference.
        Aug 29, 2022
        Darsus likes this.
      2. Darsus
        @Biodegraded yes, I'm talking about Mk3 series. Thank you! Solderdude's measurements look really good for T50rp mk3.
        Aug 29, 2022
    5. Darsus
      Oh, hi, it's been a long time. After listening to LCD-3, buying HD580 was pretty much an end game for me. But just wanted to stop by (cont)
      1. Deep Funk likes this.
      2. Darsus
        and say hi to many of you that I learned from about headphones. It was an accidental hobbie and an amazing expirience since I stumbled on changstar. Love you all.
        Aug 21, 2017
        Deep Funk and FlySweep like this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Good. If you want that HD580 to come alive a little get a tube amplifier. A Schiit Vali 2 with a Siemens E288CC is enough.

        Aug 22, 2017
        Darsus likes this.
    6. millan
      Hi Darsus, I have found your post concerning the equalization of Sennheiser HD250 II headphones. I own them and I would like to try your EQ. Could you please send me the exported settings for FabFilter ProQ2?
      My e-mail address is [email protected]. Many thanks in advance.
      1. PoochZag
        FYI this is a public post. You're looking for "conversations"
        Feb 11, 2017
      2. Darsus
        Oh, I'm sorry, I'm rarely here nowadays. I will send you as soon as I get my laptop.
        Aug 21, 2017
    7. Darsus
      For some reason it's easier for me to mix/master other people's songs, probably because I just listen to them as a listener.
    8. Darsus
      Just bought HD 580... fuckin' stocked!
      1. Claritas, Deep Funk and CEE TEE like this.
      2. TMoney
        Mar 4, 2016
        Darsus likes this.
      3. Darsus
        Yes :D Excitement
        Mar 4, 2016
        Tekker and TMoney like this.
    9. Darsus
      1. Griffon and Friday like this.
      2. Friday
        The only healthy living advice this forum needs
        Mar 2, 2016
    10. Darsus
      How to say to a girl that headphones are your hobby, in nonawkward way? :v Let's leave that for the later phase.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Claritas
        Women have their own hobbies. It's a great thing, because then they don't begrudge us ours (as long as we're respectful of theirs).
        Mar 1, 2016
        SoupRKnowva likes this.
      3. Azteca
        Yeah, definitely reciprocate respect. My fiancé spends her expendable income on food, beauty products and clothing/shoes. The average guy thinks "why spend $x on a shirt/shoe/foundation?" but the average woman would say the same about your audio devices. What serves a simple function to you ("is it good enough? great") is a very nuanced niche to her (like headphones for us - has to do more than just work).
        Mar 1, 2016
        Darsus likes this.
      4. sphinxvc
        I'm not sure any setence that includes "I'm willing to pay for high quality reproduction" is going to go over well.
        Mar 1, 2016
        Darsus likes this.
    11. Darsus
      K240 Monitor expiriences? Measurement wise, they seem like a DF with better bass, which is great if true. Can get them for 60 e.
    12. Darsus
      Sound of a headphone is sometimes like a smell of a perfume. Sudenly, you remember everything.
      1. Deep Funk and Griffon like this.
    13. Darsus
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Claritas
        SRH440 has an uncomfortable headband. It has no bass and hot highs, even with mods. Supposedly, every third pair is "bass heavy" (yeah, right).
        Feb 10, 2016
        Darsus likes this.
      3. Darsus
        @Claritas Thank you! The more I look into headphones, the more big red SAVE MONEY FOR HD600 flashes in front of my face hahaha.
        Feb 10, 2016
      4. Claritas
        You're welcome. The best cheaper closed phone for me was XPT100 / HM5 with thick felt in front of the driver. But it doesn't compete with HD6x0 or good Fostex mods. Best luck!
        Feb 10, 2016
    14. Darsus
      M50x for 90 euros good deal? (In good condition, apparently).
    15. Darsus
    16. Darsus
      God, I hate people who projects their own insecurities on you. I tell them everything in the face everytime, but it's never nice.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Griffon
        That's how bad relationships starts...
        Feb 1, 2016
        Darsus likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Do your own thing. f**k them, they can drown in their misery.
        Feb 1, 2016
        Darsus likes this.
      4. Darsus
        Feb 1, 2016
    17. Darsus
      I believe many people can't mix on headphones, not priorly because of crossfade issues, but because majority of them are heavily coloured.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Darsus
        After experimenting for a while with sine generator, I can say I got pretty good results flattening headphones. When it comes to crossfeed Redline is the best hands down. Plus, with IXL and SPAN, I can say I became pretty confident mixing on headphones, but would just love to have a stock flat pair that I wouldn't need to tweak.
        Jan 29, 2016
      3. Darsus
        P.S. Tho there are some, from what I've heard HD600 and DT250-250ohm sound flattest. I have to check them yet.
        Jan 29, 2016
      4. Azteca
        I use HD600 and Focal Spirit Pro. Between the two, I can be very confident about my decisions. FSP is great for hearing what's going on in the bass.
        Jan 29, 2016
        Darsus likes this.
    18. Darsus
      If you equilize your heaphones using sine sweep, make sure it's really fast, otherwise it's very hard to follow it precisely.
    19. Darsus
      If Akira (film) was all about kids doing stupid shit, without classical Japanese mindfuckery, it would probably be my fav anime of all time.
      1. Darsus
        It is still my fav drawn anime alongside DBZ and Cyber City Oedo 808 probably.
        Jan 18, 2016
      2. fraggler
        But the mindfuckery is what makes it so good.
        Jan 18, 2016
      3. Darsus
        @fraggler Not in my opinion. I haven't read the manga, but from what I've found on the net, they based story on 1st and 6th part of it, which is crazy huge gap. I liked mindfuckery up to one point when it just became too much.
        Jan 18, 2016
    20. Darsus
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Darsus
        @Hands There are so few good and neutral low/mid tier headphones, and after listening to LCD-3 recently I just made a conclusion how little headphones improve after some price. I mean, they sound wonderful, but not 2000$ wonderful, so I realized why many consider HD6x0 if not end game, sufficient. (Yet I have to hear them yet).
        Jan 16, 2016
      3. Hands
        Yep, slim pickings for decent, cheap headphones. I heard a couple LCD-3s and honestly thought they were a tier below a properly amped HD6X0. ;)
        Jan 16, 2016
      4. Darsus
        @Hands I might sound crazy but I achieved 80/90% of that sound with heavy and patient EQ-ing with my K400.
        Jan 16, 2016
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    Sep 4, 1992 (Age: 32)