Sep 27, 2015
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Canucklehead - Friend


Need recommendations on IEMs that don't cost as much as a 90's used car. Mostly for public transit commuting. Sep 17, 2017

    1. kapanak
      Need recommendations on IEMs that don't cost as much as a 90's used car. Mostly for public transit commuting.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. kapanak
        @Cryptowolf Thanks for the recommendation. I had the original Lyra, but could not stand the treble focus and overall upper mid to middle treble issues. Might try to listen to Lyra II at a local shop and see what has changed. My current IEMs are the Shure SE215, SE535, and Sennheiser Momentum IEMs, but they are all very bass heavy and liquidy warm. :(
        Sep 17, 2017
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      3. bigfatpaulie
        The ER4S is well worth looking at.
        Sep 17, 2017
      4. Vansen
        If you're looking for extreme isolation, ER4-XR may be good. Put the Comply P-Series on it and you'll have the most isolating IEM I know of. More so than my CIEMs. The ER4-SR is better, but for commutes, this would probably work better.
        Sep 17, 2017
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    2. kapanak
      In years prior, looking at news simply made my inner voice say "meh". Now, there is internal screaming every time I read or watch the news.
      1. Griffon, landroni, Deep Funk and 5 others like this.
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      3. Case
      4. Claritas
        One problem is you can't trust reporters to be honest. (This is not a new problem, though it's gotten worse.) So you have to find and watch the whole original video yourself. And who has time for that?
        Feb 4, 2017
      5. Case
    3. kapanak
      First David Bowie and now Alan Rickman. I was watching Galaxy Quest at 2am last night. This is super sad... :'(
      1. kapanak
        What the f**k. Both same age, both died of cancer. Cancer sucks.
        Jan 14, 2016
      2. Smitty
        worse, it was the same type of cancer. It's been a rough week, man.
        Jan 14, 2016
    4. kapanak
      Canadian dollar dipped below 0.70 cents USD for the first time in 13 years.
      1. imackler
        No wonder the Flames are coming to Seattle. Well...possibly some day.
        Jan 13, 2016
      2. kapanak
        Haha, we haven't experienced a dip below 0.78 cents per US dollar since 2002, and in just 14 months we went from 0.95 to 0.69. Kind of insane to be honest.
        Jan 13, 2016
    5. kapanak
      #SBAF-Lives-Matter California Meets :<
      1. jexby
        since when is driving in Cali so dangerous to one's health?
        Dec 21, 2015
      2. kapanak
        It's the safety WITHIN the meets I am concerned about.
        Dec 22, 2015
    6. kapanak
      SoCal and NorCal meet folks, please be safe :(
      1. TMoney likes this.
    7. kapanak
      I have been informed by the overlords that I am not allowed to post a HEX review of a unit I purchased with my own hard earned cash.
      1. keanex and insidious meme like this.
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      3. thegunner100
        MacedonianHero... LOL.
        Dec 8, 2015
        kapanak likes this.
      4. keanex
        I wonder how they're going to handle my HE400s review.
        Dec 9, 2015
      5. No_One411
        lol I don't have much to do with Head-Fi anymore, so it's just Jude actually doing what Fang pays him for.
        Dec 21, 2015
    8. kapanak
      Hifiman ED-X (HEX): Smooth, rolled, warm, too relaxed and too polite. Pretty much like HEK without the weird soundstage and wiggling.
      1. velvetx likes this.
      2. HitmanFluffy
        Did you notice a bit of a midrange suckout?
        Dec 3, 2015
    9. knerian
      did you block me yet brah?
      1. kapanak likes this.
      2. kapanak
        Working on it ;)
        Nov 29, 2015
    10. kapanak
      Have heard both $1699 USD/$2000 CAD and $1799 USD/$2200 CAD from different dealers for the HD800S.
      1. FlySweep, Smitty and velvetx like this.
      2. velvetx
        This is the second best news I have heard thus far. I am shocked that low though. Do they know if this comes with the Sennheiser cable?
        Nov 23, 2015
        Smitty likes this.
      3. kapanak
        All HD800S packages come with both single ended and balanced cables. What they didn't know is if the aluminum on the cable will be anodized black.
        Nov 23, 2015
        Smitty likes this.
      4. ultrabike
        Still pricey, but not bad!
        Nov 23, 2015
    11. kapanak
      EDIT: Back to normal :) Previous: New banner blue/black/grey colour scheme looks awful on the dark theme.
      1. kapanak
        They changed it since I made that comment.
        Nov 16, 2015
    12. kapanak
      Oh yeah, Schiit Modi Multibit incoming. Also AK4490 across the board for the D/S DACs. The preceding is speculation.
    13. kapanak
      This has been a very amusing night on SBAF. Even gave the wife a few good laughs.
    14. kapanak
      Forever searching for a comfortable, multi-purpose closed over-ear headphones that sound great.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. drfindley
        Get Enigmas or Slants. So great.
        Oct 28, 2015
      3. velvetx
        2nd the Enigmas, I can still remember the wonderful feel of the ear cups sucking in my ears to create a perfect seal.
        Oct 28, 2015
      4. Claritas
        I took "multi-purpose" to mean portable. :cool:
        Oct 28, 2015
    15. kapanak
      Torpedo III with Cinemag transformers will cost nearly $700 USD. I'm not sure that's justifiable for me at that point.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. HitmanFluffy
        Its almost $200 more than I was expecting to pay, but I'll probably still pull the trigger
        Oct 26, 2015
      3. OJneg
        If it's $200 more than you expect, get the Edcors instead of Cinemags. You'll save just about that much. It's not like the Edcors sound like shit or anything
        Oct 26, 2015
      4. HitmanFluffy
        The money isn't an issue at all, its just a bit of a surprise that the price went up. Prior to this I was wondering about building an L2 with Lundahls before Doug told me to wait for the new Torpedo.
        Oct 26, 2015
    16. kapanak
      The new Shure E-Stat Isolationg IEM, KSE-1500 ... is $3000 USD. WTF. With the Amp/DAC of course (necessary anyway).
    17. kapanak
      Love the new banner! Very Marvel :)
      1. mtoc, Eric_C and OJneg like this.
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