Merv's Politically Incorrect Audio Blog

Discussion in 'SBAF Blogs' started by purr1n, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend

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    If the eggplant is the excited dislike, wtf is an excited like?
  2. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Despite the fact that we go for very different kinds of music (with some overlap) Senorx is a good friend and, speaking as someone who shares a lot of your overarching biases in concept, I'll be the first to say that you're speaking presumptuously about his beliefs. This might only further reduce the ability to have meaningful conversations about more difficult topics.

    EDIT: In hindsight if he doesn't join the convo then it's just taking potshots. Ah well.

    ... Well no Kurt and I disagree on some other crap too but he's not the conspiracy type. Doubt the cantankerous old fart even knows what QAnon is or that pizza isn't what greets you if you've been a good boy and make it to the pearly gates ;)
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2021
  3. Hands

    Hands Overzealous Auto Flusher - Measurbator

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    I am quite proud of that dislike!
  4. dasman66

    dasman66 Self proclaimed lazy ass - friend

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  5. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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  6. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    A friend of mine in Mexico sent me this picture which I find pretty funny and accurate.

  7. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    I just came back from Taco B/Hell because I haven't been there for months. I'm not really a taco person, but more of a burger person. However, GF told me she will treat me for Five Guys "in a row" tomorrow with some fries (thankfully I have the Malt Vinegar at home).

    When I was having my three basic tacos and burrito (with tons of Fire! packets), this guy and I think his GF walked in. GF was wearing a mask, the guy wasn't. The guy looks like some of those guys at the capitol hill riots last week (very bearded with a hat, wearing jackets and some right-wing stuff that I couldn't brother figuring it out). So that GF wanted to get some tacos and the employees at Taco B/Hell told the guy that he must wear a mask if he wants to be served or leave. The guy started to be defensive saying I don't believe in wearing a mask it's my right. Employees were like sorry but we can't serve you if you don't wear a mask and must leave. GF was pissed because she wanted to get tacos and this thin borderline neckbead was being an ass. They left and GF was pissed from what I can tell.

    Businesses have the right to refuse service. That guy has the right to not wear a mask. However, that GF should ditch that SOB ass on the curb because he won't deal with wearing a mask for a few minutes so she can get some Taco B/Hell.

    It still tastes like Grade D beef with me, but only is good with those Fire! packets.
  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Fire packets FTW!
  9. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    Taco Bell tacos, are basically burgers.

    I also feel that sometimes customers just need a little assistance to wear their masks:
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
  10. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    LOL! That approach applies more to illegal merchandize than to illegal immigrants.

    My understanding is that a total of $15 Billion dollars of government funds were allocated for the construction of the wall (I believe 2/3 came from military funding). There were also private funds, but I don't think those amounted much (lots of fraud and murky stuff there).

    Here is a section of the $15 Billion+ budgeted construction, so far done:


    I believe the wall is estimated to be around 18 to 30 ft high.


    I guess $350 for these:

    EDIT: BTW, I feel illegal merchandize and immigration are issues. I believe some fencing is necessary. It's somewhat of a bump, that shouldn't cost tons of tax payers money. It already existed in some places were it was needed. I don't recall anybody making a big deal about it in the past.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
  11. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    I don’t think it’s going to do jack shit to stop illegal immigration. When there’s a will there’s a way. Think of what we could have done with that 15 billion$! The GOP piss and moan about NIH funding and healthcare etc but are happy to just throw money at a tiny piece of wall that people can literally just walk around. Great Wall of China it is not.

    We could have built a subway system in a major city that would have transformed the lives of thousands/millions of people. But instead we get a meaningless gesture.
  12. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    I’m feeling kind of proud of our country’s response to the Capitol insurrection. Holding the rioters accountable and hopefully convicting them of insurrection or similar serious charges. Holding members of congress who helped legally responsible. (They could start with the deuce bag giving a fist of revolution to he rioters), firing public employees who participated, and the huge armament of DC and Capitol buildings across the country. I guess when congress’s lives are threatened they suddenly become somewhat capable.
  13. ultrabike

    ultrabike Measurbator - Admin

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    I know a $15 billion dollar wall is not going to put a dent to illegal immigration. I mean, it will stop folks that can't afford a ladder and grannies that need a walker. It's more of an expensive way to tell folks down south that some folks up north don't want them around.

    But it's OK Whitney. Mexico is going to pay for it.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  14. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

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    Damn it, America, you've really gone and done it now!

    Went out and bought a TV so we can watch this inauguration show. This'll be the first time in over firve years that there has been a working TV in the house.
  15. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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  16. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    NIH and CDC funding are fine. This is old data from last year in 2020 dollars. I'm sure NIH and CDC funding are way up since this was released.


    TBH, I'm sort of bitching at this. Do we really want to throw money them? This time around, it wasn't NIH that was going to save our ass, it was Pfizer, Modera, and Astrazeneca. Because of its nature, NIH is probably better at handling stuff like HIV, HIB, HPV, as opposed to sudden immediate threats such as the coronavirus disease of 2019.

    Even if NIH funding did not drop from just before Obama's second term and continued to go up up and up, I doubt we would have been any better prepared.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  17. rhythmdevils

    rhythmdevils MOT: rhythmdevils audio

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    yes! Emphatically! Science research is key to our future and it’s sooo hard for good scientists to get grants for research that could change our lives. I know, my father is one.

    if there is a problem it is how NIH is run. The people reviewing grants often don’t know enough to approve real groundbreaking research that's ahead of its time because they don’t understand it. And they are often too focused on approving grants that lead to publications because it looks good instead of grants that lead to breakthroughs, cures or treatments for illnesses.

    We should double the funding for NIH. and ditch the tiny piece of border wall.
  18. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    This isn't how it works in the real world. Throwing money at bad money does not fix the problem. It only means more government waste and money in the hands of elites who have connections and know to get grant money.

    Also, the money from NIH comes from HHS. More into NIH means less for the rest, like Medicare and Medicaid.

    What about we take the $15B on the border wall, $2T on wars, the $2T on additional virus relief, and pay off our gov't debt (hitting banana republic levels), so we can be better prepared the next time the shit hits the fan, which it will. I admire the German people because they can handle austerity - eat bitter - for a better future.

    We spent our way out of the mortgage crisis, didn't bother paying the debt down, spent our way again to prevent a financial crisis from SARS2, and are now wanting to spend another $2T more just to make voters happy? We can debate how much debt/GDP is a good number to maintain, but I am pretty sure the below is pretty messed up and a portent of our impending doom.


    I am seriously worried about what kind of future we are leaving for our children.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  19. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

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    In NL there is some financial relief from the government. Even so many business and entrepreneurs will lose everything or a lot. Until June or September there might be various forms of lockdown and/or quarantine.

    The E.U. has also set up some kind of fund to assist member states. Who knows how this fund will be shared? Either way...

    Once everyone has been vaccinated (hopefully) and the media and the government calm down (spreading fear) the economy can recover. Thing is it will take at least 2 years given 2020 was 1 bad year. (My guestimate, based on my trend-watching.) Now if whether the E.U. will actually help (despite the Brexit chaos and immigration problems among others) NL can recover because once international trade gets a boost the Dutch economy will get a boost.

    I have one worry. All this shifting of capital, emergency funds, money (whatever you name it!) has to come from somewhere and the European Central Bank is busy printing more notes. This mountain of potential debt has to be paid back in the future and the younger generations will be taxed, directly and indirectly.

    In the coming 5 to 10 years I have to make more money to live a fun life. It will be hard for everyone between 18 and 35. (Right now buying a house before 30 is almost impossible in NL, used to be normal 10 years ago and no I am not joking.)

    I hate being sober right now. f**k.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  20. Metro

    Metro Friend

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    I never had Taco Bell until I started working after college. One day a co-worker was going out and offered to pick up lunch orders at Taco Bell. I told him I'd never had Taco Bell and asked if there was anything he recommended. He answered, "Oh, you can get anything. It all tastes about the same."

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