Merv's Politically Incorrect Audio Blog

Discussion in 'SBAF Blogs' started by purr1n, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    OK, I subbed to Spotify.

    JFC, WTF is wrong with people? WTF is wrong with Neil Young and Joni Mitchell? Did they even listen to his show or are they going by what the "news" told them. This how I see it: Joe Rogan, at least now, is the victim of fascist bandwagon stupidity, not much different from what happened to Dave Chapelle.

    First of all, it took me while to find the "offending" podcasts because there are maybe two or three among almost 1800 episodes. 99% of his content is about random stuff of interest: attorneys taking up spearfishing as a hobby, promoting other comedians and podcasters, interviewing jocks from MMA and other sports. The point of his show, or any show, is to get listeners - and oftentimes that means bringing in controversial figures or saying dumb stuff. It obvious what Rogan is trying to do here.

    He's not that far out. The "worst" that he's doing is giving air time to guest physicians who promote Ivermectin, who believe how Big Pharma as in bed with government, and other stuff like how mRNA is gene therapy, and how he won't take the vaccine because he already got it - which BTW counts in Portugal and several other level-headed EU countries the same as receiving a vaccination. Besides, if natural immunity didn't work, 100% of us would be dead.

    TBH, I found his most controversial guests entertaining and enjoyed hearing them out. I like hearing out their reasoning. The way I see it, one only need to be afraid of this stuff if your position is weak.

    If one is going to self-cancel because of Rogan's show, they should also do the same of Bill Maher.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  2. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    The Dalai Lama has said on several occasions that he may not reincarnate. I suspect the reason is not only to prevent China from "discovering" a reincarnated Dalai Lama of their choice, but also because of the immense damage that theocracy has done to Tibet.

    Also, there are many other sects that dislike the yellow hat sect of the Dalai Lama. The yellow hats won out in a civil war hundreds of years ago against several others for political control. I'm pretty sure a Buddhist civil war is not won by who meditates better, but rather by who is better at spilling the others' blood and guts.

    Now don't get me wrong. I believe that the Tibetan people have a right to self determination and they are truly their own country and not a province of China. But Tibet is not the Shangri-la that white ladies think it is: "oh, they are so nice and peaceful". One cannot have a functioning society where a sizable ruling parasitic religious class does nothing but pray and beg.
  3. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    I love that Bill Maher never changed. He is still the classic liberal that he always been. Of course some of my friends don't like his standup since they prefer Happy Jews on stand-up like Seinfeld and not Smugly Jews like Maher. And speaking of the devil.
  4. ColtMrFire

    ColtMrFire Writes better fan fics than you

    Jun 16, 2016
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    Yeah Rogan is interesting in that he is most certainly not the news. He is a podcaster with a large swath of guests from all walks of life. He gives them a platform to speak like any other podcast, he just has a huge audience. Does this create a responsibility for him to be a more discerning interviewer? I dont believe so, because he's not the news, he's a podcaster who likes to talk to certain people. People can either accept or reject what these guests say. The problem comes when people believe everything guests say without doing their own research. The problem isn't Rogan, its lazy viewers who put their minds in other people's hands. Maybe Young should be mad at his own fanbase, because I'm sure alot of them do the same thing. Ultimately Rogan is just a "dude-bro" who's into weed, fitness and martial arts and happened upon a subset of the podcast market that was lucrative.
  5. Soliloqueen

    Soliloqueen Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    The Chick-Fil-A thing was about donating millions to keep gay marriage banned IIRC, not abortion-related.
  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    I had to consult with the kids because I'm too old and out of it:

    I listen to podcasts dad. People just say random shit. It's up to you to do your own research. I don't know who Neil Young is but he's probably old and doesn't understand what podcasts are.

    Bruh, Facebook is worse. Mom won't believe anything Joe Rogan says, but she will believe the health nut anti-vaxxers on Facebook.
    (BTW, Joni Mitchell is still on FB).​

    LOL, same difference. I figured some of the same people I hear on Texas Christian radio who say how the Harry Potter books are satanic*. I think they got a hold of how the Harry Potter books outsold the bible and felt threatened. Won't stop me from going to Chick-Fil-A. I'll ask my daughter about how she feels about Chick-FIl-A now (she loves their chicken sandwiches).

    *I know the routine, so I'll imitate them and get laughs from the family. I've attended or been invited to way too many nutty Christian churches when I was younger. Some are obsessed with Satan. Others with porn and sex. Yet others homos, i.e. "pray the gay away". Abortion, etc. It's like the Chinese restaurants in San Gabriel where each place has its own specialty dish.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  7. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    I just back from having the Jesus with Blessins, which is the Spicy Chicken Sandwich. Amen Chick-fil-A, keep using the pickles for the ultimate orgasmic taste.
  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Incorrect. They are Californian and have been for some time. By some time, I mean 50 years. Young had a shack in Topanga Canyon, not far from where I used to live. He's since moved up north to Redwood City in the SF Bay Area. Mitchell I think is still slumming it in her fancy digs in Bel Air, just north of UCLA. Mitchell has her handlers, but Young you may see at the random coffee shop in Topanga (beautiful drive from Woodland Hills to Malibu BTW - it's one of the things I miss about California)

    Both are dual-citizens (I am too, still have my Canadian passport). Young became American so he could vote against Trump. His citizenship was delayed because he smoked weed, and as we all know, weed is 100% harmless to your brain. Mitchell is Canadian first because she hates the USA, although she loves the money she gets from the USA.

    The real Canadians I know and work with on an almost daily basis view with amusement the goings on in the USA; but they don't give a shit, mainly because they live in Canada, are Canadians, and not Americans. Seriously, I get good questions all the time, like "why do people vote for Trump?"

    I usually start with how the subway and streetcar system in Toronto works fantastically, able to get my grandmother and me from North York to Chinatown (old Chinatown) so she could buy fresh tofu; and then compare to always broken down NYC, DC, or El Lay subways, the latter being truly utterly useless going from nowhere to nowhere.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  9. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    Same thing happened to MTV and the like - they start out as a music service and after a few years move on to other programming. Apparently there is too little money to be had be being a pure music service, at least for their ambitions/investors. These podcasts strike me as the audio equivalent of "Reality TV". I suspect that sooner or later they all will move in this direction, including Tidal and Qobuz...perhaps one (Qobuz?) will remain the niche of the niche.
  10. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    I can't see Qobuz doing this. They are French or very much European right? Unlike Americans, too much pride to stoop to such a low level. They'd rather go under, but they won't go under. I figure Europe will do what it can to keep it alive with subsidies, tax breaks, etc.
  11. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Germany underwent forced balls removal. Last time they had balls, tens of millions of Jews, Russians, and Germans died - roughly 10M/20M/10M

    It may be time to consider allowing Germany to grow back its balls and getting the USA out of any obligations toward Europe's security. Of course the Europeans hate this idea because they would have to pay for their own security. And countries like Poland (who got fucked from both sides) and France don't exactly want to see a remilitarized Germany. But this pulling USA out of NATO is Trump talk isn't it?

    To peacenik progressive who hate war: don't be fooled because it was a Trump thing. In this instance Trump was on your side. Well over one-third of our $800B+ annual defense budget goes to NATO, paying for Europeans' security. Think about how many rebates for electric cars and solar panels that could pay for, or how many people we can get off the streets with better drug treatment and work programs, or free community college for everyone.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  12. HHS

    HHS Almost "Made"

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Yes, and it feels a bit quaint now that same-sex marriage is legalized, but activists were still in the heat of the fight at the time and Chick-fil-A kinda stepped in it. In the end I think profits went up, but those donations also came off the corporate books going forward (though I assume the founders and top brass are still donating to the same groups privately), so I guess it was sort of a win-win?

    Anyway, I'm all for people letting their dollars speak for them with boycotts and what not, but it seems to mostly blow over after a couple news cycles. I bet that will be true of the whole Spotify thing
  13. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

    Staff Member Pyrate BWC
    Sep 24, 2015
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    Joe Rogan will get Dr. Fauci in and all will be well. Calling it now. This is a great opportunity for Rogan and that's what I would do when I were him. I'd have my people get in touch with Fauci's people.

    It may not be Dr. Fauci, but a suitable stand in like Bill Gates or Fiona Hill. Oh wait, Dr. Hill was on the Bill Maher show, and that was about Putin. Maybe Dr. Oz. There's really no Captain America for vaccinations other than Fauci.

    BTW, I know of no GOP "deplorables" who are anti-vaxx. Every dude I know who is a staunch 'publican got their shots, boosters, and all. Often they have diabetes, multiple heart bypasses, so they don't wanna die. As I've said, people are not stupid, especially people with means. Most of the anti-vaxxers I know are suburban progressive leaning Whole Foods shopping gluten sensitive health conscious people who drive electric cars - of course they would never let you know they are anti-vax. The remainder after that could be classified as libertarians; but they are libertarians. The thing is, none of these anti-vaxxers are high risk because they take care of themselves.

    The remaining vaccine hesitant or perhaps more correctly, vaccine deliberate (that is slow, taking time) seem to be poor people. Poor people of color and poor white people. I know in one instance locally, a pregnant mother died because she thought vaccines would harm the unborn child. Obviously she didn't get the memo that it was safe or actually very important for those who are pregnant (high risk). In other cases, I figure it's a matter of accessibility. Taking time off to get the shot, or having to get time off after the shot, when one is paid hourly and trying to make ends meet juggling two jobs is difficult if not impossible. Different people react differently. I was out two days after the second shot and three days after the third. (Moderna, Moderna, Pfizer). If Biden was smart, he'd make the child tax credits contingent upon vaccination. Encouragement works better than coercion.

    Neil Young's old pot smoking neighbors in Woodland Hills and along Topanga Canyon Blvd are more likely than not to be antivax. Just saying. Some characters and many stories I've heard of and from folks in that area. It's weird how I end up making friends with LDS and potheads. I think it's because I don't judge at the same time that I make it clear, that ain't for me. I'm not up for being a bishop of my own household and pot makes me paranoid and fucks up my short term memory.

    Pro tip: Self-righteous judgemental people cannot stay in long term relationships, e.g., marriage. No two people are ever 100% alike. When the relationship is new, it seems like you are 100% alike. After time, that gets whittled down to 10% - real quick. One eventually learns what's more important: to be right or to get along. The former end up splitting / getting divorced.

    Funny anecdote: my wife starts to ask me about - I quickly answer "nope". It's funny because by her tone she already knows I won't like the idea, and I know that tone from a mile away. It's become a running joke between us. Sometimes there has to be humor in disagreements. "You didn't even let me...","Nope!" Then the real negotiations begin. Making it work doesn't mean we don't have to negotiate hard. (As I get older, I lose more - well she does have to put up with big speakers and speaker projects all over the house).
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
  14. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    Like with many other modern establishments, the fact of how entities came into power is very often washed of all the blood and viscera so the general public might have an easier time swallowing stories. I'll admit not being fully aware of how rabid the earlier history of Tibet was until just now (my history teacher must be rolling in his... bed? pretty sure he isn't that old and takes care of himself) but it stands to reason. More important than what the origins thereof were is how things are now though, like with how the whole anti-police thing was going around earlier in the pandemic owing to their origins. I'm biased of course since Tibet's in a similar boat with regard to China's expansionism.

    As for Roe Jogan's podcast, the responsibilities of people with platforms always seems to be a weird space overall as while laws (generally applicable within jurisdiction) don't necessarily punish free speech e.g. just a bunch of people talking and shooting the Schiit while getting high off their Air Jordans, there's a growing contingent that believes in a universally-applicable moral and ethical right to do things. The problem then is these are often impermanent and susceptible to whim, like the whole antivaxx contingent you'd mentioned.

    I wish more podcast and late night TV people had guests that they disagree with come on for an actual conversation.

    Positive reinforcement, baby. I wish more people gave this a shot instead of going all nuclear option over inane trivialities.

    Might be a regional thing as well but a lot of the archetypal staunch conservatives hereabouts are more vaccine hesitant, likely in large part due to a massive dengvaxia scare here just a few years back (the whole country is largely conservative so the overlap is... unavoidable). On that level I understand why there's hesitancy, I sympathise with people who feel that they lost family to irresponsible medicine, but at the same time the dearth of security caused by there being no apparent recourse has led to people taking on dangerous alternatives like nearly drowning themselves to "wash the virus out" (RIP sensitive nasopharyngeal lining). It could be viewed as Darwin Awards in action, but again people will very often do what's easy and makes them feel good, logic frequently be damned and impingement on the well-being of others be... slightly less important than usual.
  15. Thad E Ginathom

    Thad E Ginathom Friend

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I don't care that much about Neil young, but Joni Mitchell is a goddess!
    That's one reason why I like this thread. I may still disagree with some viewpoints, but at least I get some background about them

    A lot of people are deeply shocked about the treatment of the Tamil minority in Sri Lanka by Buddhists.

    They do that stuff now? Maybe churches got more interesting since I last looked ;)

    What was the other thing you mentioned? :D
  16. Wilewarer

    Wilewarer Almost "Made"

    Sep 22, 2021
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    A lot of local differences to this for sure. Different states, countries, urban/suburban/rural, etc. Among Republicans I know (the mother of all convenience samples), age seems to matter. The 60+ older ones all have it, almost all 3 doses. Some of them went to great lengths to get it early. Some of them are even enthusiastic advocates for it into unfriendly audiences, it's so important to them. Could be they remember polio. Or they're just protective enough of their health that this just seems trivial. Anyone younger than that, it's kinda dicey - maybe they are, maybe they aren't. Some of them definitely seem to see it as political resistance, some of them just still really don't care or think it's serious enough for them to bother doing anything.

    Of course, there are lots of wellsprings of this. New age pseudo-hippie alt-health people, for sure, bigtime, but there's some others. A lot of those are aligned with some political base or other - not all conservative. When it's -their- voter base, a lot of political leaders are suddenly very shy about actually doing anything serious about it. Curious, that.

    Buddhism's publicity campaign in the west as the ultimate meditative religion of peace was so successful that people just can't get their heads around Buddhist monks going on Facebook to incite genocidal rage in the faithful (and not even just in one place!). A lot of people just can't shake the images of serene bald men. This, even when they understand the differences between 14 different kinds of Christianity. Maybe it helps me that I've gotten to see some of the stranger manifestations of it in person. One particularly glossy pamphlet displaced Jack Chick comics as the weirdest religious material I've ever been given and there's been no challenger for well over a decade.
  17. crenca

    crenca Friend

    May 26, 2017
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    Ukraine is game to you?!

  18. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    Well, that is quite literally what's going on here during a pandemic. Play stupid games, win dumber prizes.
  19. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    Decades ago for sure. Now maybe less - and I wasn't sure until I tuned into Christian radio recently where they talked about Harry Potter being the work of the devil. There were many brimstone and fire churches in the 80s. You know, when people claimed that if you played certain records backwards (Judas Priest, Beatles, Led Zepplin, etc.), you would hear the sound of the devil commanding you to commit suicide or go on a killing rampage. One TV pastor in the 80s went out of the way to say that the Police were satanic because they had a song Murder by Numbers on their Synchronicity album. Heck, even Tipper Gore (well before Al became VP) got into the act with PMRC which resulted in records with warning labels, which of course made them even more popular with kids. I used to piss off the younger Sunday school teachers by repeating replying "Satan" to every biblical story quiz. I just didn't believe that stuff (or really, they were crappy teachers who really understood very little of their religion). Oh, a religion with a God who promises everlasting life, and one doesn't wake up every day to yell "hallelujah, we are saved, and life is joyness!" but instead focuses on Satan? What's wrong with you people?

    Anyway, I think over time these churches of the nutty variety realized that this Satan stuff was turning people off. The business of churches is saving people, but they are still businesses. Most pastors still need to pay the bills and tending to the flock for free is not appealing (people are problematic). So from early 80s, it went from stealth Christians to out in the open evangelical Christians. With respect to stealth Christians, the principal of my high school was one. He faked his resume, said he went to Stanford, embezzled some money. Every kid knew he was a phony and no one was surprised at his misdeeds after he died an early death. There is a story about him on the NYT:

    Anyway, the evangelical stuff grew like crazy, because singing and dancing to Jesus is way more fun than fearing Satan. That Satan stuff was too heavy. Well, except this was now the later 80s when hardcore porn, the anal sex and gangbangs, started to be accessible on VHS tapes. As an aside, this was serious business. Even Craig Uthus got into the act - he was asked by a tape duplication facility how to get rid of hum (transformers duh). So basically the Wednesdays, bible study days, would start off innocently enough; well until the third or fourth where random people would start to pour their guts out about the evils of porn, and how someone's sister got raped.

    I'm thinking you guys are fucked in the head, I'm outta here. Of course fearing for my damnation, they sent their best two dudes to counsel me: Stuff about door to Jesus is cracked open and only a fool would not take that offer. They eventually got on my nerves to the point where I just had to get them to stop: nope, I think you guys are the fools.

    No, don't get don't me wrong. You guys have seen me defend religion, even Christianity, again and again. I've read the first four books of the Bible myself many times over and got an entirely different story from what these churches were teaching. These stories about Jesus are truly inspirational divine works. These nutty churches were merely reflections of stupid humans, not divinity. I know there are authentic Christians.

    Here's my conspiracy theory. I hate conspiracy theories because 99% of the time, they make no sense. Here's mine and I think it makes a lot of sense.

    The COVID-19 was a f**k-up that accidentally leaked from the Wuhan lab. The CCP, being commies, are always going to do research to handle a variety of circumstances, regardless of morality, ethics, etc. Well, the USA too, just in case. The "BS" that the CCP was spewing, that it came from the USA, some US Army fort. That's true too, partially.

    This virus was a collaboration between the USA and China. Let's call it project Thanos for a lack of a better name. China has a big problem: a super large with a small youth component. There are a ton of people between ages 45 and 60. In a few more years, these folks are going to be old geezers with not enough younger people to take care of them. This is very bad and will bring a country to its knees. (The secondary purpose of the virus was to reduce greenhouse emissions.)

    A possible solution? And I'm not saying China would use it, but it's something to have up one's sleeve: kill the old and unhealthy but leave the young. This is where COVID-19 comes in.

    I'm not saying this virus doesn't kill the young, it does. However we know that this virus does pretty much kill the old, unhealthy, and the sick x100 more effectively than the young. This weapon isn't perfect, but it's damn close. It's actually way better than Marvel's Thanos' solution because his was disappearing random people (how progressive and egalitarian!)

    I just find it odd and against natural laws of the universe that there would be such a virus that's so smartly selective to solve the modern problem of the sudden onset of low birth rates. I'm pretty sure the Spanish, Asian, and HK flus of 1918, 1957, and 1968 killed young as well as old. Polio seemed to hit people when they were kids.

    You guys may think I'm crazy, but I have serious questions where this "coronavirus" came from.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
  20. roshambo123

    roshambo123 Friend

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    I don't think the cull the weak theory works for long term population control. Overpopulation exerts downward pressure on birth rates due to enhanced resource competition. Using Covid to kill the old and weak depresses the population temporarily but leaves the more fit individuals with more resources to procreate and things would rebound in short order and you'd have the same problem. And no, you can't just unleash Covid again, the surviving population would have immunity. The Thanatos random /2 method would cause a long term depression that more effectively accomplishes the goal.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022

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