Comments on Profile Post by ButtUglyJeff

  1. Lyander
    Dang, sorry to hear! Still, if it's minor then it's pretty much guaranteed to be smooth sailing. Best of luck!
    Feb 19, 2018
    ButtUglyJeff likes this.
  2. gaspasser
    I hope all is well Jeff. Having kids is nerve wracking at times :(
    Feb 19, 2018
    ButtUglyJeff likes this.
  3. Koth Ganesh
    Koth Ganesh
    Hang in there Jeff. I know the feeling having two daughters. It will be fine
    Feb 19, 2018
    ButtUglyJeff likes this.
  4. ButtUglyJeff
    Thanks everyone, she's already in recovery. Too much caffeine and too much worrying to blame...
    Feb 19, 2018
    JayC and gaspasser like this.
  5. gaspasser
    This (our family) is what we’re supposed to have nervosa about. I’m glad she is doing well :)
    Feb 19, 2018
    ButtUglyJeff and Case like this.
  6. atomicbob
    I've been in the ER and OR plenty of times for business. But when it is family, friends or yourself, the perspective changes radically. Best wishes for a most positive outcome.
    Feb 19, 2018
  7. Skyline
    Fully understand with two daughters of my own. I'm glad all went well.
    Feb 19, 2018
    ButtUglyJeff and Case like this.