Comments on Profile Post by dmckean44

  1. gaspasser
    I look forward to your thoughts as I wait for my tax free Lyr 3 to make the cross country trek. Trade offs #shrug
    Mar 23, 2018
    Pyruvate and dmckean44 like this.
  2. Ringingears
    Man that didn’t take you long. Enjoy. Great amp.
    Mar 23, 2018
    dmckean44 and gaspasser like this.
  3. dmckean44
    My first impression is the multibit dac module sounds fine after only being on for 30 minutes. The amp is already extremely warm.
    Mar 23, 2018
  4. Ringingears
    Sound warm or thermal?
    Mar 23, 2018
  5. dmckean44
    Thermal, it heats up fast.
    Mar 23, 2018
  6. Ringingears
    Tube? Of course the proto was “open air” to say the least.
    Mar 23, 2018
  7. dmckean44
    There's a lot crammed in the chassis, espeically when you have a multibit dac in there too.
    Mar 23, 2018
    gaspasser likes this.
  8. gaspasser
    I’m sure that the Multibit dac gets up to the right temp fast
    Mar 23, 2018
  9. Ringingears
    It actually may be brilliant. The DAC gets up to temp faster, but I assume Jason and Mike made sure everything can deal with some heat.
    Mar 23, 2018
    Lyander and dmckean44 like this.