Comments on Profile Post by k1arg

  1. zerodeefex
    You should be ashamed.
    Jan 24, 2019
    bazelio, Psalmanazar and Kunlun like this.
  2. k1arg
    Oh, ok, there is me failing online communication again. I didn't intend anyone any aggravation, just a light-weight joke. As a Slayer fan (that's a Kerry King signature series Warlock in my avatar) I figured "Slaytanic" would be welcomed by @Psalmanazar and the whole joke behind the tag would be more fun for all. But I guess I'm misreading the situation or not taking it seriously enough or something. Sorry.
    Jan 25, 2019
    bazelio likes this.
  3. zerodeefex
    @k1arg I meant you should be ashamed that you made a dad joke like I would have and weren't offensive at all. Please feel free to aggravate psalm.
    Jan 26, 2019
  4. k1arg
    LOL So I'm still right: there is me failing online communication again.
    Jan 26, 2019