Oct 12, 2015
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Facebook Friend, Male, from London, UK


Wondering if I was deaf when listening to the Phonitor X, as it seems to be getting lots of love, but I found it inoffensive but way flat. Dec 28, 2019

    1. k1arg
      Wondering if I was deaf when listening to the Phonitor X, as it seems to be getting lots of love, but I found it inoffensive but way flat.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. E_Schaaf
        I use it as a modding reference. Needs a colorful source to sound fun and enjoyable, definitely doesn't pair well with schiit but with an R2R in front of it, killer.
        Dec 28, 2019
      3. purr1n
        It's accurate, but flat and boring and sterile. It's why I kept NOT recommending it in the best amps for HD800 thread. The HD800 responds much better to stuff that doesn't sound flat and boring, that is more immediate, more real. A little color for HD800 helps too. No love from me for Phonitor. Honestly think Magni 3+ or even Heresy at high gain for $99 is as much was I would spend .
        Dec 28, 2019
        k1arg, Ksaurav402 and RobS like this.
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        It got popular, and the company was happy to play (sell) to a much larger audience. Originally it was sold as a professional monitoring tool, and, as such, it was probably meant to be flat.

        I always fancied it for it knobs. Yes, I've heard it, and probably with a HD800. I think I liked it. I don't recall how long ago it was or what my audiogram looked like. I don't have a way to know flat any longer.
        Dec 29, 2019
    2. k1arg
      1. bazelio likes this.
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      3. k1arg
        Oh, ok, there is me failing online communication again. I didn't intend anyone any aggravation, just a light-weight joke. As a Slayer fan (that's a Kerry King signature series Warlock in my avatar) I figured "Slaytanic" would be welcomed by @Psalmanazar and the whole joke behind the tag would be more fun for all. But I guess I'm misreading the situation or not taking it seriously enough or something. Sorry.
        Jan 25, 2019
        bazelio likes this.
      4. zerodeefex
        @k1arg I meant you should be ashamed that you made a dad joke like I would have and weren't offensive at all. Please feel free to aggravate psalm.
        Jan 26, 2019
      5. k1arg
        LOL So I'm still right: there is me failing online communication again.
        Jan 26, 2019
    3. k1arg
      1. Riotvan, FlySweep, manatworks and 4 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. k1arg
        Essentially all of my serious listening previously has been through SS amps, and I'm now thinking that I might be starting to understand what people mean by "BJT veil" or similar. This is eye-opening, very very cool.
        Apr 22, 2017
        brencho likes this.
      4. zonto
        Which tubes did it come with?
        Apr 22, 2017
      5. k1arg
        electro-harmonix 12AY7 (stock I assume) and some International 12AZ7's that I don't know much about. I listened to the stock tubes a bit, then switched to the NOS ones, which I'm preferring.
        Apr 22, 2017
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    London, UK
    Software Engineer
    Gear List:
    Primary: Yggdrasil A2, Ravenswood/DSHA3F, Utopia
    Secondary: Gungnir Multibit A1, Torpedo III, HD 650 (+dynamat -spider)
    Nearfield: Yggdrasil A2, Ragnarok 1.5, B&W DM601 S3
    Office: Benchmark DAC 1 (yeah, I know), Mjolnir 1, Paradox Slants

    Cables I like: Forza AudioWorks Claire HPC Mk2, Grimm TPR

    Mostly neglected: LCD-3C, HD 600, Brainwaves HM5, HD 280