Comments on Profile Post by rott

  1. dark_energy
    Balanced criticism never hurt anyone or anything. The opposite.
    Feb 7, 2019
  2. Deep Funk
    Deep Funk
    Do you know what is really ironic? You have iron and you must describe it. Iron-like does not sound right. Iron-y though sounds like iron that can rust. Now that is literally iron-y. (Yes, I like word jokes. They are so wordy...)
    Feb 7, 2019
  3. Lyander
    @rott NOW I get the tag :))
    Feb 7, 2019
  4. FallingObjects
    I remember installing an add-on for Facebook that deleted all comments, posts, and likes I had made between dates of my choice (aka when I was a teen), and thinking it was hilarious that I trusted the sketchy third party add-on more than I did Facebook's advertising practices and partners.
    Feb 7, 2019
    dark_energy and DigMe like this.