Comments on Profile Post by famish99

  1. k4rstar
    very good modern 300b amp. what is the difference from 8600R version?
    Sep 19, 2020
  2. JK47
    My bad, quoted in relation to wrong amp.
    Sep 19, 2020
  3. EagleWings
    Is it better than the Line Magnetic you demoed?
    Sep 19, 2020
  4. famish99
    @k4rstar supposedly some tweaks to the OPT and heater supplies.

    @EagleWings still too early to say, but at least tonality wise yes.
    Sep 19, 2020
    EagleWings likes this.
  5. Phantaminum
    Good stuff man. I was looking at the TU-8600s before I acquired the Pendant. Any thoughts of it compared to the Af?
    Sep 20, 2020
  6. famish99
    I'm still trying to work through a few noise issues, but early thoughts would be more impact and perhaps better clarity.
    Sep 21, 2020
    Phantaminum likes this.
  7. yotacowboy
    How is the headphone circuit implemented? Do the 300Bs power it or is it run off the 12AU7s somehow?
    Sep 21, 2020
  8. famish99
    Runs off the 300B with a voltage divider
    Sep 22, 2020
    Jerry and yotacowboy like this.