Comments on Profile Post by Woland

  1. Ksaurav402
    It’s all about system synergy. Try to put a great DAC behind THX 789 and you will feel the other way around. But ya if you already have a nice chain then DAC can bring a welcome and sometime profound change.
    Apr 9, 2021
    Jinxy245, Cryptowolf and crenca like this.
  2. AdvanTech
    But would you have noticed if your amplification wasn't already of a certain quality/performance?
    Apr 9, 2021
  3. Merrick
    Absolutely, Modi to Gungnir Multibit is a huge jump in performance that I suspect most people would notice (that slam alone, come on). If you were to go from a good $100 amp to a great $1,300 amp, I think you’d find an even more noticeable jump in performance.
    Apr 9, 2021
    Cryptowolf likes this.
  4. Woland
    I upgraded Modi 3 + Magni 3+ to Gungnir Multibit + MJ2 and mixed them up over a few weeks of hotel quarantine. Gungnir Multibit + Magni was the awesome step.
    Apr 9, 2021
  5. AdvanTech
    Just because the Magni 3+ is cheap doesn't mean it's not quite good.
    Apr 9, 2021
  6. Woland
    @Avantech My thinking was that maybe all $100 DACs are not good. I didn't really notice any step up from Samsung Galaxy S9's jack to Modi 3.
    Apr 9, 2021
  7. Biodegraded
    Might not be so much 'good/not good' you're noticing, but the different character of multibit vs DS.
    Apr 9, 2021
    Woland and Cryptowolf like this.
  8. Woland
    Fair call, @Biodegraded . I really like it when comments make me rethink. Audio experience is hard to pin down and articulate well.
    Apr 9, 2021