Loyal customer base, many willing to buy variations of the same model, similar concept of "sprint runs"...but the knives are waaaaaaaaaaay cheaper so harder to feel bad about buying for the sake of "collecting". I really only need one knife for general utility, but have already snatched a few from different manufacturers.
TRM Knives - small manufacturer making excellent (small batch) knives with a fanatical customer base (good luck finding them in stock... they even run a "lotto")
I'd say it's closer to Chris Reeve. More "boutique" of a brand, hand made, higher end of price ranges, but not ridiculous like a $1k+ folding knife / $5k+ headphone.
On a different note, every time I want to sell some of my knives I decide against it. I "only" have 10 or so and some of them are cheap enough that it's almost not worth it, but I really ever only use 4 of them...
@penguins True, you're right a better comparison as their placement in respective markets. Would love to pick up a Sebenza but not ready to plunge into that price tier just yet.
Ya I tried someone's Sebenza for a day or two and actually didn't like it as much as a much as my other more inexpensive knives. I really like the art on some of the custom scales though.
Based on your take on Spyderco, which I agree with, and would add: many stupid fans and meh steel, I'd compare Noble to Spyderco. And, yes, my two of favorite EDCs are Spydercos: Para 3 (S110V) & Watu (20CV).
If youre going to carry the knife then ime nothing beats Spyderco FRN knives like Delica. Lightweight and thin. Lockback is super secure. FRN texture super grippy.
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