Comments on Profile Post by luckybaer

  1. joch
    I’m wondering if your chain is not good enough to expose any compression, does it mean you don’t know what you’re missing? That you’re probably better off with good enough gear?
    Apr 22, 2023
    RestoredSparda likes this.
  2. zottel
    The primary effect is that everything is always equally loud, which is just flat and boring. Overdoing compression for loudness can also lead to clipping, i. e. distortion.
    Assuming you mean dynamic range compression, not lossy file size compression.
    Apr 23, 2023
  3. zottel
    Personally, I don’t think that today’s pop productions are worse than those of the 80s, e.g., more the contrary. There were some really bad examples in the 90s with lots of clipping (they say at least), but there was never much dynamic range in this kind of music to begin with.
    Apr 23, 2023
  4. zottel
    Comparing volume levelled mixes from the eighties and now, I often (not always!) prefer the newer ones (but for reasons that have nothing to do with DRC, like better ADC tech).
    Apr 23, 2023
    Cryptowolf likes this.
  5. Cspirou
    Music sounds very blah when it’s highly compressed. I think this is most of the reason why people tend to prefer vinyl over digital as the vinyl mix is almost always less compressed
    Apr 23, 2023
    Deep Funk and luckybaer like this.
  6. luckybaer
    @joch I think my chain is OK. I have a better idea of what compression is now - not just loud, but dull sounding, too.
    Apr 23, 2023
    zottel likes this.
  7. Lyander
    It's also a loss of nuance, really. This is a really weird way to parse it I guess, but it's almost like not being able to find something you're looking for when it's right in front of your nose; you're just not expecting it to be so close so you literally overlook it.
    Apr 23, 2023
    Deep Funk and zottel like this.
  8. Lyander
    And to my ears anyway, with my symphonic metal stuff (specifically Epica - The Phantom Agony): it's much harder to follow individual sonic elements e.g. vocals/instruments in more compressed releases, like they're buried deeper in Miscellaneous Noise^TM.
    Apr 23, 2023
    luckybaer likes this.
  9. HotRatSalad
    Compression artifacts and clipping are pretty obvious to me and unfortunately in 99% of new releases on popular music. Even a lot of reissues/remasters of great sounding old shit that was good when it was first issued. One of the major reasons I'll never stream. 75% at least of my listening is old shit pre 99
    Apr 23, 2023
  10. luckybaer
    @HotRatSalad Yes. I am a control freak, so I can’t stream for fear of some ungodly loud shit making it to my ears.
    Apr 23, 2023
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