Comments on Profile Post by AlPastor

  1. Gazny
    out in the sun? UV rays?
    Aug 29, 2023
  2. AlPastor
    Just cheap plastic especially at the pivot tabs. Amazon delivery doesn't help either.
    Aug 29, 2023
    Claritas likes this.
  3. Claritas
    For classical, several firms have switched to cardboard to cut the cost of international shipping. I found that out from someone I trust in the industry. It's more important to me that the music be available in more countries at better prices. In this case, the company switched to cardboard to cut costs for European collectors. I had rather than my fellow classical snobs in Europe be able to afford great music.
    Aug 30, 2023
  4. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    I don't know about stronger ones in the 90s? I don't remember strong CD cases ever! They have always made me think fondly of the vinyl LP experience.
    Aug 30, 2023
    zottel and AlPastor like this.
  5. caute
    Wait, you guys are getting actual jewel cases??
    Aug 30, 2023
    AlPastor and Thad E Ginathom like this.