for a photo with the owner's name and the date on a scrap of paper next to the DAC. Also made sure to do PayPal G&S. Guy seemed very friendly, and we did a little chat about our respective headphone rigs (always a good sign, if it's another enthusiast). He said he'd be shipping last Friday.
Then said an issue had come up, and he'd have to do it Monday (yesterday). Nothing from him Monday, so I emailed to check in, and the message immediately bounced back as "address not found." I also see that he changed the email address on his PayPal account.
So, it all seems really fishy, and I'm guessing I'm going to have to start a PayPal dispute. I emailed the new PayPal email address, so will give him another day or two before I escalate. Glad I did Goods and Services. Thought it was looking good with the dated photo (which didn't look AI-generated), and I also reverse image searched his classified photos.
I should've been wary when he took down his classified. He said he had a lot of interest and felt it would sell no matter what, but now I'm guessing he's trying to erase his tracks. Anyway, if I've been snookered here by taking a mild flier on a random classified, hope this is a caution to anyone else considering the same.
Sucks. I’ve always been lucky up to now, but you never know. I hope you still get your DAC, and if not, don’t have to go through too much hassle to get back your money.
Yeah, it's a weird one. After I sent the PayPal payment, we had a nice chat about electrostats and amp options, which seems unnecessary if you're trying to pull a scam. I'll give him another day before I take it to PayPal. I assume I'll get my money back as it's all documented in email. $1500 for a TT2 was probably too good to be true.
Yeah, probably. Though I've picked up some amazing pieces for equally unbelievable prices no problem. Well, looks like I probably got bit on this one. I'm assuming PayPal will cover me. Any tips on navigating a dispute welcomed.
I dealt with a dodgy dude on US Audio Mart not long ago and disputed the payment with PayPal after he ghosted me. I think I may have pdf'd email correspondence and included it in my dispute, not sure, but keep documentation, inc. the email bounce back.
I got my money back fine, but it took 10 days after they gave him time to ship/respond. Sorry this is happening to you
Thanks for sharing that experience. I feel this is definite confirmation to always use PayPal G&S, even with the people who seem to get all huffy when you even mention it. If this breaks my unbroken run of solid internet purchases, I'll be annoyed, but it's probably worth it for future gut checks.
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