The DAC Advice Thread

Discussion in 'Advice Threads' started by señorhifi, Oct 16, 2020.

  1. Jokko

    Jokko Friend

    Sep 29, 2015
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    What can I get that will out resolve a dac2541 under $2k (new or used)?

    I need something simple: iPad/Tidal - USB - Dac -> Amp. No cinemags or HQplayer etc...
  2. dericchan1

    dericchan1 Facebook Friend

    Sep 14, 2021
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    I know nothing about the dac2541. The Cyan 2 is very resolving indeed. It’s performance in dsd with hqplayer is pretty much on par with the Spring 3…
  3. nylac

    nylac New

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I currently own an Auralic Vega gen 1. What EUR ~500 (new or used) multibit DAC should I buy?
  4. Priidik

    Priidik MOT: Estelon

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    I've never tried Vega. I can speculate that some Soekris offering would be closest in character but likely less resolving.
  5. Priidik

    Priidik MOT: Estelon

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    I'm afraid if there is something it is in camp SD and the difference would be small.
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  6. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Basically this. I do think Bifrost 2/64 can out resolve it, but 2/64 is quite V-shaped sounding with highs that annoyed people or required laid-back smooth amp.
  7. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Sep 24, 2015
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    This. I don’t think Soekris 2451 will out resolve the Vega (I have had both in the house for extended periods). You will need to start at 2500-3000 euros at a minimum to get the same level of refinement and resolution as Vega for an R2R type.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2024
  8. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    No one will tell you what to buy. You’ve already gotten some solid recommendations. The next step is to buy something and then report back.

    Only after you get an idea of what you like or don’t like can people point you in the right direction.

    It’s your preferences and your component synergies. You just have to take the leap.
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  9. roderickvd

    roderickvd Almost "Made"

    Mar 7, 2022
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    Soekris DACs also respond well to custom filters. The factory filters sound rather polite and non-involving to my ears. On diyAudio there's a whole thread of custom filter brewing for those DACs though, that can really spice it up. I liked the "quasi-NOS" filters more by a lot.

    I've moved away from Soekris DACs because their bottleneck is the clock implementation. It's a PLL-based synthesiser, implemented in a way such that its error is proportional to the error of the input signal, even though there's a FIFO in between. Søren dismisses that, but there's measurements on diyAudio showing it. Beyond measurements, having built a dam1121 myself I can vouch that the quality of the input clock is of baffling influence to the sonic qualities of the DAC, though it still remains limited by its synthesiser and implementation.

    That said, this Soekris dam1121 was my first journey in R2R territory also, so it might just be yours as well.
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  10. nylac

    nylac New

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Yeah, I get the impression that going from the Auralic to something much speaker would be a downgrade so I'll likely postpone this.
  11. fraggler

    fraggler A Happy & Busy Life

    Oct 1, 2015
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    While I still reserve the right to sell everything but my Pietus/ESS card, I am still thinking about the best "upgrade" from my Bifrost 2 OG to pair with my MJ3 and HD800SDRSBAF and ZMF VC Blackwood. I'd like more refinement, especially in the treble - on occasion, the treble is just a bit too much for my ears. More big boy stuff like better plankton, resolution, clarity, etc. to push the MJ3 as well. I thought about Yggdrasil GS2, but from what folks are saying, that might not be the answer if BF2 treble is a little too much for me. Now that it is on the Schiit site and some folks have started hearing it, maybe the Gungnir 2? I don't want to lose too much bass, as I very much enjoy a healthy bottom end to my music.

    Thanks to @ogodei , I was able to test my HD800s with his MJ3 fed by a Gustard R26 and a Holo Spring 2 to try out. The Gustard was pretty good, but not wow. If anything it reminded me of a big boy version of the Schiit Modius. Very even throughout the range, with nothing standing out positive or negative other than its overall competency. The Holo Spring 2 shocked me with how meh it sounded, so maybe I needed to run it some other mode or with different software (was playing PC Tidal via a USB fed through some fancy USB thingy that I can't remember at the moment). Ogodei did warn me that I was in just one particular mode and that there are settings that could have improved it, but the bass was bloomy and the treble was surprisingly recessed and a bit cloudy. It almost worked with the HD800, but I couldn't imagine it at the time being good with other headphones without tweaking (something I really am not interested in anymore).

    I have a PI2AES as a streaming source. I listen to a fairly wide range of things, with classical/orchestral soundtrack probably 50%, with a mix of electronic, classic rock, classic hip-hop, and on occasion, some heavy metal filling in the rest. Oh, and Yggdrasil GS2 is more than I want to spend, but I am still considering it (along with the Gungnir 2). I have a ton of low-mid fi stuff to sell that should get me what I need.

    Any other suggestions?
  12. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    Maybe a Prism Callia? Prism dacs tend to have a lightness/airyness up top which might suit you. The same company also makes the dScope. Their usb drivers can be a bit persnickety, but if you can feed it spdif from the PI2AES then you should be fine.
  13. GoldfishX

    GoldfishX Almost "Made"

    Nov 13, 2015
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    I'm trying to do my due diligence on the whole NOS DAC thing. I've read all the major threads and reviews here, but one thing isn't always clear...Is the idea to run redbook/44.1 through, say, the Holo Spring/May (since their profile is to primarily be used as NOS Dac's) or is the idea to run higher resolution files and/or files upsampled via HQ Player? I know the two aren't mutually exclusive, but basically 100% of my music is 44.1 (local files, zero interest in streaming) and I'd rather not go down the rabbit hole of modifying it.

    This is one of those areas I have to give Schitt's marketing tons of credit, that they are clear about prioritizing redbook with their upsampling filter and that is what got me into their DAC camp many moons ago. With NOS, the intended music source (regardless of maker) seems far less clear.
  14. EagleWings

    EagleWings Friend

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    @GoldfishX , both sides of the intentions/approach exist. You have brands like Abbas who firmly believe that upsampling is not good and Redbook content in NOS is the ideal way to play music. During the initial days of Holo, particularly the Spring 1, they too belonged to such a camp and even had a write up on why NOS was better. But their intentions have lately become unclear, with their current DACs being able to support very high sample rates, which could mean that, either they want their customers to have the option of using upsampled content or, their core philosophy has drifted towards, upsampling just might be the better route.
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  15. JK47

    JK47 Friend

    Oct 31, 2022
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  16. danishchelsea

    danishchelsea New

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Hello friends and all experts,

    What would your advise be if I want to purchase a DAC which is the most Holographic and Airy? My speakers are Falcon Gold Badge with Musical Fidelity A1 for amplifier. Max budget around USD 3k.

    Thanks in advance.
  17. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    I think it would help folks here give advice if you offered more context, because I don't think many here know your preferences and what gear you have grown accustomed to. What DAC are you currently using, and besides "airiness" (do you mean in terms of space or in terms of treble extension?) what areas do you find your current DAC deficient in?
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  18. danishchelsea

    danishchelsea New

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I prefer rich slightly warm sound, do not care much about dynamics. Airiness in terms of space where I can place all instruments separately in a wide stage.

    I have a Wiim Pro Plus for a DAC which sounds digital and not really good.
  19. Priidik

    Priidik MOT: Estelon

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    Sonic Frontiers of vintage is the sound you describe + great dynamics.
    Not precise by modern standards - but decent. Very inviting and carries emotions from music with prowess hard to find in modern devices.

    From modern stuff Metrum might do what you ask.

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