Comments on Profile Post by ChaChaRealSmooth

  1. Ksaurav402
    I won't call it lost or waste but those 3 hrs helped you in coming out with something better.
    Oct 15, 2020
    sheldaze, obsiCO, Jinxy245 and 2 others like this.
  2. GoodEnoughGear
    After enough of that experience I started using Mind Mapping software to structure my thoughts first before I launch into writing.
    Oct 15, 2020
  3. Lyander
    Yup, no such thing as wasted time when it comes to writing. Sure you might sometimes forget to make a point or lose your flow in the break, but there's more beauty in refinement of speech and brevity of thought than there is in self-aggrandizing walls of text; having time to reflect pays dividends.

    Yes it's ironic that I'm the one saying that lol. You'd be surprised how many posts just end up scrapped :P
    Oct 15, 2020
  4. BenjaminBore
    @ChaChaRealSmooth That just means you’re doing it right. How you present and deliver the story or information within is everything. Keep re-writing it until it doesn’t suck, and then until it’s great, it’ll get better pretty much every time. That’s how I improved, and the need diminishes with practice.

    (I practically re-wrote this post twice)
    Oct 15, 2020
  5. spwath
    Depends on what I am doing. Sometimes I write an essay for a class I dont care about, realize it sucks, then turn it in still. I had a final essay for a class, needed to be like 10 pages. I litterally took the 4 3 page essays I had written for that class earlier in the year, put them together, reworded a few things/made transitions, and turned it it. I thought it sucked, but I got a 95, so i guess it was good enough
    Oct 15, 2020
  6. Thad E Ginathom
    Thad E Ginathom
    I regularly write posts on forums, sometimes quite long, and close the tab instead of clicking on "post."

    Sometimes because it was just crap anyway; sometimes because it was something I actually only need to tell myself about; sometimes... lots of other sometimes.
    Oct 15, 2020
    sheldaze likes this.
  7. philipmorgan
    I just threw away ~80,000 words of a book draft because it wasn't right. You get used to it... :)
    Oct 16, 2020
    Thad E Ginathom likes this.