Comments on Profile Post by luckybaer

  1. YMO
    Nope other than the fact that my father was born on NYD.
    Dec 26, 2021
    luckybaer likes this.
  2. DigMe
    No, not really.
    Dec 26, 2021
  3. luckybaer
    @YMO NYD been a big deal (more than just getting sf'd) for the ethnic Asian side of my clan. I always looked forward to good food, fireworks, and family gathering at New Year's.
    Dec 26, 2021
    YMO likes this.
  4. Gazny
    It was only a big deal with my cohorts, but my inlaws love it. Biggest food day of the year
    Dec 26, 2021
    luckybaer and YMO like this.
  5. fraggler
    Big deal? No. But I do enjoy marking the passage of time and embracing the energy of new beginnings.
    Dec 26, 2021