Interviewer: What have you done for diversity? Me: I'm a minority in a mixed marriage. (I married a white lady, but I leave that detail out.) Interviewer: [smiles]. It's true, and it works every time.
Write this to be supEr DuPeR edGeLoRD:
Modern conspiracy theory is that 85% of people at college really don't need to be there and it's just a dual function brainwashing scam to keep us from thinking critically about how screwed most people really are and a nice debt trap to keep us in line and working those jerbs.
@roughroad Pretty much. Even if you're a male Jew, and we're not white. They derogatory term the med schools use is "Jiminy": Jewish male New Yorker. But, at least, none of them drowns us in the Nile as the evil Pharaoh did.
If justice is not social, but a matter of law; should one not first find out who is responsible for said law and research the context? As in "Magna Carta", "Plakkaat van Verlatinghe" to name a few? Yes but history is complicated. History and reality are complicated, get used to it. (Will stop here to prevent a multi page rant.)
@Deep Funk As Pres. Theodore Roosevelt said, "America will not be a good place for any of us to live in, until it's a good place for *all* of us to live in." We must continue to try to fulfill that vision. But our task has nothing—and *can* have nothing—in common with either white self-hatred or blacks playing another game of gibsmedat.
I and my family are South Asian, I was born here in the US. I'm a political moderate but have serious issues with the diversity/inclusion/equity policies being forced into literally everything. My views and comments tend to trigger my older daughter, and it makes me laugh and then cry when I read about the undergraduate curriculum that mandates this indoctrination especially in the private schools.
Thankfully our state university (Maryland) is pretty good and has a competitive Biology program. She's fine with that and understands finances will dictate final choice. But if she receives a generous aid package that doesn't involve much future debt, would love to give her the opportunity to experience a smaller research-oriented school around a large city.
Identity and social context are too easy to abuse these days. Hard work and emancipation are often skipped in favour of claiming some kind of unfairness. Instead of learning from history we get cancel-culture because "unfair = cancel" and context is thrown out. The last 70 years the world changed faster than most people realised.
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