What's Your Job IRL?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by MoatsArt, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. k1arg

    k1arg Facebook Friend

    Oct 12, 2015
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    London, UK
    I write tools to do static analysis of software, trying to catch mistakes like dereferencing null pointers or leaking memory at code review time. Currently I'm an engineer at one of the big internet companies, before that I was a researcher at an industrial lab, and before that post-doc and so on... So lots of head phone time through late-night hacking for the past 20 odd years.
  2. barboggo

    barboggo Acquaintance

    Oct 1, 2016
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    I'm an art director at a virtual reality software startup. Think of every stereotype you have of the egotistical Silicon Valley tech person and every stereotype of the pretentious LA artist nerd and combine it into one. That's me :)
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2016
  3. AllanMarcus

    AllanMarcus Friend

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Los Alamos, NM
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    I'm a IT Solutions Architect at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. I'm sort of senior gopher in that I work on what they tell me to. Generally I start to manage a project, then some shiny thing come along, and they have me manage that until the next shiny thing comes allow. Right now I'm working on IT data analytics, but about to be thrust into the cloud. We used to be cutting edge on computing, but the cloud is kicking our ass. We want to use it for unclassified stuff, but our Federal Overlords are very very cautious. Fun.

    Rock - me - hard place
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2019
  4. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

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    Ohio, USA. Home of the eclipse
  5. atomicbob

    atomicbob dScope Yoda

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    On planet
    IRL I am an aging curmudgeon of an Acoustic / Audio Researcher at a major corporation. My life is a lot like Dilbert. Considerable energy is spent demonstrating that just because audio appears in the topic the laws of physics still apply and gravity isn't optional, at least not for me. Marketing sometimes thinks otherwise. Expectation bias is very much alive and well. The greatest challenge is having people think that somehow they can obtain 90+ dB sound pressure levels over DC to Light from a 10mm driver at a distance of 1 meter with 10mW of power, all for a nickle. If I could make a flute sized instrument produce the sounds of a tuba, I would be a very rich man.
  6. doublea

    doublea New

    Nov 9, 2016
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    I'm a software developer for a security research startup that works on trying to secure data for enterprise customers. We mostly try to analyze behavior patterns to determine threats but we're also working on some deep web crawlers to try to detect breaches as quickly as possible. I also love to work on game dev stuff in my free time and eventually I might make a marketable product, but for now investors pay the bills quite nicely.
  7. m17xr2b

    m17xr2b Friend

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    United kingdomland of fish and chips
    ERP software developer for big companies. My job is to make it easier for them to make the big bucks. These days 90% of my time is spent by helping others print an invoice as they are too stupid/ignorant or just don't give a shit about their job.
  8. bumrush101

    bumrush101 Acquaintance

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Running a school now, in the 2nd year, for kindergarten aged kids. It's Montessori based but I've highly tweaked it to adjust for mitigating cultural shock value, my goals for the future of education systems at large, and transitioning to and from other schools. Was the academic coordinator for this place for 3 years prior, and then ended up buying the whole farm when things became untenable.

    We used to have up to 5th grade, but recent gov't regulations stemming from every bored homebody thinking they would run a school, has upped the standards (it's a good thing btw). The only thing we lack is a playground on the grounds. Had to cut grades 1 and above...huge hit on the budget, but that's life.

    I interview about about 35-40 applicants each spring, but honestly only 5% really have any wherewithal IMO, and can't afford most of the really good ones. Do all the training myself; The admin aspect is a huge change for me, but learning a lot. Super fun job, and for you parents out there: Get Involved as much as possible! Just dropping your kids off at the designated repository for such an important aspect of a person's life, and expecting hunky dory goodness to just exude, is really doing a disservice to you and your's. You'll thank me later, but more importantly, you'll thank yourself later, and further on, your dependents too...:)

    Ideas/suggestions/visions all definitely welcome!
  9. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

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    Jul 31, 2016
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    Ohio, USA. Home of the eclipse
  10. Armaegis

    Armaegis Friend

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    Sep 27, 2015
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    I'm the principal of a non-profit that teacher math to kids. We're a fairly large program, about 170 kids each year with 20 staff. I am very fortunate that most of kids that come to me come from well-to-do families that only want the best for their children and push them hard to succeed (sometimes too hard, which is a weird problem in it's own way).

    Sometimes though, I get parents throwing the kids just don't have their priorities straight. This one time a woman came to me with her 6 year old son and wanted to enroll him. Our program starts at ages 11 and up, so I told her unfortunately he was too young, but at such a young age you're basically just counting apples and playing games. So I told her that rather than putting him into a program somewhere, she would be much better off just sitting down and playing number games and discovering how he learns and grows. Her response? "Oh, I don't want to waste time doing that"... I was aghast. I wanted to scream then why the hell are you a parent, but somehow composed myself and just sent her off.
  11. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

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    Jul 31, 2016
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    Ohio, USA. Home of the eclipse
    @Armaegis, Wow. Can't help but contrast with the few months I did in-home therapy with 3-5 years old in some very blighted sections of the city. The single moms I met were almost all dedicated and extremely overburdened. They would have loved to have had the time and energy to play with their children.
  12. bumrush101

    bumrush101 Acquaintance

    Aug 24, 2016
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    I try to get to know each of the parents that come in and what they are looking for. Used to turn away some if they were too vehement on prognosticating poetic. Used to get shouted at for that :) It's a bit of a numbers game, which I can understand (1 billion+ people folks) : Education was a very tangible way for upward economic mobility until recently. Doctor, Engineer, maybe lawyer, otherwise it was manual labor or business...
    The arts and creative fields didn't really start to take root as a viable career until a couple decades ago. They blossomed slowly, seemingly inextricably, and beautifully. The parents are familiar with their own experiences and observations growing up, and want to replicate it for their kids, but it can come at a cost of interpersonal damage, or create a myopic view (empathizable) of what is utilitarian. I'm not going to go into the historical/cultural roots of what created these contexts right now, mainly because I feel, a powerful catalyst for improving the world, regardless of political, religious, experiential, region, ethnicity, whathaveyou reactionary M.O.s, a methodically improving education system will continue to serve future generations in our world through time an tide. Ok, enough but it keeps me fresh. A job that will make you older or younger, sometimes at the same time...
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2016
  13. bumrush101

    bumrush101 Acquaintance

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Ha! :p If we think if we are not making the world better, it finds a way of making US better somehow...mettle has to be heated to take new form...
  14. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

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    Jul 31, 2016
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    Ohio, USA. Home of the eclipse
    From u of chicago bio of Diogenes the Cynic...

    "Once, while Diogenes was sunning himself, Alexander came up to him and offered to grant him any request. "Stand out of my light," he replied "
  15. bumrush101

    bumrush101 Acquaintance

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Gibran - The Earth Gods

    "The blessed forge burns,
    The sparks rise, and each spark is a sun.
    Better it is for us, and wiser,
    To seek a shadowed nook and sleep in our earth divinity,
    And let love, human and frail, command the coming day."
  16. Case

    Case Anxious Head (Formerly Wilson)

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    Jul 31, 2016
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    Ohio, USA. Home of the eclipse
    Nice quote, thank you! It cheered me up. Been feeling like I'm running around in a Camus book recently
  17. Warrior

    Warrior RIP 2021

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Scared to post what I do...suffice it to say, I'm the guy everyone hates. I actually own 2 businesses, one is a telemedicine company. That's not the problem. Ok, I'll man up...I own a telemarketing company. Here come the dislikes!!

    We actually only call "opt in" people though, no cold calling. Generally, my business if full of scum, liars, and thieves. It's a brutal business, and I've been ripped off more times than I'd care to admit, but I've been blessed as well.

    I've almost always been self employed. Own many businesses. Payphones, vending, limousines, and one more that people love to hate...

    A collection agency. I didn't do consumer debt, just commercial. That was by far, my favorite, easiest, and most lucrative business.

    Actually, the payphones were the best, then the collection agency. Payphones were incredible money. I was too stupid to see the end. Could have sold my business for 4 million in 98ish, didn't, and 6 months later revenue was cut in half... Cell phones. Derp.

    Couple of others in there as well. Sold a few for great money, lost money on others. It's been an interesting ride.
  18. Sherm

    Sherm Acquaintance

    Dec 3, 2016
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    I work for an oil analysis laboratory. I do a little bit of administrative work, IT work, accounting, unpacking and organization of samples and sample login. Some days I feel like I've got way too much to do in the 8 hours I'm there, but hell if the time doesn't go by fast!
  19. yotacowboy

    yotacowboy McRibs Kind of Guy

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    Feb 23, 2016
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    I work for a U.S. Federal statistical agency as graphic designer and web content manager. Part-time bicycle mechanic. Prior lives included human factors research in transportation systems and infrastructure, and design of children's toys.
  20. TheIceman93

    TheIceman93 El pato-zorro

    Dec 17, 2016
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