Abhishek Chowdhary
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Jul 26, 2024 at 9:24 AM
Sep 27, 2015
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May 31, 1986 (Age: 38)
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Abhishek Chowdhary

Friend, Male, 38, from India


Maybe cold start, maybe USB...treble on metrum Jade was painful . And it sounds so loud, forget any nuances Aug 13, 2019

Abhishek Chowdhary was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 9:24 AM
    1. ergopower
      Nice Sansui receiver! My 2nd ever audio purchase was a Sansui integrated amp, '75 or '76. Got it for my 1st purchase, large Advent speakers. Damn I'm old
      1. Abhishek Chowdhary and Gazny like this.
      2. Abhishek Chowdhary
        Abhishek Chowdhary
        This amp put to shame all heapdhone amps I have had. After subpar exp with some NAD stuff and a First watt clone, I had written off speaker amps for headphone use. But this Sansui is exceptional. I have NEVER heard an amp with such grip on the drivers
        I also demoed a au9500,919 but they were a tad too polite
        Feb 26, 2021
    2. Abhishek Chowdhary
      Abhishek Chowdhary
      Maybe cold start, maybe USB...treble on metrum Jade was painful . And it sounds so loud, forget any nuances
      1. View previous comments...
      2. gurubhai
        Aug 13, 2019
        Koth Ganesh likes this.
      3. Abhishek Chowdhary
        Abhishek Chowdhary
        @gurubhai and who's to blame for that :)
        OTOH, it's entirely possible usb is the bottleneck here. Given how dramatically a good spdif source can elevate capable dacs, I believe jade may have more to offer. Yet, jade's 'loudness on' kinda sound is probably inherent
        Aug 13, 2019
      4. Koth Ganesh
        Koth Ganesh
        @gurubhai: All this fuss for 50s-60s Bollywood music :).
        Aug 13, 2019
    3. Abhishek Chowdhary
      Abhishek Chowdhary
      Gungnir Multibit A2 that I started to loathe for its flat presentation, after more than a week of no power cut, sounds very acceptable.
      1. Abhishek Chowdhary
        Abhishek Chowdhary
        Want a tad more midbass. Sounds cold sometimes.
        Mar 26, 2019
    4. Abhishek Chowdhary
      Abhishek Chowdhary
      Woo wa6 - Everything a tube amp should not be. Fake depth, hollow boxy sound, bad treble quality, hardly any drive (Yggd. a1 & Auteur)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. purr1n
        WA6SE is has more oomph. With the right tubes, not bad, only complaint is still weakish sound.
        Dec 26, 2018
        YMO likes this.
      3. Abhishek Chowdhary
        Abhishek Chowdhary
        The wa6 I heard was perhaps with stock tubes(need to confirm with owner)
        Weak power aside, Auteur sounded as if cups had lots of reverb (hollow kind). While on a DIY SS cups coloration was lot more controlled. From limited experience, tubes that lack microdynamics/resolve tend to give that fake depth and reverb sound to make for a pleasing listen. Sounds so wrong though.
        Dec 26, 2018
      4. Griffon
        And I think WA6(SE) are still the best of the Woo bunch...
        Dec 26, 2018
        YMO likes this.
    5. Abhishek Chowdhary
      Abhishek Chowdhary
      Bifrost Multibit - In many ways the Jotunheim of DACs. Flat Dynamics, screechy lower treble, bass tight enough but doesn't resolve layers.
      1. Abhishek Chowdhary
        Abhishek Chowdhary
        Screechy is actually a strong word, it's the kind of treble that's little emphasized but unresolving.
        Not all is bad though. Timing is pretty good and the lower mids have good resolution.
        Dec 10, 2018
    6. Abhishek Chowdhary
      Abhishek Chowdhary
      Digigram VX222V2 - Best £25 ever spent. Using as BNC transport and damn!!!
      1. gurubhai and 9suns like this.
      2. gurubhai
        Does that mean that assemblage is a keeper now?
        Feb 16, 2018
      3. JustAnotherRando

        How do you get that working with coax/BNC? Image of the card has a couple of old school looking D-sub ports on the back of it.
        Feb 16, 2018
      4. Abhishek Chowdhary
        Abhishek Chowdhary
        Feb 16, 2018
        9suns and JustAnotherRando like this.
    7. Abhishek Chowdhary
      Abhishek Chowdhary
      Jot in house. First 2 min - clean, smooth treble and blackground, next few min - Flat, In your face, some lower treble glare
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lm4der
        I was initially kind of thrown off by the sound as well, but somehow it really grew on me over time. I listen with the jot most of the time now, but my valhalla2 is just as good, albeit different. Oh, one other thing, for awhile it seemed to me that the low gain setting had less treble steeliness. I'm running balanced. But like I say that impression has diminished for me.
        Nov 25, 2017
      3. lm4der
        I say give it some time for your brain/ears to adjust
        Nov 25, 2017
      4. Abhishek Chowdhary
        Abhishek Chowdhary
        Yeah, the low gain has less offensive treble and also less forward. High gain just messed up everything, no depth at all. My DAC is single ended (modded Assemblage dac2/Transdac) hence cannot try Bal. I'll have the jot for few days, shall see.
        Nov 25, 2017
    8. Abhishek Chowdhary
      Abhishek Chowdhary
      Riva Turbo X: Pros - Doesn't suck as much as most other BT speakers. Cons : Bass quality, dynamics, grey blackground.
      1. zonto
        Appears many people here like the S version more.
        Jul 8, 2017
      2. Abhishek Chowdhary
        Abhishek Chowdhary
        I went for the X after reading the glowing reviews everywhere. But this thing sounds as worse as any cheap desktop speaker. Bass is particular is too synthetic and disjointed.
        Jul 8, 2017
    9. Abhishek Chowdhary
      Abhishek Chowdhary
      AK300 - Artificial sound. Timbre totally off. Bass and treble too synthetic. Do all AKM sound like that?
      1. Griffon likes this.
      2. Pyruvate
        It uses the AKM4490, which uses AKM's "velvet sound" architecture. You are not the only one who thinks that; there are many reports of it being too bassy, V-shaped, with unnatural timbre. Summoning @Psalmanazar , who has been very vocal about this.
        Oct 15, 2016
      3. Psalmanazar
        AK intentionally made the timbre of their AK4490 onward stuff much worse as that is what vendors asked for. The older AK4396 and 4399 sound very good for delta-sigma DAC chips; some of the best along with the AD1955.
        Oct 15, 2016
    10. Abhishek Chowdhary
      Abhishek Chowdhary
      Tried Mojo as a dac and it sucked. Crippled dynamics and cloudy bass.
      1. Psalmanazar and Madaboutaudio like this.
      2. Madaboutaudio
        That's because you didn't add sorbothane to the bottom of the Mojo... :)

        Jokes aside, I think maybe something like a Wyrd might help. It might be related to your USB port/Computer. Since I recall the Mojo using optical in didn't have crippled dynamics or bass
        Oct 8, 2016
      3. Abhishek Chowdhary
        Abhishek Chowdhary
        Yeah, that may be possible. My desktop DAC too sounds different depending upon the input. AES >> Coax.
        I've used mojo in following combos :
        1) USB OTG from a phone (some exotic usb cable) - Sounds meh. Too much of digital haze and slow sound. Android/App may be the culprit (Tried UAPP, Onkyo HF, Foobar)
        2) USB from PC using a regular charging cable - Listenable
        3) As a standalone DAC - BS
        Oct 8, 2016
    11. Abhishek Chowdhary
      Abhishek Chowdhary
      1. pedalhead
        Sure thing. Drop me a PM.
        Sep 22, 2016
    12. Abhishek Chowdhary
      Abhishek Chowdhary
      GENELEC 8010A driven by a Mojo sounded just painful. 50 watts of pure treble.
      1. OJneg likes this.
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    May 31, 1986 (Age: 38)
    VMware/Linux Admin
    Into all things audio