Comments on Profile Post by zerodeefex

  1. monacelli
    What are companies thinking when they do this? Foster does the same thing with the TH900 drivers. Just set a price, and if somebody wants your product, sell it to them. This should be pretty cut and dry.
    Nov 7, 2020
    E_Schaaf, Lyander and Deep Funk like this.
  2. zerodeefex
    It pisses me off that the only way to get the serial is via the box or the case, both of which I threw out.
    Nov 7, 2020
    Jinxy245, Deep Funk, Sqveak and 4 others like this.
  3. abisai2
    If a serial number for a set of iSine LX will help let me know. I have a set that's been sitting in their box for over a year.
    Nov 8, 2020
  4. zerodeefex
    I think I can actually get them to sell me the VR kit, much thanks to everyone for offering to help publicly or over PM. I'm good at getting what I want from hapless support people.
    Nov 8, 2020
    JK47, abisai2 and insidious meme like this.