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Riverview, FL

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Friend, Male, from Riverview, FL


Months away from the forum for life reason, cross country move, etc. What's the first thing I do? Read the PC38X review and order a set! :D May 10, 2022

abisai2 was last seen:
Sep 5, 2024
    1. abisai2
      Months away from the forum for life reason, cross country move, etc. What's the first thing I do? Read the PC38X review and order a set! :D
      1. Qildail and Gazny like this.
    2. abisai2
      1. Inoculator
        Can't wait to see what people think of this amp. Will be a pleasant surprise if the built-in DAC is serviceable as well. Would be a killer simple office or bedside rig.
        Sep 14, 2020
        Hopefully there is a loaner. Id like to compare it to my OG LAu.
        Sep 14, 2020
      3. HotRatSalad
        Loaner would be sick...
        Sep 14, 2020
        Elnrik and Inoculator like this.
    3. jowls
      Oops. Wrong wall, sorry.
    4. abisai2
      Price check! Co-worker selling a pair of B&W DM601, Pro-ject Debut Carbon turntable, Pro-ject phono preamp. Offered to me for $500? Fair?
      1. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Ask if you can audition them. If you like the set, check for box and papers. Good luck negotiating...
        Jun 11, 2020
        abisai2 likes this.
      2. Jinxy245
        IDK the resale value on either, but I think that's about half of MSRP...the Carbon goes for $499 sticker I think.
        Jun 11, 2020
    5. abisai2
      The 2K9 remaster of Kraftwerks Computer World sounds like a muffled mess compared to the original release. My goodness.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jowls
      3. YMO
        They all sucked the remasters. I have all the 80s CDs for a reason, including the German versions.
        Jun 3, 2020
        abisai2 likes this.
      4. DigMe
        Jun 3, 2020
        abisai2 likes this.
    6. abisai2
      Bored, swapped Modi Multibit I've been using in my HT setup with Gungir A2. The difference in staging, depth, and layering is impressive.
    7. abisai2
    8. abisai2
      Kenzie Encore incoming. I can't wait! Now to sell a few things to help fund the purchase. :D
      1. Lyander, Rustin Cohle and Jinxy245 like this.
    9. abisai2
      Anyone know offhand the width/depth for the Kenzie Encore? Don't see it on Ampandsound website. Thanks in advance!
      1. Lyander
        May 6, 2019
      2. Rustin Cohle
        Rustin Cohle
        12 x 9.5
        May 6, 2019
        Jinxy245 and abisai2 like this.
      3. abisai2
        Thanks Jazz. Just saw your PM as well. PM incoming.
        May 6, 2019
    10. abisai2
      Two important words I've learned since being a member, "system synergy!"
      1. obsiCO, Case, dark_energy and 3 others like this.
    11. abisai2
      Anyone with a Black Widow 2 and Liquid Platinum fed via Gungnir Multibit A2? I would like to compare notes without adding noise to the forums.
      1. sheldaze likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. gaspasser
        Jan 18, 2019
        abisai2 and sheldaze like this.
      4. purr1n
        Jan 18, 2019
        abisai2 likes this.
      5. abisai2
        Thanks for the suggestions gents!
        Jan 22, 2019
    12. abisai2
      Gungnir Multibit > Black Widow 2 > LCD-2C / Vegans is really quite impressive. Its too bad the BW2 is no longer being made.
      1. Jokko likes this.
      2. Elnrik
        I keep saying they need to make an updated fully balanced model, and it would sell like mad.
        Oct 4, 2018
        abisai2, Jinxy245 and Lyander like this.
      3. Lyander
        If the BW2 really does manage to get as close to the EC house sound as possible with solid state then I can see how it'd sell like ice cream in summer. If anything a new, fully-balanced version will hopefully make it easier to land an older BW2 for those who're fine with unbalanced, haha.
        Oct 4, 2018
        abisai2 likes this.
      4. Mdkaler
        It is good that BW2 is gone, so that EC has time to make new amps like Af and Studio Jr.
        Oct 4, 2018
        abisai2 likes this.
    13. abisai2
      Gungnir Multibit>BW2>HD650K is pretty damn impressive!
      1. sheldaze, Zesty, westermac and 11 others like this.
      2. TwoEars
        I googled HD650K and got a laugh. Right, it's the kiss mod. Lol.
        Jul 10, 2018
        abisai2, Jinxy245 and Lyander like this.
    14. abisai2
      Any ideas on how to determine value for a pair of 10+ year old Monitor Audio Silver 6's?
      1. bixby
        Magic 8 ball says $350-$550 shipped for a pair. Figure 30-40% of new price or what folks advertised them for on ebay , agon. etc.
        Jun 13, 2018
      2. zonto
        Have you searched on hifishark and looked at the sold/expired tab? That's the easiest way I've found.
        Jun 13, 2018
        ButtUglyJeff likes this.
      3. abisai2
        Thanks guys. Didn't think of using Ebay. First time hearing about hifishark. I got these things second hand and they have essentially been in storage for at least seven years. Its time for someone else to enjoy them.
        Jun 13, 2018
        zonto likes this.
    15. abisai2
      Time to sell off some of the excess Schitt I have and begin saving for a proper tube amp. Have a Kenzie on the brain!
      1. BillOhio and DigMe like this.
    16. abisai2
      Lyr3 arrived today! Need to spend a few hours comparing it to Sagaheim out of Gungnir Multibit. Using my desktop Bifrost Multibit so far and it sounds sweet!
      1. lerrens, dmckean44, gaspasser and 6 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. abisai2
        Alas if work were not getting in the way. End of quarter shenanigans await me! LOL!
        Mar 22, 2018
      4. e.schell
        lucky! ordered mine late in the day of release and just shipped today, estimated arrival is wednesday 28th! Enjoy though, any idea what tubes you will be trying? As of now i plan on trying out Sylvania '52 3 hole, '53 2 hole, raytheon vt-231, kenrad vt-231, rca vt-231 grey glass... lots of sonic options!
        Mar 22, 2018
        Elnrik and abisai2 like this.
      5. abisai2
        I live in SoCal so delivery from Schiit takes 1-2 days tops. As for tubes I'll spend some time listening to the stock tube until I can familiarize myself with its signature.

        Afterwards I'll try a PSVane 6SN7 that I've been using in my Saga.
        Mar 22, 2018
        Elnrik and e.schell like this.
    17. abisai2
      Beyond pleased with my new Gungnir Multibit. Width, depth, layers, details, vastly improved over Bifrost Multibit IMO. Need to takes notes and listen moar!
      1. Soups, powermatic, gaspasser and 5 others like this.
    18. abisai2
      New Gungnir Multibit just arrived off the FedEx truck. Damn this thing is colder than a witches tit! Let the warm up begin!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Scott Kramer
        Scott Kramer
        I listened to y2 ice cold off the truck... toss up between ass and cream of rice breakfast cereal :D
        Mar 8, 2018
        abisai2 likes this.
      3. abisai2
        I plugged it in around 11am and just now decided to give it a listen. No complaints at all. I'm going to wait a couple of days to compare it to the Modi Multibit and Bifrost Multibit I have onhand to then decide which of the others I'll part with.
        Mar 8, 2018
        Soups likes this.
      4. jexby
        um, if that's a new production Gungnir Multibit an easy prediction: smaller loses.
        Mar 8, 2018
        A1Gear likes this.
    19. abisai2
      Just ordered myself a Gungnir Multibit! Now to decide what I want to keep for my desktop rig. :D
      1. Soups and A1Gear like this.
    20. abisai2
      My Worlds Best Audio (mogami 2534/ amphenol) interconnects arrived for my Bifrost Multibit/Sagaheim. These are really nice/well built cables.
      1. Mdkaler
        I have some mogami 2534 left. Very nice cable indeed, thicker than I thought.
        Jan 25, 2018
      2. abisai2
        I like the flexibility. I had a mish mash of cables I had lying around that were slightly thinner and less flexible. It was time to replace them.
        Jan 25, 2018
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  • About

    Riverview, FL
    Gear List:
    Main Rig: ROON > Raspberry Pi3B (DigiOne) > Gungnir Multibit A2 > AmpsandSound Kenzie Encore / Schiit Ragnarok v1
    Headphones: HD650, HD600, ZMF Autuer
    Speakers: Elac Debut v2
    Data Center Consultant