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Friend, Male, from Illinois


Haven't been around much lately. Been working on fixing up a house, man i miss my headphone setup... holy shit i forgot how amazing... Apr 7, 2023

e.schell was last seen:
Oct 12, 2024
    1. e.schell
      Haven't been around much lately. Been working on fixing up a house, man i miss my headphone setup... holy shit i forgot how amazing...
      1. e.schell
        Coming from either shitty Bluetooth jobsite radio or a crappy dap... GMB, SW51+, and Auteur = heavenly
        Apr 7, 2023
        yotacowboy, Lyander and caute like this.
      2. ColdsnapBry
        Nice to hear that Gugnirs RCA out doesn't gimp the SW51+ too much? Enjoy!
        Apr 7, 2023
    2. e.schell
      I am very happy in the new version of Roon can go into portrait mode, was always super annoying on a tablet. Always worked on phone though..
      1. Gazny likes this.
    3. e.schell
      Question for people smarter than me: I always turn volume all the way down on amps before plugging/unplugging HP, would it hurt anything to
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sqveak
        If it's a TRS to XLR with the XLR end going into the amp then unplugging the TRS can short in ways the XLR never would.
        Some single ended amps use XLR as an alternate output... but most balanced XLR outputs are not designed to be bridged to single ended or survive shorting.
        Feb 7, 2021
        Syzygy likes this.
      3. Senorx12562
        I do this all the time with no apparent deleterious effects.
        Feb 7, 2021
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      4. m17xr2b
        It's fine, you don't need to turn down the volume even, pausing the source is the same thing. Easier if you're playing with different cables or pads to be sure volume matching is not a factor.
        Feb 7, 2021
    4. e.schell
      ... when you've heard a song hundreds of times and can still make your hair stand up with goosebumps...
      1. Ringingears
        One of the best feelings in the world.
        Feb 6, 2021
        Huhnkopf, Lyander, Case and 2 others like this.
    5. e.schell
      Jot2 for ss duty, SW51+ for tube goodness, what more could a person need?
      1. yotacowboy, Cryptowolf, Gazny and 9 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. zonto
        @penguins, I’ll see your pizzas and raise you nachos.
        Feb 2, 2021
        Soups and JayC like this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        High end whisk(e)y. At $40 plus a bottle, this has been the most significant system upgrade. And a bottle generally lasts for several listening sections.
        Feb 2, 2021
        rhythmdevils likes this.
      5. yotacowboy
        Your listenting sessions are obviously too short. Clear that fifth, LOL.
        Feb 2, 2021
        e.schell and rhythmdevils like this.
    6. e.schell
      Anybody play round with drones? Either cinematic ones like DJI Mavics or FPV racing quads? Recently caught the bug and it's a blast!
      1. fraggler
        One of my partners has some sort of slim DJI that we use to take photos of buildings (architectural design firm). Adds some real class to proposals. And fun to fly :)
        Jan 24, 2021
        e.schell likes this.
    7. e.schell
      I had no idea shipping to Canada was so pricey. Both UPS and Fedex said over $100 for a box with 2 small tubes in it. Is that accurate??!!
      1. Azimuth
        International shipping, yes, even to Canada, is quite a lot. All the added fees. You could ship USPS and then it gets to Canada Post. This is basically how Zampotech ships. He never uses a service because it would be way too expensive. But there is a wait and change of handlers.
        Jan 17, 2021
        Jinxy245 likes this.
      2. Biodegraded
        No, something wrong there - UPS Standard shouldn't be anywhere near that much.
        Jan 17, 2021
        Jinxy245 and imackler like this.
      3. dBel84
        agreed, sounds off. I have started to use DHL for all international shipping - 1/3 of the cost of all other shipping options (including USPS)
        Jan 17, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    8. e.schell
      Uhg. You SoCal people have it made when ordering from Schiit. Seemed like a few of you received Jot2's within days of ordering.
      1. mroneto likes this.
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      3. Mithrandir41
        First world problems are the only kind I want.
        Jan 14, 2021
      4. HotRatSalad
        I ordered on the 16th within an hour of it going live I think. Got it the 21st of December but paid for fedex overnight
        Jan 14, 2021
      5. Soups
        Well, this probably won't help. But I ordered on 12/27 and mine just shipped today. I bet we'll both be rewarded for our patience.
        Jan 14, 2021
    9. e.schell
      WoooHooo. Ordered Jot2... looking forward to having as legit SS amp around. Now... someone buy my Liquid Platinum!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hammy
        @Merrick you're in Portland? Could do a local loaner of my LAuX so you could try it. It's a neat amp if you like the Cavalli sound, but is also more fussy about headphone pairing synergies than the LP.
        Jan 9, 2021
        e.schell and Merrick like this.
      3. Merrick
        @Hammy Sweet! I may take you up on that. As it is I’m expecting an SW51+ shortly so that should keep my attention for now, but I will let you know when I have the time for a LAuX loaner. Thank you for the offer!
        Jan 9, 2021
      4. Hammy
        @Merrick give me a ping if/when you want to try the LAuX. Loans are the way to share new gear while we can't do physical meets. Jealous of your SW51+. That's going to be nice euphonic tube goodness. SS amps like the Jot2 are going to be easier to pair headphones with. The LAuX is fussy. I'm still trying to figure out headphone synergy with it.
        Jan 9, 2021
        Merrick likes this.
    10. e.schell
      ...Calmer 'n you are....
      1. View previous comments...
      2. dubharmonic
        Am I wrong?
        Jan 2, 2021
      3. LetMeBeFrank
        Yeah. Well. Y'know, that's just, like, uh, your opinion man.
        Jan 2, 2021
        e.schell and Azimuth like this.
      4. Azimuth
        She's not my special lady, she's just my lady friend, man! I'm just helping her conceive, you know.
        Jan 3, 2021
        LetMeBeFrank likes this.
    11. e.schell
      Had a wonderful afternoon shooting with my family today. First time with an FN SCAR... it's a dooozy!
      1. LetMeBeFrank
        Depending on the muzzle break the blast from 7.62x51 can be wild. If you stand next to my cousin shooting his CETME you get absolutely blasted, but my L1A1 has none behind the muzzle. I haven't shot a SCAR yet but I'm sure it's nice being FN.
        Dec 27, 2020
    12. e.schell
      So what do we think... maybe 1 to 2 weeks tops before we start seeing Jot2's FS over at HF? hah
      1. e.schell
        We could organize a "group buy"... have some members post glowing reviews for the amp, give it about 2 weeks for them to order receive, listen a little then get Marv to post a fake thread about horrible the Jot2 sounds. Give us enough time to buy them up and then he can post his real stream of consciousness / review. Eh? eh?
        Dec 24, 2020
        Ksorota likes this.
      2. e.schell
        ...or I suppose I could just support a company I love and buy one from Schiit... which seems easier... hmmmm. But which sounds like more fun? haha
        Dec 24, 2020
        Ksorota, Thad E Ginathom and sheldaze like this.
    13. e.schell
      If I'm not back again this time tomorrow... Carry on Carry on... As if nothing really matters
      1. Thad E Ginathom, LetMeBeFrank and YMO like this.
    14. e.schell
      Anyone happen to know the average price of a new Liquid Platinum? Put mine up for sale and MP is selling them for $399 right now...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hammy
        Measure the channel balance of yours. If the volume knob is well balanced then mention that in the sale post. That will get people to buy who are looking for a known good one.
        Dec 21, 2020
        e.schell and Inoculator like this.
      3. Inoculator
        What @Hammy said. MP keeps dropping the price on these because the QC on the current batch is so piss poor. Anyone who has done their research should be willing to pay around the same price for a used unit that is verified to not have horrible channel imbalance or other issues.
        Dec 21, 2020
        e.schell likes this.
      4. e.schell
        Thanks guys! had a $300 offer based on MP selling new at $399 at the moment, but knowing they have had a lot of QC issues with the current batch I don't feel so bad asking $400 and waiting it out. Has been rock solid and haven't done measurements but to my ears there isn't a channel imbalance.
        Dec 21, 2020
    15. e.schell
      Now that I have SW51+, ZDT Jr. and LP need to find new homes so I can feel okay about ordering Jot2. PM if interested.Will post FS thread...
      1. Gazny and Inoculator like this.
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      3. Inoculator
        When the BF2 first came out I used it at work stacked with an original model Jot, and they had great synergy with HD 600/Eikon. Not sure why I foolishly ever sold that stack as now I have come back to the BF2. Fingers crossed for great synergy again!
        Dec 18, 2020
        e.schell likes this.
      4. e.schell
      5. yotacowboy
        patiently waiting for Jot2 vs. A3 comparisons...
        Dec 18, 2020
    16. e.schell
      Grabbed a pair of Tungsram EF184's cheap on ebay from a guy in Europe somewhere, packaged shows up with one tube instead of a pair. Uhg.
    17. Zampotech
      Wrong location of the post. I'm sorry
      1. e.schell
        No worries, happy to hear from you!
        Dec 13, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    18. e.schell
      Been a few weeks now and the SW51+ has done what I hoped it would do... relieve my desire to buy a big boy amp.
      1. Jinxy245, Syzygy, sheldaze and 13 others like this.
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      3. Zampotech
        If you only need a weapon for self-defense, take simple models without protruding parts, which are sure to cling to clothes, get lost and seriously reduce the speed of the shooter. Optical sights are also not necessary, in self-defense there is no slow shooting from long distances.
        Dec 13, 2020
        Kernel Kurtz likes this.
      4. LetMeBeFrank
        I like both 7.62x51 and 5.56. I'm not sure what the caliber has to do with the lining of the barrel though. Both my L1A1 and my AR-15 have chrome-lined barrels. I guess as far as military arms go, if an armed force was using non-corrosive ammunition then they wouldn't 'need' a chrome-lined barrel, but in the aftermarket it's kinda moot, since you can get replacement barrels for most popular stuff.
        Dec 13, 2020
        Zampotech likes this.
      5. Zampotech
        Oh! Cartridge 7, 62x51 is a very powerful cartridge. With a good rifle, the bullet of this cartridge pierces the railway rail not only across, but also along)
        Dec 14, 2020
        Syzygy and LetMeBeFrank like this.
    19. e.schell
      1. Jinxy245 likes this.
    20. e.schell
      An hour or so in as amp just arrived but SW51+ paired with Auteur appears to be an addictive combo. Lots of fun listening sessions to come..
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      2. Inoculator
        This is what I like to hear, both incoming for me currently. On the pad rolling front, don't sleep on Suede perforated Eikon. @ColtMrFire turned me onto those when I owned Auteur previously and they were my favorite. (although from a more relaxed amp the Liquid Platinum)
        Nov 23, 2020
        ColtMrFire and neogeosnk like this.
      3. YMO
        The more you use it the more you have to wipe off your hands.
        Nov 23, 2020
      4. e.schell
        If you haven't tried the Universe pads and wants a slightly more neutral sound they are certainly worth a shot. According to the pad guide on zmf's site, on Auteur the Eikon are the warmest, Universe most neutral and Auteur pads somewhere in between. Was a bit surprised to see how much the pads can tune the sound...
        Nov 24, 2020
        Inoculator likes this.
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Source: Built PC with Lynx E22
    DAC: Gungnir Multibit A1 + IsoMax PI-2XR
    Headamp: SW51+ / Liquid Platinum / ZDT Jr
    Headphones: Auteur / Clear / HD650K
    Speakers: JBL LSR308


    E22 » GumbyA1 » ISOMax 1:1 » SW51+ / Jot2 » Auteur / Clear / HD650K