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Friend, Male, from Oregon, USA


TFW you google for audio info and find your own posts. Well that doesn't help me. Feb 27, 2021

Hammy was last seen:
Jun 16, 2024
    1. Hammy
      TFW you google for audio info and find your own posts. Well that doesn't help me.
    2. Hammy
      I got Mogwai's "As The Love Continues" a week ago. Finally flipped the absolute polarity and it no longer sucks. It blows. In a good way.
      1. gixxerwimp, Syzygy, jexby and 3 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. gixxerwimp
        Speakers or headphones?
        Feb 28, 2021
      4. Hammy
        Headphones. LCD-2 Classic, Liquid Fire, Gungnir MB A1
        Feb 28, 2021
      5. Hammy
        Example. The first track is soft for the first 2:30 then kicks in and gets loud. With inverted phase the loud part kicks in with more energy. The soft part sounds better with correct phase. The loud part sounds better inverted. Most of the album is loud. Most of the album works better with inverted phase.
        Feb 28, 2021
    3. Hammy
      Bandcamp Friday was a busy day of buying new music. 13 new purchases. Though some were singles or EPs rather than full albums.
      1. Gazny, Jinxy245, Biodegraded and 3 others like this.
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      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Two albums for me. Especially the early Kawehi covers were must-haves...
        Feb 7, 2021
      4. Hammy
        Feb 7, 2021
        Jinxy245 and Deep Funk like this.
      5. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        She is good man. Her solo work is impressive...
        Feb 7, 2021
    4. Hammy
      Leonard Cohen’s "Hallelujah" is a great song but should not be used as a modern substitute for Handel’s "Hallelujah Chorus"
      1. Ziva, Jinxy245, Cryptowolf and 2 others like this.
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      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I've long thought it safer to just avoid Leonard Cohen.
        Jan 20, 2021
      4. Hammy
        What triggered my reaction was hearing "Hallelujah" sung during the DC COVID memorial service. They should know better than that. It's not a hymn. It's a secular song about sex. Some of those hallelujahs are orgasms.
        Jan 21, 2021
        Cryptowolf and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      5. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        That certainly sounds like an ignorant blunder. Must have been a lot of sniggering at the organisers.
        Jan 21, 2021
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    5. Hammy
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        bold? It doesn't sound good, lets try turning up the volume?

        Generally a bad idea. But OK, I am hard of hearing, so you you might have picked up on subtleties that are lost on me :)
        Dec 20, 2020
        Deep Funk likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Punctuation is so punctual isn't it?
        Dec 20, 2020
      4. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom

        (I hate people who talk in menstrual cycles!)
        Dec 20, 2020
        Deep Funk likes this.
    6. Hammy
      I just bought 120 tracks of Bach organ music from HDTracks. I’ve already found three tracks that are corrupt and cut off before the end.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hammy
        I did try downloading the affected tracks again. But the affected tracks are listed as the wrong length (shorter) than they should be on the official HDTracks tracks list. So what HDTracks has as their download is corrupt.
        Dec 18, 2020
        Jinxy245 and DigMe like this.
      3. Hammy
        For the past 15 years I've used AccurateRip to verify CD rips. And for the past 10 or so years I've also used CueTools DB to verify CD rips. All of the CD rips in my library are good. None will have corrupted tracks.
        Dec 18, 2020
      4. Hammy
        Yet when I download from HDTracks, Qobuz, 7digital, Bandcamp, and other sources I have to trust that the service is sending me good files. There is no AccurateRip or CTDB equivalent to verify downloaded files. So no third-party way to verify integrity.
        Dec 18, 2020
    7. Hammy
      Mid-fi has been the most expensive gear I’ve owned.
      1. Merrick, Ziva and atomicbob like this.
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      3. Hammy
        I immersed myself in learning about classical and music history. I found and explored a lot of classical music. Also went to many live concerts. Mostly Oregon Symphony, but others as I was able. All that knowledge about classical music is still with me even if the CDs I bought back then are forgotten.
        Dec 12, 2020
        Claritas and Cryptowolf like this.
      4. Claritas
        I give you a ton of credit for trying. I simply lucked out: my Dad was a master of the orchestral repertoire, so almost everything I heard was analogue. (The only exceptions that come to mind are a young Michael Tilson Thomas and Bernstein's Mahler set on DG.)
        Dec 14, 2020
      5. Hammy
        I got started by taking a music for the listener elective class at college. Homework was going to concerts. That's when I started buying classical CDs. That was mid 80s. My only regret is that I didn't realize the DDD classical recordings were so bad and bought so many.
        Dec 14, 2020
    8. Hammy
      Hammy is charged. Just got the Koss ESP95X. My first electrostatic.
      1. hikergrl, FlySweep, monacelli and 4 others like this.
      2. Hammy
        The Koss has gotten me to listen to listen to Bela Fleck, Jerry Douglas, Alison Krauss, Foggy Mountain Jamboree and other bluegrass tonight. I'm in the middle of some polka on the banjo right now.
        Dec 6, 2020
      3. Hammy
        This headphone loves bluegrass. I've never heard $390 for an amp and headphone do bluegrass this well before. Wow. Rollin' in my sweet baby's arms. I've got the Koss setup paired up with a Modi Multibit for source.
        Dec 6, 2020
    9. Hammy
      The pipe organ is the most difficult instrument to record. Piano is probably second. Symphony orchestra is probably third.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hammy
        Similar issues with piano recordings. I don't want my head inside the piano. I also don't want my head in the room if the piano sound loses the "you are there". Some orchestra recordings manage to the balance of "you are there" with the room sound just right.
        Nov 28, 2020
        Deep Funk likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Vintage AKGs excel with this music. Certain Philips headphones also work well but give an old K500/K501 some proper power and you enter bliss...
        Nov 29, 2020
      4. Claritas
        I don't know if a listener should be trying to simulate what the performer would have heard or what an audience would have heard. On some piano records, simply raising the volume lets one fake this shift in perspective somewhat.
        Dec 14, 2020
    10. Hammy
      Trying to wrap my head around the sound qualities of the LauX while the music from the amp is wrapping around my head. This is solid state?
      1. HotRatSalad likes this.
    11. Hammy
      Got drunk last night while listening to the Liquid Gold X and bought 5 pipe organ SACDs at 2 am. I'm actually happy about that.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Azimuth
        Dang! I have a Sony BDP-580, not a 590.
        Oct 18, 2020
      3. Hammy
        The BDB-580 is so close. Almost a right model. I paid $300 for a new Pioneer BDP-80fp just to rip SACDs. Audiophiles have a strange way of justifying purchases like that. For me it means I can make drunk purchases of $6 SACDs without guilt as long as I ignore that initial $300 sunk cost.
        Oct 18, 2020
        Azimuth likes this.
      4. Cryptowolf
        Sounds like a great problem to have. The last time I did this, I ended up with some cool single take modern classical recordings.
        Oct 19, 2020
        Hammy likes this.
    12. Hammy
      1. Deep Funk, JK47 and Cakecake like this.
    13. Hammy
      Trying 6CG7/6FQ7 RCA clear top in the Liquid Glass. Very neat midrange, but the midrange is doing a little too much of a good thing.
      1. Huhnkopf and Azimuth like this.
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      3. Hammy
        I don’t have a crimson. I do have a fire and platinum. I’ve only heard the crimson twice at meets. The Cavalli blended hybrids are a different sound than the glass. No tube is going to get the glass to sound like the blended hybrids. They’re different. Yin and yang.
        Oct 4, 2020
        Huhnkopf likes this.
      4. Hammy
        The blended hybrids sound more like their solid state side. The glass sounds like the tubes with the amp running with no global feedback. The glass lets the tube freak flag fly.
        Oct 4, 2020
        Huhnkopf likes this.
      5. Hammy
        Can’t really call the glass softer or less incisive because so much depends on the tubes. I can make the glass sound aggressive or soft or incisive or mushy by changing tubes. It’s difficult to describe the sound qualities of the liquid glass because whatever you try to describe depends on the tubes.
        Oct 4, 2020
        Huhnkopf likes this.
    14. Hammy
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hammy
        Sep 25, 2020
        Cryptowolf likes this.
      3. gixxerwimp
        That does not sound like the title of a happy song.
        (edit: thought I got this in directly below @Lyander's post)
        Sep 25, 2020
      4. Cryptowolf
        Thanks for the recommendation. I bought her albums.
        Sep 26, 2020
    15. Hammy
      Liquid Gold X is here and playing Pink Floyd "The Division Bell" as the first music it gets to play.
      1. HotRatSalad, Merrick and Azimuth like this.
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      3. HotRatSalad
        I've done this so much with DSOTM I don't even listen to it anymore haha... speaking of floyd what do you think of the 2019 "dry" mix of delicate sound of thunder ?
        Sep 25, 2020
      4. Merrick
        Looking forward to your impressions of the amp.
        Sep 25, 2020
      5. Hammy
        I'm embarrassed to say that I don't yet have the 2019 remix releases. So I haven't listened to that "dry" mix yet. I'll get a round tuit. I have a lot of Floyd and Floyd covers. But not everything.
        Sep 25, 2020
        HotRatSalad likes this.
    16. Hammy
      The ETA for the Liquid Gold X has changed from 09/10/20 to 09/15/20. It didn't change by 30+ days. So maybe it's getting closer to shipping.
      1. sheldaze, penguins and Inoculator like this.
      2. Ruined
      3. Hammy
        I'm excited the LG X is finally available. I'd have already ordered one but I'm thinking of waiting a week or so till the smoke clears a bit in the Portland area. I don't want the shipping and delivery people out working in this smoke just to get me an amp sooner.
        Sep 14, 2020
    17. Hammy
      I picked the wrong day to not log in here until late evening. Otherwise I'd have a Liquid Crimson on its way to me.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hammy
        I'm happy you got it. Don't have any guilt. I got lucky and was able to buy a Liquid Glass by being online here early in the morning when one came up for sale. It's only fair that others get lucky too.
        Sep 6, 2020
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Hammy
        I already have a Fire and Glass so I'm doing fine. Very fine. My desire for a Crimson would be to get me to buy an LCD-4. The Fire loses its balls and sounds more angelic (relatively) as the headphone impedance goes up. Not ideal for the LCD-4. The Crimson and Glass don't have that problem. The Platinum doesn't either.
        Sep 6, 2020
        penguins likes this.
      4. Huhnkopf
        Damn, I want a LG too. Very hard to come by for 230 Volters.
        Sep 7, 2020
    18. Hammy
      Just got a 2nd Liquid Platinum. Two is silly, but this isn't about being sane. Now to get a cap upgrade done on one of them.
      1. MLegend, Lyander and Merrick like this.
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      3. MLegend
        Uh...I wasn't aware that was an issue. I haven't seen any reports of the power brick dying.
        Aug 17, 2020
      4. Hammy
        Not a current issue I'm aware of. I'm playing the long game. I want this amp sound to still work in 10 years. 5 or 10 years from now I may not be able to get the right spec replacement power supply for this amp. $484 is inexpensive insurance. Heck, I'll spend that on tubes for the amp over 10 years.
        Aug 17, 2020
      5. Hammy
        One thing I should mention is that I already own a Liquid Fire and Liquid Glass. The LP is not my primary amp. When I want to indulge I listen to the LF or LG. I consider the LP to be my transportable amp and second system amp. It's a lower tier than the LF and LG and I don't expect the cap mod to change that. I still find the LP worthwhile to listen to even when I've got the LF and LG two feet away.
        Aug 17, 2020
        MLegend likes this.
    19. Hammy
      My collection isn't focused on a style or genre. A mix of classical, jazz, experimental, electronic, stoner, drone, metal, jams, whatever.
      1. Case
        Any drone recommendations?
        Jul 4, 2020
        julia boker likes this.
      2. Hammy
        Most of the drone music I listen to is in the doom metal, drone metal, drone doom, or stoner genres. I like the power and slow flow of the bass drones. Bands like Sunn O))), Sleep, Earth, Om. There are also other styles of drone like Bass Communion (Steven Wilson) that can venture into drone styles. I need to explore some of the electronic drone style music. I've heard some pipe organ music get into drone.
        Jul 5, 2020
        Case likes this.
      3. Hammy
        Jul 5, 2020
        Case likes this.
    20. Hammy
      1. YMO, gaspasser and Jinxy245 like this.
      2. Hammy
        My collection isn't focused on a style or genre. A mix of classical, jazz, experimental, electronic, stoner, drone, metal, jams, whatever catches my interest at the time.
        Jul 3, 2020
      3. Hammy
        A pleasant surprise on Bandcamp is finding out that what I bought ends up being in high-res or better than 16/44.1
        Jul 3, 2020
      4. Hammy
        Jul 4, 2020
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    Oregon, USA