Comments on Profile Post by HotRatSalad

  1. HotRatSalad
    I long for nothing, I have a Jot 2 I love, Reacquired a Liquid Platinum cuz it totally slays with Cherry Atticus. Piety as well which is the best little amp you could wish for...
    Sep 8, 2023
  2. HotRatSalad
    But still deep inside there's the longing and NEED to get an MJ3. It just keeps rearing it's ugly head. From within MJ3 ! MJ3 ! MJ3 ! like a chant.
    Sep 8, 2023
  3. joch
    Dude, you’re asking the wrong crowd. Just give in and get the MJ3. You don’t need it. But you can’t deny your destiny.
    Sep 8, 2023
  4. Claritas
    @HotRatSalad You're asking the right crowd. From what you're telling us, you *do* need an intervention. This is good. Let's start with: What's your *one* reference headphone-amp combination? The answer should be obvious to you. If not, the problem is a little harder, but don't worry. So, what's your *one*? (My *one* is: LAu X, Paradox. The amp is whatever sounds best to me with Paradox.)
    Sep 9, 2023
  5. HotRatSalad
    @Claritas I guess if I could only keep one amp and one headphone, DNA Sonett2 and my just acquired JAR650. However I've found having some different amps and headphones in the lineup keeps things fresh and more exciting.
    Sep 9, 2023
  6. RestoredSparda
    Buy one!
    Sep 9, 2023
    HotRatSalad likes this.
  7. loadexfa
    Perhaps set a limit on the total number of amps you're "allowed" to own? I've been doing that for a bit and it helps. So, sure, you can buy the MJ3. Listen for a bit, see if it is really what you "needed". Then, you'll have to either send back the MJ3 or sell something.
    Sep 9, 2023
  8. loadexfa
    Sep 9, 2023
  9. HotRatSalad
    I always have about 4 head phone amps, not counting qudelix 5k I guess. It's not a question of budget or having to sell something to fund an MJ3. I think all the amps I have are special in one way or another so they all stay! I just have a headphone amp fetish for real. Not completely unrelated but I do not have any substance addictions.
    Sep 9, 2023
    Cryptowolf and loadexfa like this.
  10. loadexfa
    I don't have any substance addictions either (though I did smoke over 20 years ago) but they really aren't much different from behavioral addictions in terms of the function they serve. Even ignoring the audio hobby, I think A LOT of people are unaware of having addiction challenges.
    Sep 9, 2023
    RestoredSparda and HotRatSalad like this.
  11. HotRatSalad
    I actually do smoke cigs now that you mention it. Definitely see the correlation you're pointing out as well. I'm listening DNA Sonett2 and JAR650 and I don't give a shit about MJ3 I did just have a smoke though !
    Sep 9, 2023
    loadexfa likes this.
  12. loadexfa
    I understand what you mean about budget, I was more speaking to letting the collection blow up just because everything sounds good. I've found reducing clutter and the amount of stuff I collect is also rewarding once I get over "but I enjoy all of it!"
    Sep 9, 2023
    RestoredSparda and HotRatSalad like this.
  13. Armaegis
    The true answer is to get both and use one as a preamp to feed the other and see which way has the most synergy. Duh!
    Sep 9, 2023
    RestoredSparda and HotRatSalad like this.
  14. Claritas
    Keep only the Sonnet 2, because everything sounds great with it, and the Jot 2, because you love it. Sell off *all* the headphones you don't find yourself not using *regularly* with either of those amps. Stick with what's left for a couple of years. And you're cured. 5¢ psychiatric help is 62¢ with inflation. Peace of mind for 62¢. Who would turn that down?
    Sep 9, 2023
  15. Northwest
    I understand the feeling. I have a Sonnet 2 as well and reading all the impressions on the MJ3 is tempting me to get one.
    Sep 9, 2023
    HotRatSalad and RestoredSparda like this.
  16. jowls
    I think someone has a WTB up for Sonett2. Just saying.
    Sep 9, 2023
    MellowVelo likes this.
  17. HotRatSalad
    Good luck, I don't think I'd ever sell sonett2 even if I got MJ3 or even starlett.
    Sep 10, 2023
    RestoredSparda likes this.