I once treated a guy who lost some scrotum hair while sitting on a marlin board. He lost a testicle too. Not entirely lost though - hanging on by his vas deferens. Like a squashed grape. I like to think that the sperm that spilled out of his ruptured epididymus were eaten by the fish he had been trying to spear and that they in turn utilised the nourishment to produce their own eggs. Circle of life and all that.
1. I post that you're all socially inept. 2. I respond to jackoff47 with a socially inept reply. 3. I react obviously childishly to douchefunk's reply. 4. I make up a story about a hair loss accident and call df a racist...
Anyone who didn't get that that was all a joke is a f'ing moron. I'm looking at you.
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