Verum: Doing The Right Thing

Discussion in 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' started by Ryanr1987, Jul 17, 2020.

  1. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    To clarify one point I made about the place he is living in contributing to his behaviour: living in a figurative void makes it harder to go off and be a different person more in line with modern values, things that most people on here (hopefully!) see as right. @k4rstar I'd say knows way more about Ukranian life than I do so will defer to his view, but speaking as someone who thinks that the face their own country presents to the world differs a fair bit from the one it shows its citizens... yeah it could just be that the swiftly-stifled misanthropic undercurrent of those post-Soviet forums frequented might account for a larger group of people than is represented there.

    Yes with the posts coming to light here and on Reddit there is a definite maliciousness to his person besides his taking racism as a matter of fact (i.e. the exercise of casual racism) and that's f'ing disgusting; I agree that he needs to not be the way he is right now if he wants to get customers that don't support idiocy and bigotry. The only downside to this is that it's a surface-level fix, and deeply-held beliefs that manifest in microaggressions etc may perpetuate, especially if many like-minded people exist in their circles.
  2. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    I'm back now because I've posted some content.

    I won't sugar coat it, from a tone and timbre POV, I prefer the Verum than any of the above, although different use cases. Can't take that away despite everything else.

    That's what sucks. Hardly being self-righteous dicks here. It's more SMH / gosh darnit / we gave you a chance why did you have to blow it? Face-palm and sadness is what I feel. Also anger, that is anyone wanna out yourself as a racist? Please make my day. @zerodeefex and I would love to permaban you.

    The systematic execution of the Jews happened in WW2 not because of anger or hate. It happened because of willful ignorance. General Eisenhower sure didn't buy that "we didn't know" bullshit when he stumbled upon the death camps. Told those townsfolk: Here's some shovels. You fricking bury these corpses properly.
  3. papafarewall

    papafarewall New

    Jul 18, 2020
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    What did I do to deserve a parmaban? I tried to offer a different view point for those asking why the conflicting behaviour. I don't agree or condone with actions, I just don't give a f**k about what some ukranian guy said online or who he offended and tried to tone down the bandwagon hate. There are people undergoing forced sterilisation and organ harvesting right now, 100K would be better sent to Yemen or Tibet where starvation is prevalent not some movement in a first world country. Imagine being one of those people waiting to be shipped.

    Thanks Lyander, yeah I enjoyed your posts too, it's a shame I have to go this way and so close to release, I don't get why it must be binary, and because I'm not on the dislike train and voiced an opinion I must be a hater myself. In the past we had poles for all of us to decide on a ban. It's like the lawyer got the same punishment.

    Thanks everyone, met some really great people in the four years of this community and I think 99% of you are great.
    Any payments sent for the XLR to RCA box will be refunded and the ultimate 1K OTL kit amp project will remain just a one off.

    Don't believe the hype and trust your ears only.
    M17XR2B out
  4. TheIceman93

    TheIceman93 El pato-zorro

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Disgusting behavior from @Garuspik. I would feel gross even giving away a pair of V1's after reading his racist Discord comments and his flippant death threats to @Gaspasser. I heard rumors of highly inappropriate comments from him a while back but I'm glad this is now out in the open. He has no place in our community. Good riddance.

    Not trying to ruffle any feathers but if we are suggesting that he donate $$$ to an African American advocacy organization to atone for his sins, I would suggest he give money to the NAACP instead of BLM. Blatant antisemitism peddled by some BLM leaders has been well documented for years and I don't think it should be ignored.
  5. Lyander

    Lyander Official SBAF Equitable Empathizer

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    @papafarewall One thing at a time.

    The world is various shades of brown and green shitstains right now and that's horrifying, but while it should definitely be known that what's going on in Tibet is inhuman and sickening, that people in the Philippines who display mild COVID symptoms can be abruptly escorted to isolation camps that I cannot find it in myself to speak badly about because of a new "anti-terror" law recently passed that could be interpreted as stifling of free speech ( and, that South Africa has a problem with murders and general tensions between races as a result of just a massive crapfest post-apartheid (, or that the border between North and South Korea is looking close to burning, but that doesn't mean this is a problem that isn't also worth directing attention to especially because it seems more soluble an issue unlike China & Tibet/the Philippines/S. Africa/N. & S. Korea/the entire God-forsaken rest of the world.

    We could stand to talk more about the other problems but it's overwhelming and unlike Garu being a racist isn't as easily remediable. There is a massive element of "whataboutism" to your earlier posts, which is bollocks— a different person's pain doesn't invalidate another's, so to imply as much is NOT right.

    I understand the ban because there does seem to be loads of consternation over your posts (as I can only assume there often is for my walls of text— promise this is the last one), but wish you peace regardless. May the DIYing and modding HD650s to be painfully aggressive (;)) turn out well.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2020
  6. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    You just couldn't stay away after you were given your original two week ban (which by @zerodeefex standards that's f'ing generous). You aren't smart enough I guess to figure out if you try to go around your banned account with a "burn" account, you are getting a perma.

    You should know this already. I personally don't have respect for those who are trying to get around their punishments.
  7. Ryanr1987

    Ryanr1987 Facebook Friend

    Nov 28, 2015
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    I know the feeling, I've sold my Verums and I even feel guilty for selling them, I did sale them almost half price however. I see it as they're a great set of phones and if someone can't afford the high prices of an LCD-2F it's a nice phone so the user doesn't miss out. The new owner is a grown adult so what they want to do with it after all this is their choice really but I won't be supporting Garuspik, not after this, a few post back I was hoping that he makes amends but after some thought, if that is truly his beliefs, you can't change who you are and it would be false apologies; so f**k him.
  8. wadec22

    wadec22 Almost "Made"

    Sep 28, 2018
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    I love that this is a place of community above all else and respect the actions taken by the mods.

    I have not tried the Sundara or the Panda, but I have to respectfully disagree putting the 4XX and LCD 1 as viable alternatives. I found neither to be anywhere near the class of the headphone lost here. I also think the LCD 1 should be closer to the price of the 4XX.
  9. Ryanr1987

    Ryanr1987 Facebook Friend

    Nov 28, 2015
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    I do agree, despite the owner being an arsehole the headphone was fantastic regardless of price. The next best thing would really be something like an LCD-2C with vegan pads or Dekoni as there's not really anything else in-between. Dynamic wise obviously the HD650 but it's one of those phones that doesn't show it's potential on budget rigs.

    The Sundara was alright but it's more in line with something like the K712 in my opinion. The LCD-1 I thought sounded too lean, metallic, it just wasn't enjoyable at all I actually thought the PM-3 sounded nicer.
  10. Azimuth

    Azimuth FKA rtaylor76, Friend

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    Let's put this into perspective...

    Had Gaspu said these things publicly while working for another company, he would have been fired so fast.

    And of you are going to sell your products on the world stage, you have to at least be tolerant of others across the globe. It's true the internet has made the world smaller and as technology spreads, it will continue to get smaller.

    I was on the fence about Verums and did not have the funds on the initial buy. It is just all an unfortunate situation. Just like the NASCAR driver who said the N word in a game communications and now he's out and racing dirt cars.
  11. nishan99

    nishan99 Friend

    Dec 1, 2019
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    I agree.
    This is not an incident where someone is angry, drunk, stressed… etc. He has been like this for over a year on the internet.

    I would not believe any apologies from him, he has proven himself to be dishonest and shameless before. He will apologize just for the sake of his business $$$.
  12. insidious meme

    insidious meme Ambivalent Kumquat

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    You come across as someone who would condone the dude's toxic behavior on the internet because the rest of the world has dug bigger shit holes than he has. You were banned as much for that as well as what others have mentioned. Personally, this would be the wrong hill I would die for if I were to rage against the world's atrocities.

    And as @zerodeefex said, we should be a bit more informed on what choices we do make regarding products we buy.
  13. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    ^ This.

    Again, I'm not mad or anything. Just sad. Sad to see you go after all this time. One thing to understand is to never ever double-down when the admins are pissed. How many people have been banned and made examples of in this sub-forum because of doubling-down after a warning?

    I've said this before, this site (and what came before) is an extension of the personalities behind it - and even this changes over time. People come, people go. It's no secret that @zerodeefex has been on sort of an activist streak lately. Actually, he's always been. I'm a bit older and more circumspect, more willing to let things be as they are, less willing to rock the boat. This however doesn't mean I won't tacitly support his decisions by doing absolutely nothing to reverse them.

    It's a very sensitive time right now. If the humanists want to take this window of opportunity to cleanse the world of assholes, then good. I won't be at the forefront. I'll be the old guy with a smile sweeping the streets after the fun is over.

    • I don't know if you are aware; but you came off as an apologist for racists at best, and a co-racist at worst. This is my understanding of why you were perma-banned.
    • As far as the shit that goes down China, I think we already have somewhat of an anti Chi-Fi bias because of the things you've mentioned. We've got our bases covered. SBAF takes way way more of stand here than any other audio site. Imagine what would happen to a vendor if we found out that they also sold surveillance gear to monitor the Uighur region or HK. In any event, mentioning the horrible things that China is doing seems like a deflection of the issue at hand. I've got family in Taiwan and friends in Hong Kong. China issues hit me harder than you.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2020
  14. Deep Funk

    Deep Funk Deep thoughts - Friend

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    Time for some silliness.

    P.S. If you are Hungarian, sorry you need more Monty Python.
  15. shotgunshane

    shotgunshane Floridian Falcon

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    Apologizing for or defending racism is an incredibly dumb hill to die on and m17xr2b chose this hill. Yeah there is a lot of terrible shit in this world, but when something like this is directly in our face, it’s an easy decision to do something about it. In fact, shame on us if we don’t. The issue with Garuspik makes me angry because he took advantage of our good will here. The issue with m17xr2b makes me angrier that he would defend the indefensible and then double down on it.
  16. Dzerh

    Dzerh Friend

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    - our other ex-Soviet friend can be target of xenophobia for people with Garupsik attitude.
  17. zerolinglezmarcaz

    zerolinglezmarcaz New

    Jul 18, 2020
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    I wanted to show the other side, the insane savage side, show how the murderer thinks I never intended to be apologists for him or his behaviour, merely to try and show the reasoning. I'm sorry for anyone who took it wrong, I've never had talent for writing my thoughts.

    My sincere apologies for any females here as the following is male to male oriented.
    Big man, writing to a banned account that can't reply or fight back. SBAF shouldn't be able to quote banned accounts so keyboard justice warriors as yourself can't feel superior.

    Never my intend to defend, you guys just can't empathise because you never lived it, again I've never taken the cause of the verum owner. Still...I'm happy to die on this hill because
    For all the reasons I've seen SBAF suck on other forums you have been the number one reason. I was willing to accept my punishment yet this post is major league ignorant.
    @zerodeefex expects a person living in a country that has been recently military attached by a superpower to pay the equivalent average salary of 58 years to be redeem for hurting the feelings of the top superpower in the world. f**k you and f**k this simplistic view of the world.
    Couldn't sleep at all the other night due to loosing my most beloved audio forum yet this type of first world thinking I can't take even if it breaks me mentally.

    Fair enough, yet people are banned after posting something that our mighty admin doesn't agree with. If I would have known his views I'd never had registered on this website. Please have a sticky of morals and values so no one will waste years of sharing only to be banned for the moods of the mighty admin. Even if this changes, update it so people know.

    I know, and the vast majority won't try to explain what first world people can't understand because they haven't lived it. It makes you humble, I'm trying to understand what other less fortunate people are struggle with.

    I don't care for this website now due to requesting funds from less fortunate country residents. I want to go away for good but please:
    - have a mod replace all my posts with thank you
    - unban my main account so I can replace all post myself with thank you then parmaban. I don't want to share my opinions and impressions with this type of volatile forum owners.

    Stop quoting banned accounts, if you can't say the same face to face don't say it on the web.

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2020
  18. YMO

    YMO Chief Fun Officer

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    Dude, step away from the keyboard. At least I don't hack up my DNA amp to stupid levels.
  19. purr1n

    purr1n Desire for betterer is endless.

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    Just walk away and let things settle. Now is not a good time.
  20. insidious meme

    insidious meme Ambivalent Kumquat

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    Now you're coming across as the person who can't let it go. Most people here are just making their points and moving on.

    Seriously, go do something fun. End of the day, this is just a board on the internet, and shouldn't affect your life as much as your post ban posts seem to bring up.

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