Deep Funk
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May 14, 2024
Sep 27, 2015
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Deep Funk

Deep thoughts - Friend, Male, from Amsterdam


If you want to know about Amsterdam and NL, well I am too tired to care these days. Too many issues, too many idiots. Finally enough sleep. May 13, 2024

Deep Funk was last seen:
May 14, 2024
    1. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Resumed studies again. It feels good to sense that you can still learn or improve something. Full-time job and studies, sort of doable...
      1. Kunlun, recarcar, FlySweep and 3 others like this.
    2. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Listened to Prince's "Bat Dance." Now I must have that soundtrack. Eclectic, tight, groovy and inventive.
      1. Merrick likes this.
      2. Merrick
        "Batdance" is easily the weakest track on the Batman soundtrack (not to attack "Batdance", but rather to talk up the rest of the record). I was actually stunned by how good it was. It's much funkier than The Black Album, probably his funkiest record since 1999. I used to think his classic run ended after Lovesexy, but now I'm including Batman with that.

        Sadly, his classic run definitely ends with Graffiti Bridge.
        May 4, 2016
        Deep Funk likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Are you converting me the becoming a Prince fan? The use of "F-words", this is the word "Funk" is certainly helping. @Gravity already made me listen to JB again. I feel like collecting music again...
        May 5, 2016
      4. Merrick
        Yes, I'm preaching the Gospel of Funk and Prince is my Prophet!
        May 5, 2016
        Deep Funk likes this.
    3. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Last night: manager says A, customer says B, I get confused they get mad at me. I detest those split second situations...
      1. Smitty, MrTie, lm4der and 1 other person like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Smitty
        People wonder why I sound depressed during the morning Scrum meeting, it's because I get situations like this every day. I feel your frustration, bro.
        May 1, 2016
        Deep Funk likes this.
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        I taught myself this: it can always be worse. Find a solution or compromise, move on and adapt to implicit communications so you can make them explicit when necessary. Frustration and damage control are inevitable. Good thing there is coffee.
        May 2, 2016
        Smitty likes this.
      5. lm4der
        Coffee is proof that not all in life is suffering.
        May 2, 2016
        Deep Funk, Smitty and brencho like this.
    4. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Just upgraded my RAM. Daft Punk is playing...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jowls
        "Instant crush”. "Oh yeah”, there is definitely "Something about us”... I’m “Burnin’”. “Technologic” “Emotion” is difficult "Around the world”. We should go "Beyond" this "Digital love" and make "Contact" "Face to face”.
        Apr 28, 2016
        Deep Funk likes this.
      3. jowls
        Alright, I'm done ;)
        Apr 28, 2016
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Their Daft Punk is "Da Funk" indeed.
        Apr 28, 2016
    5. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Was too tired for anything. Then I woke up. Time for coffee and Metal to start the day...
      1. Koth Ganesh
        Koth Ganesh
        Funk, how is your hearing these days? Seems like non-stop metal (and coffee) :)
        Apr 25, 2016
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Most days I have little energy left for music. My week contains more silence and noise than actual music. My hearing is fine as I avoid the loud venues. Metal tends to wake me up more than other genres, that is all.
        Apr 27, 2016
    6. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Missing some Prince albums. New music on the way. Prog had Zappa, Pop had Prince...
    7. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Gave away my old turntable. I loved vinyl but I prefer digital in the future. It is in good hands...
      1. Azteca, Altrunox and MoatsArt like this.
      2. lm4der
        Wow, that sounds like high treason. Everyone is singing the praises of vinyl.
        Apr 18, 2016
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        I value space and convenience. I want to keep my audio system relatively small. I include my music collection and vinyl takes too much space...
        Apr 18, 2016
        lm4der likes this.
      4. Azteca
        Ain't no wrong way to enjoy music. Do what brings you joy. Vinyl is certainly a burden if you aren't getting any use out of it and space is limited.
        Apr 19, 2016
    8. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Listening to Soul again. I miss Sly & The Family Stone. Such a fun band...
      1. FlySweep likes this.
    9. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      It is strange how the noun "Anaxilus" leads to "oh no!" Is he Godzilla or something? If so, go Japan and shout "Gojira, Gojira, Gojira!"
      1. lm4der and Griffon like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kunlun
        Is gojirmike posting somewhere else?

        Googling Anaxilus gets me the related search suggestion "anaxilus banned"...
        Apr 14, 2016
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        If we can mention Emperor Jude but not him something is off. I shall drop this topic. Call him "Zilla" if you have to. Japan banned "Zilla 98" to the realm of bad fish jokes. "Zilla 98" was a disgrace...
        Apr 14, 2016
      5. lm4der
        Oh, was that post from Joh serious? I took that as a joke...
        Apr 14, 2016
        Kunlun likes this.
    10. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      First time listening to Radiohead: "I do not get it." Now years later: "modern Prog with hints of 10cc and King Crimson." This is good...
      1. Cryptowolf, Impulse, MrTie and 2 others like this.
      2. chakku
        *hear The Bends* "Oh, nothing special" *hear Paranoid Android and Idioteque* "Oh my"
        Apr 6, 2016
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        I must buy all their albums now. I slept better after the album ended and my mind was finally able to focus again. It is a Prog thing...
        Apr 7, 2016
    11. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Sometimes a song makes you smile, dance and then cry. It grows on you. Janelle Monae - "Queen," 21st century funky diva...
    12. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Writing an essay, ctrl-s, coffee and Daft Punk because words are wordy and this hobby is fun. This essay is one I enjoy writing a lot...
      1. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Roses need shit to grow. Appreciate the shit.
        Mar 31, 2016
        MoatsArt likes this.
    13. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      I am exhausted, just had a coffee and a Japanese soundtrack makes me feel alive again. Japanese sound design is out of this f'ing world...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BioniclePhile
        What movie was it?
        Mar 27, 2016
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Ghost In The Shell Innocence...
        Mar 27, 2016
      4. BioniclePhile
        I dunno if I liked that one as much. The original movie has a fantastic soundtrack though. Miyazaki films have some fantastic music as well, but you can definitely tell when Hisaishi reuses themes in his music. Akira's also got an awesome soundtrack! I can't find it anywhere for a reasonable price though.
        Mar 28, 2016
    14. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Coffee, HD600 and Dream Theater live recording = a very good morning. Good morning fellow pyrates!
      1. Mikoss and Cryptowolf like this.
      2. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Have fun hunting those pesky chocolate egg hiding rabbits. Keep a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch with you.
        Mar 25, 2016
        MoatsArt likes this.
    15. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      HD600 in, Daft Punk's "RAM" plays with track "Giorgo By Moroder" and I am happy. Timbre is spot on. Rich midrange. f**k yeah!
      1. Merrick, SKiring, lm4der and 8 others like this.
      2. JoshMorr
        I also use Giorgo as a test track. Gives you a little bit of everything as long as you aren't in a rush
        Mar 24, 2016
        Deep Funk likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        When that guitar solo comes in, oh yeah!
        Mar 24, 2016
      4. firev1
        fav track from the album!
        Mar 24, 2016
        Deep Funk likes this.
    16. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      "Thrills That Come Along With The Landing Of A Flying Saucer," it is a real song title. I am happy DeWolff makes music...
      1. sphinxvc and lm4der like this.
      2. sphinxvc
        what a dope track
        Mar 23, 2016
    17. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Some joys are beyond explanation. I love being a Metal head sometimes...
      1. lm4der and SoupRKnowva like this.
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      3. lm4der
        Uh, is that song... _that_ song?! Walla walla bing or whatever? Yeah, now that has a heavy groove.
        Mar 22, 2016
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        De Staat "Witch Doctor," it has become a favourite of mine...
        Mar 22, 2016
        lm4der likes this.
      5. lm4der
        Wow. De Staat... was not on my radar. Really wild. The video for that song is amazing too.
        Mar 22, 2016
        Deep Funk likes this.
    18. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Rebuilding a basic listening set-up again. Life is becoming better...
      1. lm4der and Darsus like this.
      2. imackler
        Are you just waiting for someone to ask? :)
        Mar 17, 2016
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Once the HD600 is in I am going the post the photos anyway. After that I will need your advice on Schiit amplifiers. I am tired of bad news so sometimes I feel like sharing good news. An HD600 is good news.
        Mar 17, 2016
        Darsus and imackler like this.
    19. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Waited for a train, saw "The Big Short" and I had to read it. (Mis)Management of value is fascinating.
      1. Smitty likes this.
    20. Deep Funk
      Deep Funk
      Dream Theater + Orchestra = f'ing awesome. I am skipping the albums for the live recordings...
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  • About

    Home Page:
    Gear List:
    HD600 + Vali 2, PortaPro + Fulla 2, Siemens Halske tubes, CD-player, Tidal on PC or Tidal on phone.
    I am a passionately curious person.

    Sometimes I need coffee and sleep.

    Coffee is important...


    "What ever will bewilder me..."