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Grado Hemp qualifies for the worst headphone I have heard in my life and the most regrettable purchase as well. Avoid. Aug 19, 2020

Artasia was last seen:
Jan 9, 2024
    1. Artasia
      Grado Hemp qualifies for the worst headphone I have heard in my life and the most regrettable purchase as well. Avoid.
      1. skem, Cryptowolf, purr1n and 10 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. purr1n
        Please post in the thread and explain. You wouldn't be hurting any feelings and may be saving some folks money.
        Aug 19, 2020
        Cryptowolf, Artasia, obsiCO and 11 others like this.
      4. YMO
        Post in the Hemp thread, lets not avoid drive-bys. I'm curious on your thoughts.
        Aug 19, 2020
        Artasia likes this.
      5. Artasia
        Sorry for the delay in responding. Life has been very busy recently with start of a new semester/moving, etc. I will write up a post for the official thread. I should say I loved the RS2 and 225, so it's not anything against Grados per se. I wonder if I got a defective headphone.
        Aug 22, 2020
        Lyander likes this.
    2. Artasia
      If an item is sent to me and is damaged, is it fair to expect the seller to pay for return shipping for repair/replacement?
      1. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        In what condition was the item sold and sent to you? Confirm that first. It makes a difference.
        Jun 21, 2020
        penguins likes this.
      2. Sqveak
        Was the parcel registered & insured or sent by the minimal cost option? Who chose the postage method?
        Jun 21, 2020
        Deep Funk likes this.
      3. Artasia
        It's being taken care of. But as is implied in your comments, context matters. Yes, the seller registered the entire package for insurance. The damaged item was an included part of an amp sold as new. Thanks for your replies.
        Jun 21, 2020
        Sqveak likes this.
    3. Artasia
      ECP DSHA-3F to Utopia (via Silver Draug) from Sonic Frontiers SFD-1 MK 2 is one of the best synergies I have heard. Thank you Doug.
    4. Artasia
      Eddie Current ZDS & Utopia sustains attention despite inebriation. Since 2016 on this pairing.
      1. jexby, FlySweep, cskippy and 8 others like this.
    5. Artasia
      LCD2C is seriously f'ing good.
      1. Jerry, A1Gear, Lasollor and 1 other person like this.
      2. Koth Ganesh
        Koth Ganesh
        Just got it delivered. It is very good.
        Dec 29, 2017
        Artasia and A1Gear like this.
      3. A1Gear
        @Artasia @Koth Ganesh
        Whenever you fellas get a chance: could you, please, try wearing them for a couple of (or several) hours [for like: movies/music/tv, etc] to see if they <still> feel comfy after a bit of use?

        As I'm very curious if the comfort level decreases w/ long usage sessions or if y'all ears get kinda hot from the leather pads, or if it weights down too much over time (like my old LCD3 did). Thanks! :D
        Dec 29, 2017
        Artasia likes this.
      4. Artasia
        Comfort is very good actually. I did have one several hour session in which they seemed to do really welll. The new suspension system is clever. Sometimes, I can feel the clamp of the pads and need to readjust. I'd say they are less comfortable than HD600/HD800 and slightly more comfortable than Utopia.
        Dec 30, 2017
        A1Gear likes this.
    6. Artasia
      @brencho Sorry for the delayed PM reply, man. Had an accident that affected my vision, thus limiting my screen time beyond cursory reading.
      1. brencho likes this.
      2. brencho
        No worries my friend! Figured you were busy but not unwell! Hope you get fixed up real soon. I once had a scar on my eye from a piece of rat skull. Long story.
        Apr 15, 2017
    7. Artasia
      ZDS/Utopia pairing is absolutely thrilling.
      1. bazelio, Case, Torq and 4 others like this.
      2. Huxleigh
        Jealous. :) Wonder how the HD 600 and Sonett 2 would acquit itself by comparison.
        Jan 26, 2017
      3. bazelio
        Jan 26, 2017
        Artasia likes this.
      4. Artasia
        @Huxleigh Probably favorably. I would really appreciate the opportunity to hear the Sonnet 2.
        Jan 27, 2017
    8. Artasia
      Do I finally buy zX2 for Andros (currently using iphone) or Lynx card for AES input to Yggdrasil (currently using USB)? Really hard decision.
      1. Cakecake likes this.
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      3. Huxleigh
        Speaking as someone who struggled with a ZX-2 purchase, I can tell you unequivocally that it is a dramatic step up over the iPhone with the Andro. The improvement is not subtle. And the device is a pleasure to use. Can't comment on the benefits of a good AES interface, but a new gadget to play with sure seems like it'd be a lot more fun as purchases go.
        Jan 11, 2017
        Artasia likes this.
      4. brencho
        Do whatever you spend more time with. Both awesome. Ultimately you'll probably do both anyway :) if I had a zds and Yggdrasil I'd want a lynx with that ASAP.
        Jan 11, 2017
        Koth Ganesh, Artasia and Yeskey like this.
      5. Artasia
        I kept getting an error for my longer reply. In a word, thank you for your well-reasoned arguments. The cogency of each position explains why this decision is so complex.
        Jan 12, 2017
    9. Artasia
      Shit happens.
      1. brencho
        seriously. today, a hummingbird dropped from high up in a eucalyptus onto a chair next to me while i was having a coffee this afternoon. i hope it survives the night.
        Nov 30, 2016
        Wfojas likes this.
      2. ultrabike
        Hope all is well. And if not, hope things get much better.
        Nov 30, 2016
        Wfojas, Mikoss and MoatsArt like this.
      3. MisterRogers
        Yes, it does.
        Nov 30, 2016
        Huxleigh likes this.
    10. Artasia
      Those in Chicago area, consider attending Lyric Opera's production of Wagner's Das Rheingold, which is now playing through October.
      1. OJneg, aufmerksam, Cryptowolf and 3 others like this.
      2. mrweirdude
        Can you send a link? I am interested in attending.
        Oct 6, 2016
        Artasia likes this.
      3. OJneg
        Thanks for the heads up. Not a big opera guy but I'd be interested in checking out the facility.
        Oct 6, 2016
        Artasia likes this.
      4. Artasia
    11. Artasia
      Inspired by Marv's shot of Duran Duran's Rio LP in the Utopia thread, I tried my chances with Tidal's version --compressed, lifeless, shit.
      1. Artasia
        Completely unlistenable, and since I want to listen to this album tonight, I am a bit bummed.
        Aug 26, 2016
      2. brencho
        Interesting! Is this true for tidal more generally? haven't really tried tidal, but have been using Spotify, which I'm assuming would suffer similar criticism,unless it's record dependent or something
        Aug 26, 2016
    12. Artasia
      Purplehearts are absolutely outstanding. Very much worth the wait since March. Driving them with ZDS and @MisterRogers The Wire atm. CTH inc
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Huxleigh
        Well, at least that's a fairly easily correctable issue. Much harder to deal with the weight of inadequately balanced wooden cups. If I find myself in the market to buy a closed can in near future, this'll be at the top of my list. Seriously dig the color.
        Aug 18, 2016
      3. MisterRogers
        That's gonna look great next to the Purple Heart Pavane DAC :-)
        Aug 19, 2016
        Artasia likes this.
      4. philipmorgan
        Mine (finally) arrived today. At first blush, me likey. They seem easy to wear for hours at a stretch. Already packing my Alpha Dogs for sale...
        Aug 20, 2016
        Artasia likes this.
    13. Artasia
      Reluctantly had to pass on Jon's lovely Pavane. I am DAC-less like @FlySweep. Gungnir Multibit sold and Yggdrasil inbound. Andromedas keep me company.
      1. FlySweep likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Artasia
        It is not. Used less than 10 hours. I am very happy to have the opportunity to own the Yggdrasil. My heart and soul were set on your Pavane, however.
        Jul 31, 2016
      4. FlySweep
        Congrats on the Yggdrasil. I wanna hear how the CTH scales with it! Anything you didn't like about the Gungnir Multibit or are you just ready to move up?
        Jul 31, 2016
        Artasia likes this.
      5. Artasia
        Thank you. I will let you know. I still use the CTH almost daily (as my morning routine/coffee amp) despite owning more expensive amps.

        I loved the Gungnir Multibit very much but always wanted to try the Yggdrasil and, more recently, the Pavane.
        Jul 31, 2016
        FlySweep likes this.
    14. Artasia
      Transported to the Twilight Zone indeed--ZDS has altered my perception of what is possible with the Senns and my music collection.
      1. Vent, brencho, FlySweep and 4 others like this.
    15. Artasia
      Girlfriend likes HE-6 via Bryston 2B over ZDS with HD650/HD800 (modded). Ohhgourami would be proud...
      1. Jokko, drfindley, Ishcabible and 4 others like this.
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      3. Artasia
        May 27, 2016
        Riotvan likes this.
      4. purr1n
        Maybe she can be Ohhgourami's girlfriend?
        May 27, 2016
      5. Artasia
        Or MisterRogers. She now prefers his build of the CTH over all of them.
        May 27, 2016
    16. Artasia
      Godfucking damnit. The ZDS is sitting in two boxes right behind me as I work on the final touches of this project.
      1. SpaceLaser and Deep Funk like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Artasia
        No idea about that episode but thanks for your commiseration. Feels bad man...
        May 24, 2016
      4. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        May 24, 2016
      5. Artasia
        Everything's hooked up now. This is by far the best I've heard the HD650s. Will post impressions hopefully this weekend.
        May 25, 2016
        RKML0007 and Jokko like this.
    17. Artasia
      Kinda considering whether to perform a hype-fi-style open-box ceremony when ZDS arrives tomorrow.
      1. dllmsch, Deep Funk, FlySweep and 4 others like this.
      2. JK47
        DO IT !!!
        May 23, 2016
    18. Artasia
      Belkin PF60 is f'ing gigantic.
    19. Artasia
      Mutec 3+USB inbound. Not a painless purchase, to say the least. Blue Jeans BNC cable it is...
      1. Artasia
        : lots of back and forth between devil on the left, angel (devil) on the right. Thanks to Hands, Bixby, Luckbad, and MisterRogers for siding with the devil (angel), pushing me over the edge. If no noticeable improvement, will definitely be selling for a nice discount to SBAF friends.
        May 3, 2016
        FlySweep likes this.
    20. Artasia
      Listening to Mahler's Symphony No.2 via CD>Gungnir Multibit>CTH> SD and cork-modded HD800. Really nice to read the album info and focus on the music.
      1. Deep Funk, OJneg and Griffon like this.
      2. Claritas
        Which Mahler's 2d? Plenty of good ones...
        Apr 29, 2016
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