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Resident Crash Test Dummy, Male, from Eindhoven


Struggling with my tonearm/cart oscillating on a blank record. No amount of VTF/antiskating adjustment seems to help.. Mar 11, 2023

JayC was last seen:
Feb 4, 2025
    1. JayC
      Landed a job, but it isnt exactly what I'm looking for. As a fresh graduate, should I take it and move later if I'm still not digging it?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        I also vote *take the job*
        Sep 28, 2017
        JayC likes this.
      3. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Go for it. Finish it in style with recommendations and a reference and stay at least for a year. If they offer you opportunities to become better at your job (training, courses etcetera) go for it. Even if it is not the best job, it is a good start...
        Sep 28, 2017
        JayC likes this.
      4. JayC
        They're going to call me on Monday to talk about the contract (explain a few things, answer any questions i might have) and then I'll go ahead and sign it.

        I'm also going to tape up sheets saying "save money first, spend on audio/other random things second" all around my room for the first year.

        Thanks again, all of you.
        Sep 28, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom, zonto and Deep Funk like this.
    2. JayC
      Bought a Creek 4240 amp for my speakers, turns up with the right channel not working :/
      1. JayC
        When i turn the balance knob all the way to the right channel, the left channel fully fades out and the right suddenly goes on with some distortion.. Could it be a bad balance pot?
        Aug 25, 2017
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Did you sort out this problem?
        Sep 29, 2017
      3. JayC
        Well, the amp started working properly after half an hour, then died completely 15 minutes later. Turns out the output transistors died along with the fuses and some other stuff. Luckily it had been serviced recently and that service had a warranty so it was fixed free of charge.
        Sep 29, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    3. JayC
      Things change, for better or worse. SBAF has grown significantly and thats good. shutting it down puts Head-Fi and co. in full power
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        One forum I frequent is apply-for-membership (I got in before that, of course ;) ). And yes, people are queueing up to join; trying, trying, and trying again.

        Even then... who knows what they will post when they actually join.
        Aug 16, 2017
        JayC likes this.
      3. zonto
        Marvey is banned now?
        Aug 16, 2017
      4. Dino
        Aug 16, 2017
    4. JayC
      spent hours with a shitty soldering iron to complete modding my TC750, thought I did an amazing job.. Plugged it in and it doesnt turn on :|
      1. Yeskey, PoochZag, gaspasser and 2 others like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. DigMe
        Aug 14, 2017
        JayC likes this.
      4. JayC
        I'm hoping its just a bad connection at either the bypassed diode or the bypassed power switch. gonna find a multimeter to check. Got my fingers and toes crossed!
        Aug 14, 2017
      5. JayC
        Aug 16, 2017
        gaspasser likes this.
    5. JayC
      Anyone have experience with Cyrus amps? Specifically the Smartpower?
      1. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Old Cyrus integrated amps. Long time back, a 3i made me feel like I had been listening to distortion rather than music with my previous amp. I still have that amp, but have a Integrated 6VS2 on the desktop. The speakers are poor by comparison: it does not get to show itself off. I actually use the headphone out. This cut-back, simplified system is good enough for my hearing (almost: I'd like better speakers.)
        Aug 9, 2017
        JayC and Kunlun like this.
      2. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        So, my impression of Cyrus, over the years, is good but I know nothing of recent kit.

        Beware of one thing: they really want your brand loyalty, and all that stuff is made to work and look together. But if you *wanted* to do that, well... I wouldn't mind!
        Aug 9, 2017
      3. JayC
        Haha, I will be mixing and matching. Not sure what preamp I will use yet, but I wanted to move towards a separate pre/power amp setup and this could be my first entry into that space. Just wanted to make sure the Cyrus Smartpower is worth as a first step into this space
        Aug 10, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
    6. JayC
      A little bit too excited to wait and make a proper post about this, but im loving the extra soundstage on the Orion + spiral dot M!
      1. Yeskey and philipmorgan like this.
      2. Yeskey
        Certainly fits a lot better than the standard tips that's for sure.
        Aug 5, 2017
      3. DigMe
        I wish they made Spiral Dots in a Westone size.
        Aug 5, 2017
    7. JayC
      Ordered a set of Spiral Dot M tips and they didnt turn up for months.. Turned up today and I see why: http://imgur.com/aaKj7B1
      1. Griffon, DigMe and Dino like this.
      2. DigMe
        Oh wow... that stinks.
        Aug 5, 2017
      3. imackler
        Did you have to pay customs? At that price, you might as well have gotten customs!
        Aug 5, 2017
        JayC likes this.
      4. JayC
        Thankfully not. I was looking around to see if the postman was still hanging around waiting for me to open my mailbox and open the package so that he could slap a bill on me, but no. Somehow the office in Frankfurt realized the mistake and marked it free of customs charges.

        Dont know how, but I'm curious cause its unopened!
        Aug 5, 2017
    8. JayC
      Nothing beats a completely spotless/fingerprintless/dustless freshly cleaned glossy computer screen
      1. Deep Funk and Abhishek Chowdhary like this.
      2. Azteca
        An oily mandala
        Jul 31, 2017
    9. JayC
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JayC
        @zonto yeah, i'd like to do that - theres a lot for me to pick up and learn from a discussion like this. But it seems that there is no main Yggdrasil thread, or its buried someplace?
        Jul 17, 2017
      3. landroni
        Maybe the 'Stereophile on Yggdrasil' one would be a more appropriate place. This reddit thread seems to go hand in hand with 'obsolete' and assorted claims...
        Jul 17, 2017
      4. zonto
        Jul 17, 2017
    10. JayC
      Most frustrating thing after moving for the 3rd time this year? Finding out this room is even worse acoustically than the previous one
    11. JayC
      So this what the dark side feels like! I can feel such immense power flowing through my veins! *dislikes random post*
      1. Deep Funk
        Deep Funk
        Just do not go George Lucas on things that do not need fixing to then sell everything to Disney. Be like Han Solo and do your own thing...
        Jun 8, 2017
        JayC likes this.
    12. JayC
      I'm happy to be limited by money and having to move thrice more - makes me not look at new stuff. I'm really enjoying just listening!
      1. Garns likes this.
    13. JayC
      Eq-ed my speakers after doing measurements. Happy with the result considering I'm in a 14sq m room (positively better audibly as well).
      1. JayC
        Before/after: http://imgur.com/pJm0FyZ

        I'd love to hear opinions and advice! Room treatment is pending, will be done when I stop moving (3 more moves this year!)
        Apr 2, 2017
        Jokko and philipmorgan like this.
    14. JayC
      Snap, crackle, pop nirvana
      1. zonto
        Eating a bowl of Rice Krispies?
        Mar 27, 2017
        JayC likes this.
      2. DigMe
        Listening to some vinyl?
        Mar 27, 2017
        JayC, Case and Thad E Ginathom like this.
      3. JayC
        @DigMe - yes! It's a really new experience for me and it's amazing how a technology so old is still kicking so much ass
        Mar 27, 2017
        DigMe likes this.
    15. JayC
      Got hit by a speeding car earlier today, no broken bones but I'm under observation for 24 hours
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JayC
        @Thad E Ginathom it would probably be interesting to tell you right now that i am indian, just studying in Europe :) We've got potential!
        Mar 3, 2017
        Thad E Ginathom likes this.
      3. Thad E Ginathom
        Thad E Ginathom
        Great! I'm actually English, but settled in India for past 12 years.
        *Detest* the bullbars! lol.
        Mar 3, 2017
        JayC likes this.
      4. spwath
        Mar 4, 2017
        JayC likes this.
    16. JayC
      1. TRex, ultrabike, Dino and 1 other person like this.
      2. Case
        There's also the "Epiphany after 6D22S rectifier rectal insertion" thread.
        Feb 13, 2017
        JayC likes this.
      3. JayC
        Haha! I havent seen that one, but here's another interesting one where the guy asks what Chuck Norris would use for a HiFi system: http://www.hifi-forum.de/viewthread-323-24.html

        Best response: "Chuck Norris doesnt need a subwoofer. He farts in time with the music"
        Feb 13, 2017
        Case likes this.
      4. HitmanFluffy
        Germans and bizarre sexual experiences. No surprises here.
        Feb 13, 2017
    17. JayC
      Tried listening to random (shitty) sources to appreciate better what i have. It worked. Never plugging my orions into the lab PC ever again.
      1. dark_energy and OJneg like this.
    18. Yeskey
      Alright I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
      1. JayC likes this.
      2. JayC
        hahah! I love that gif too, I need to save a few of these so I dont have to google them when I need to use one
        Jan 19, 2017
    19. JayC
      Its amazing when a company has great products and then top it off with even better customer service. CA ftw!
      1. Merrick and DigMe like this.
      2. Lightbulb Sun
        Lightbulb Sun
        Indeed, they have been super responsive!
        Jan 10, 2017
      3. JayC
        Not just responsive, I had a little issue (B stock item had more B-stockness to it than I expected) and they really didnt even hesitate to make me a completely happy customer.. Immediately offered a refund or an exhange pair. And sent it express delivery overseas. They didnt have to, but they did.
        Jan 10, 2017
        Cryptowolf likes this.
    20. JayC
      "need" versus "want". its a never ending battle
      1. Deep Funk and Merrick like this.
      2. PoochZag
        Lol. I try to remind myself that everything in personal audio is "want". "Need" doesn't really exist, sans a specific exception like a headset for your job... Etc
        Jan 8, 2017
        JayC likes this.
      3. Vansen
        Put a spin on it: "I need those headphones so I don't get noise complaints for playing the speakers." :P
        Jan 8, 2017
        JayC likes this.
      4. JayC
        Haha @Vansen, I used that exact line of reasoning already. Started with "oh i need IEMs for when I'm at the university working". Then, "ah I need speakers for my room so i dont have anything on/in my ears". Recently it was "I need headphones so I dont disturb my neighbours in the night" (not that anyone ever complained)
        Jan 8, 2017
        Vansen likes this.
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  • About

    Gear List:
    Portable: Shuoer S12

    Couch: Saga -> Vidar -> Graham LS6f

    Digital: Pi2AES -> Modi MB -> "Couch"
    Vinyl: Clearaudio Concept w/ Nagaoka MP110 -> Darlington MP-7 -> "Couch"