Comments on Profile Post by Zed Bopp

  1. tommytakis
    what really hit me hard was seeing the quarantined fire fighters playing cards like normal, healthy-looking couple of dudes one day and turning into zombie looking corpses shortly after... radiation poisoning is a lot serious than I ever imagined it to be.
    Jul 10, 2019
    obsiCO, Lyander, Richgard and 2 others like this.
  2. Mithrandir41
    I wish they had omitted the communicable radiation poisoning storyline. That just doesn't happen.
    Jul 10, 2019
    Lyander and Thad E Ginathom like this.
  3. dubharmonic
    The podcast is also good for additional details and backstory.
    Jul 10, 2019
    Zed Bopp likes this.
  4. Zed Bopp
    Zed Bopp
    I remember talk here in Finland of maybe contaminated livestock and possible strong winds bringing this to our shores... As an adult that would've freaked the shit out of me. And it could've even been so much worse.
    Jul 10, 2019
    Thad E Ginathom likes this.
  5. netforce
    We have learned, radiation doesn't give you cool super powers but makes you super sick and you die a horrible death.

    Also how inept the Soviet Union was. The podcast was a great listen, one also learns how terribly run the place was.
    Jul 10, 2019
  6. JK47
    3 Mile Island...
    Jul 10, 2019
  7. Zed Bopp
    Zed Bopp
    It also seems a citizens life was worth nothing when it came to Soviet state interests, just like during WWII (26mil. soviets dead). USSR lasting that long seems weird now.
    Jul 10, 2019
  8. JK47
    ^good point (although the Germans contributed greatly to that arguable 26 million body count), and how many more after WWII were done in by Communists?
    Jul 10, 2019
  9. Zed Bopp
    Zed Bopp
    Soviet people were stuck between Stalin, who didn't give a shit about them and Hitler who just plain wanted them wiped off the earth. Can't think of a worse time and a place to live in than that.
    Jul 10, 2019
    Deep Funk likes this.
  10. Zed Bopp
    Zed Bopp
    But of course, Soviet state turned that war into the greatest (propaganda) victory of all time and managed to sell it to the people.
    Jul 10, 2019
  11. JK47
    Uhhhh, speaking from first hand accounts from family, you are slightly off in your assessment.
    Jul 10, 2019
  12. Zed Bopp
    Zed Bopp
    Oh, ok. I understand my POV is from someone looking at this from a different place and time. And to clarify, I was talking mostly about Germany's "eastern front" being a horrific place to be in.
    Jul 10, 2019
  13. JK47
    As Germany moved East, they did not leave much behind them, there was NO MERCY.
    Jul 10, 2019
    Zed Bopp likes this.
  14. Ringingears
    As someone who was 30 at the time, yeah it scared the shit out of us. It was my first year as a teacher and I had students bursting into tears thinking we were all going to die of radiation poisoning. We were in NorCal. What I remember is the delay in telling the world. Radioactive milk showed up in stores in Sweden I think. It was mostly consumed by the time they checked.
    Jul 10, 2019
    obsiCO likes this.